Filter lowly expressed genes from pseudobulk profiles
Filter lowly expressed genes from pseudobulk profiles using edgeR
- pb_dat_list
List of SummarizedExperiment generated from
- min.count
Numeric, minimum counts per sample to be considered. Check
for details.- min.prop
Numeric, minimum proportion of samples containing the minimum counts. Check
for details.
A named list of SummarizedExperiments per cell type provided with filtered pseudobulk profiles
This function wraps edgeR::filterByExpr()
to be applied to lists of SummarizedExperiments.It assumes
that all samples are part of the same group.
inputs_dir <- base::system.file("extdata", package = "MOFAcellulaR")
load(file.path(inputs_dir, "testpbcounts.rda"))
load(file.path(inputs_dir, "testcoldata.rda"))
pb_obj <- create_init_exp(counts = testpbcounts,
coldata = testcoldata)
ct_list <- filt_profiles(pb_dat = pb_obj,
cts = c("Fib","CM"),
ncells = 5,
counts_col = "cell_counts",
ct_col = "cell_type")
ct_list <- filt_gex_byexpr(pb_dat_list = ct_list,
min.count = 5,
min.prop = 0.25)
#> Warning: All samples appear to belong to the same group.
#> Warning: All samples appear to belong to the same group.