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Load a built in database


load_db(key, param = list())



Character: the key of the database to load. For a list of available keys see omnipath_show_db.


List: override the defaults or pass further parameters to the database loader function. See the loader functions and their default parameters in omnipath_show_db.


Returns NULL.


This function loads a database which is stored within the package namespace until its expiry. The loaded database is accessible by get_db and the loading process is typically initiated by get_db, not by the users directly.


#> # A tibble: 23 × 10
#>    name    last_used           lifetime package loader loader_param latest_param
#>    <chr>   <dttm>                 <dbl> <chr>   <chr>  <list>       <list>      
#>  1 Gene O… 2024-04-07 17:01:07      300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <named list>
#>  2 Gene O… NA                       300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <lgl [1]>   
#>  3 Gene O… NA                       300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <lgl [1]>   
#>  4 Gene O… NA                       300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <lgl [1]>   
#>  5 Gene O… 2024-04-07 17:05:01      300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <named list>
#>  6 Gene O… NA                       300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <lgl [1]>   
#>  7 Gene O… NA                       300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <lgl [1]>   
#>  8 Gene O… NA                       300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <lgl [1]>   
#>  9 Gene O… NA                       300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <lgl [1]>   
#> 10 Gene O… NA                       300 Omnipa… go_on… <named list> <lgl [1]>   
#> # ℹ 13 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: loaded <lgl>, db <list>, key <chr>