perturbations = NULL,
weights = NULL,
carnivalOptions = defaultLpSolveCarnivalOptions()
(optional, if inverse CARNIVAL flavour is used further) vector of targets of perturbations.
vector of the measurements (i.e. DoRothEA/VIPER normalised enrichment scores)
data frame of the prior knowledge network
(optional) vector of the additional weights: e.g. PROGENy pathway scores or measured protein activities.
the list of options for the run. See defaultLpSolveCarnivalOptions(), defaultCplexCarnivalOptions, defaultCbcCarnivalOptions.
paths to .lp file and .RData file that can be used for runFromLpCarnival()
Prepares the input data for the run: tranforms data into lp file and .Rdata file. These files can be reused to run CARNIVAL without preprocessing step using runCarnivalFromLp(..)
load(file = system.file("toy_perturbations_ex1.RData",
load(file = system.file("toy_measurements_ex1.RData",
load(file = system.file("toy_network_ex1.RData",
## lpSolve
#res1 = generateLpFileCarnival(perturbations = toy_perturbations_ex1,
# measurements = toy_measurements_ex1,
# priorKnowledgeNetwork = toy_network_ex1,
# carnivalOptions = defaultLpSolveCarnivalOptions())
#res1["lpFile"] ##path to generated lp file
#res1["parsedDataFile"] ##path to data file used during generation
## Examples for cbc and cplex are commented out because these solvers are not part of R environment
## and need to be installed separately
## cbc
## res2 = generateLpFileCarnival(perturbations = toy_perturbations_ex1,
## measurements = toy_measurements_ex1,
## priorKnowledgeNetwork = toy_network_ex1,
## carnivalOptions = defaultCbcCarnivalOptions())
## res2["lpFile"] ##path to generated lp file
## res2["parsedDataFile"] ##path to data file used during generation
## cplex
## res3 = generateLpFileCarnival(perturbations = toy_perturbations_ex1,
## measurements = toy_measurements_ex1,
## priorKnowledgeNetwork = toy_network_ex1,
## carnivalOptions = defaultCplexCarnivalOptions())
## res3["lpFile"] ##path to generated lp file
## res3["parsedDataFile"] ##path to data file used during generation