Prune a network by upstream and downstream nodes

prune_network(network, upstream_nodes, downstream_nodes)



A dataframe with three columns: source, target, and sign.


A character vector of upstream node names.


A character vector of downstream node names.


A dataframe of the pruned network with three columns: source, target, and sign.


This function takes a network in dataframe format with three columns (source, target, and interaction), a set of upstream nodes, and a set of downstream nodes. It returns a pruned network containing only nodes that can be reached downstream of the upstream set of nodes and upstream of the downstream set of nodes.


# Sample network data
network_data <- data.frame(
  source = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
  target = c("B", "C", "C", "D", "E", "F", "F"),
  interaction = c(1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1)

# Upstream and downstream node sets
upstream_nodes <- c("A", "B")
downstream_nodes <- c("E", "F")

# Prune the network
pruned_network <- prune_network(network_data, upstream_nodes, downstream_nodes)
#>   source target interaction
#> 1      A      B           1
#> 2      A      C          -1
#> 3      B      C           1
#> 4      B      D          -1
#> 5      C      E           1
#> 6      D      F           1
#> 7      E      F          -1