Source code for cache_manager._cache

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

from typing import Any
import os
import re
import shutil
import sqlite3
import datetime
import functools as ft
import collections

from pypath_common import _misc
import platformdirs

from cache_manager._item import CacheItem
from cache_manager._status import Status
from cache_manager._session import _log
import cache_manager.utils as _utils
from . import _data
from ._lock import Lock

ATTR_TYPES = ['varchar', 'int', 'datetime', 'float']

    'str': 'VARCHAR',
    'int': 'INT',
    'float': 'FLOAT',
    'datetime': 'DATETIME',

[docs]class Cache: """ Cache manager class, stores and manages the information in the registry database as well as the files in the cache directory. Args: path: Explicit path to set the cache in. Overrides the `pkg` keyword argument. Optional, defaults to `None`. pkg: Package/module name the cache is used on. This sets the cache directory in a folder located in the OS default cache directory. Attrs: con: Current connection to the SQL database, an instance of `sqlite3.Connection`. cur: Current cursor of the SQL database, an instance of `sqlite3.Cursor`. path: Path to the current cache registry. dir: The directory of the cache. free_space: Amount of free space available in the cache (in bytes). """ def __init__(self, path: str | None = None, pkg: str | None = None): self.con, self.cur = None, None self._fields = {} self._set_path(path=path, pkg=pkg) self._ensure_sqlite() def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, 'con'): _log(f'Closing SQLite database path: {self.path}') self.con.close() def __len__(self): self._ensure_sqlite() return self.cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main').fetchone()[0] @property def free_space(self) -> int: """ Calculates the available free space in the cache directory. Returns: The available space in bytes. """ total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(self.dir) return free
[docs] def autoclean(self): """ Keeps only ready/in writing items and for each item the best version and deletes anything else in the cache registry. """ _log('Auto cleaning cache.') items = collections.defaultdict(set) best = dict() for it in self.contents().values(): if (item := it['item']): items[item.key].add(item) best = { key: _misc.first([ it for it in sorted(its, key=lambda x: x.version)[::-1] if it._status in {Status.READY.value, Status.WRITE.value} ]) for key, its in items.items() } to_remove = [ it for k, v in items.items() for it in v - _misc.to_set(best.get(k, [])) ] _log(f'Deleting {len(to_remove)} records.') self._delete_records(to_remove) self.clean_disk() _log('Auto clean complete.')
[docs] def best( self, uri: str, params: dict | None = None, status: int | set[int] | None = Status.READY.value, newer_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, older_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, ) -> CacheItem | None: """ Searches for the best (latest) version of an item in the cache registry. Args: uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. status: Integer (or set of) defining the valid status of the item to be searched. Optional, defaults to `3` (READY status). newer_than: Date the times are required to be newer than. Optional, defaults to `None`. older_than: Date the times are required to be older than. Optional, defaults to `None`. Returns: The `CacheItem` instance corresponding to the latest version of it. Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> cache.create('foo') CacheItem[foo V:1 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache.create('foo') CacheItem[foo V:2 UNINITIALIZED] >>>'foo', status=0) CacheItem[foo V:2 UNINITIALIZED] """ status = _misc.to_set(status) items = uri=uri, params=params, status=status, newer_than=newer_than, older_than=older_than, ) # TODO: Consider also date items = sorted(items, key=lambda it: it.version) if items: _log(f'Best matching version: {items[-1].version}') return items[-1] _log('No version found matching criteria')
[docs] def best_or_new( self, uri: str, params: dict | None = None, status: int | set[int] | None = Status.READY.value, newer_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, older_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, attrs: dict | None = None, ext: str | None = None, label: str | None = None, new_status: int = Status.WRITE.value, filename: str | None = None, ) -> CacheItem: """ Searches for the best version of an item (i.e. last version). If such item could not be found, it creates a new one. Args: uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. status: Integer (or set of) defining the valid status of the item to be searched. Optional, defaults to `3` (READY status). newer_than: Date the times are required to be newer than. Optional, defaults to `None`. older_than: Date the times are required to be older than. Optional, defaults to `None`. attrs: Attributes of the item to be searched or created as dictionary of key-value pairs corresponding to the name and value of the attributes. Optional, defaults to `None`. ext: Extension of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. Currently not implemented. label: Label for the item (e.g. type, group, category...). Optional, defaults to `None`. new_status: Integer defining the new status to be set in the case a new item is created. Optional, defaults to `1` (WRITE status). filename: Name of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. Returns: The `CacheItem` instance of the best or new item according to the provided attributes. Examples: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> cache.create('foo') CacheItem[foo V:1 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache.create('foo') CacheItem[foo V:2 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache.best_or_new('foo', status=0) CacheItem[foo V:2 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache.best_or_new('bar') CacheItem[bar V:1 WRITE] """ args = locals() args.pop('self') args['status'] = args.pop('new_status') args.pop('newer_than') args.pop('older_than') with Lock(self.con): item = uri=uri, params=params, status=status, newer_than=newer_than, older_than=older_than, ) if not item: item = self.create(**args) return item
[docs] def by_attrs(self, attrs: dict) -> set[int]: """ Searches entries in the registry based on their attributes (stored in the differen type-based attribute tables). Args: attrs: Attributes and corresponding values of the items to search for. By default, the different attributes in the search must be satisfied. This is, items that fulfill all the attribute-value pairs, will be included in the search result. In case one wants the results of the search to just fulfill at least one term, it must include the following key-value pair in the argument: `'__and': False`. See example below. Returns: Set of keys corresponding to the elements in the registry with the searched attributes. Examples: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> cache.create('foo1', attrs={'bar': 1, 'baz': 2}) CacheItem[foo1 V:1 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache.create('foo2', attrs={'bar': 1, 'baz': 5}) CacheItem[foo2 V:1 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache.by_attrs({'bar': 1, 'baz': 5}) {2} >>> cache.by_attrs({'bar': 1, 'baz': 5, '__and': False}) {1, 2} """ _log(f'Searching by attributes: {attrs}') result = [] op = set.intersection if attrs.pop('__and', True) else set.union attrs = _utils.parse_attr_search(attrs) for atype, queries in attrs.items(): for query in queries: self._execute(f'SELECT id FROM attr_{atype} WHERE {query}') aux = self.cur.fetchall() result.append({item[0] for item in aux}) return op(*result) if result else set()
[docs] def by_key(self, key: str, version: int) -> CacheItem: """ Searches a single item by its key and version number. Args: key: The key of the item to be fetched. version: The specific version of the item to be retrieved. Returns: The `CacheItem` instance of the item searched (if any). Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> it = cache.create('foo') >>> it.key '31d0e534960b07c0bde745c17b05eaba' >>> cache.by_key('31d0e534960b07c0bde745c17b05eaba', 1) CacheItem[foo V:1 UNINITIALIZED] """ _log(f'Looking up key: {key}') return _misc.first(, version=version))
[docs] def clean_db(self): """ Removes records from the database registry that do not have the corresponding file on the cache disk directory. """ _log('Cleaning cache database: removing records without file on disk.') items = { item for it in self.contents().values() if (item := it['item']) and not os.path.exists(it['item'].path) } _log(f'Deleting {len(items)} records.') self._delete_records(items) _log('Cleaning cache database complete.')
[docs] def clean_disk(self): """ Deletes files from the disk cache directory if they don't have any record in the database registry. """ _log('Cleaning disk: removing items without DB record.') fnames = { os.path.join(self.dir, fname) for item in self.contents().values() if (fname := item['disk_fname']) and not item.get('status', False) } _log(f'Deleting {len(fnames)} files.') for file in fnames: _log(f'Deleting from disk: `{file}`.') os.remove(file) _log('Cleaning disk complete.')
[docs] def contents(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, int | str | CacheItem]]: """ Generates a collection of all the items in the database registry and files in the cache directory on the disk. Returns: Dictionary where keys correspond to each item's `version_id` and values to dictionary with some of the item's attributes, namely: `status` (current status of the item as integer), `fname` (file name as stored in the cache database), `last_read` (date where the item was last accessed), `read_count` (number of times the item has been accessed), `item` (the instance of the `CacheItem` itself), `disk_fname` (file name as stored in the cache directory on the disk). Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> cache.create('foo') CacheItem[foo V:1 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache.contents() {'31d0e534960b07c0bde745c17b05eaba-1': {'status': 0, 'fname': '31d0\ e534960b07c0bde745c17b05eaba-1', 'last_read': None, 'read_count': 0\ , 'item': CacheItem[foo V:1 UNINITIALIZED], 'disk_fname': None}} """ disk = { fname for fname in os.listdir(self.dir) if (m :='[\dabcdef]{32}-\d+', fname)) } db = { it.version_id: { 'status': it._status, 'fname': it.cache_fname, 'last_read': it.last_read, 'read_count': it.read_count, 'item': it, } for it in = True) } return { vid: dict(**db.get(vid, {}), disk_fname = disk.get(vid, None)) for vid in set(disk.keys()) | set(db.keys()) }
[docs] def create( self, uri: str, params: dict | None = None, attrs: dict | None = None, status: int = Status.UNINITIALIZED.value, ext: str | None = None, label: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, ) -> CacheItem: """ Creates a new entry in the registry. Args: uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. attrs: Extra attributes associated to the item. Keys are the attribute names and values their content. These attributes will be stored in the attribute tables according to their data type automatically. Optional, defaults to `None`. status: Status of the new item. Optional, defaults to `0`. ext: Extension of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None` (automatically extracted from the file name). label: Label for the item (e.g. type, group, category...). Optional, defaults to `None`. filename: Name of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None` (automatically set). Returns: The newly created `CacheItem` instance. Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> cache.create('foo') CacheItem[31d0e534960b07c0bde745c17b05eaba V:1 UNINITIALIZED] """ self._ensure_sqlite() _log(f'CREATE {uri}') args = locals() args.pop('self') param_str = _utils.serialize(args) _log(f'Creating new version for item {param_str}') with Lock(self.con): _log(f'Looking up existing versions of item `{uri}`') items = uri=uri, params=params, ) last_version = max((i.version for i in items), default = 0) if last_version == 0: _log('No existing version found.') else: _log(f'Latest version: `{last_version}`') new = uri, params, attrs=attrs, version=last_version + 1, date=_utils.parse_time(), status=status, ext=ext, label=label, cache=self, ) _log(f'Next version: {new.key}-{new.version}') self._execute(f''' INSERT INTO main ( item_id, version_id, version, status, file_name, label, date, ext, last_read, last_search, read_count, search_count ) VALUES ( {self._quotes(new.key)}, "{new.key}-{new.version}", {new.version}, {new._status}, {self._quotes(new.filename)}, {self._quotes(new.label)}, {self._quotes(}, {self._quotes(new.ext)}, NULL, {self._quotes(}, 0, 0 ) ''') q = f'SELECT id FROM main WHERE version_id = "{new.version_id}"' self._execute(q) key = self.cur.fetchone()[0] new._id = key for actual_typ in ATTR_TYPES: _log(f'Creating attributes in attr_{actual_typ}') useattrs = { k: v for k, v in new.attrs.items() if self._sqlite_type(v) == actual_typ.upper() } if not useattrs: continue main_fields = self._table_fields() values = ', '.join( f'({key}, "{k}", {self._quotes(v, actual_typ)})' for k, v in useattrs.items() if k not in main_fields ) q = ( f'INSERT INTO attr_{actual_typ} ( id, name, value ) ' f'VALUES {values}' ) self._execute(q) _log(f'Successfully created: {new.version_id}') _log('END CREATE') return new
[docs] def does_it_fit(self, size: int) -> bool: """ Checks whether a given size is lower than the current available space. Args: size: Integer corresponding to the size to be checked (in bytes). Returns: Whether the requested space is available. """ return size <= self.free_space
# TODO: Should method below include a call to `does_it_fit`?
[docs] def move_in( self, path: str, uri: str | None = None, params: dict | None = None, attrs: dict | None = None, status: int = Status.WRITE.value, ext: str | None = None, label: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, ) -> CacheItem: """ Copies a file into the cache directory and creates the corresponding cache item registry. Args: path: Current/original path of the file that has to be moved into the cache. uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. Optional, defaults to `None`. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. attrs: Extra attributes associated to the item. Keys are the attribute names and values their content. These attributes will be stored in the attribute tables according to their data type automatically. Optional, defaults to `None`. status: Status of the new item. Optional, defaults to `1`. ext: Extension of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None` (automatically extracted from the file name). label: Label for the item (e.g. type, group, category...). Optional, defaults to `None`. filename: Name of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None` (automatically set). Returns: The newly created `CacheItem` instance. """ args = locals() args.pop('self') args.pop('path') uri = uri or os.path.basename(path) item = self.create(**args) _log(f'Copying `{path}` to `{item.path}`.') shutil.copy(path, item.path) return item
[docs] def reload(self): """ Reloads the cache_manager at the module level and reloads the current instance of `Cache` """ modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) import importlib as imp imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new)
# FIXME: attrs, ext and label are not used # TODO: Make it more safer later (avoid to delete everything accidentally)
[docs] def remove( self, uri: str | None = None, params: dict | None = None, version: int | set[int] | None = None, attrs: dict | None = None, status: int | None = None, ext: str | None = None, label: str | None = None, newer_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, older_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, key: str | None = None, disk: bool = False, keep_record: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Removes item(s) from the cache. The removal procedure will depend on the parameters `disk` and `keep_record`, see argument description below for specifics on their behavior. Args: uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. Optional, defaults to `None`. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. version: Integer defining the version of the item to update. Optional, defaults to `None`. attrs: Extra attributes associated to the item. Keys are the attribute names and values their content. Optional, defaults to `None`. Currently not implemented status: Integer defining the status of the item to update. Optional, defaults to `None`. ext: Extension of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. Currently not implemented. label: Label for the item (e.g. type, group, category...). Optional, defaults to `None`. Currently not implemented. newer_than: Date the times are required to be newer than. Optional, defaults to `None`. older_than: Date the times are required to be older than. Optional, defaults to `None`. key: Unique key name for the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. disk: Whether to also remove the files associated to the entry(ies) from disk too. Optional, defaults to `False`. keep_record: Whether to keep the record of the entry in the registry (marks the entry status as trashed, status = -1). Otherwise the entry is permanently deleted. Optional, `True` by default. Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> cache.create('foo') CacheItem[foo V:1 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache.remove(uri='foo') >>>'foo') [] """ with Lock(self.con): items = uri=uri, params=params, status=status, version=version, newer_than=newer_than, older_than=older_than, key=key, ) if not items: return where = ','.join(str(item._id) for item in items) where = f' WHERE id IN ({where})' new_status = Status.DELETED.value if disk else Status.TRASH.value q = f'UPDATE main SET status = {new_status} {where};' self._execute(q) if disk: self._delete_files(items) if not keep_record: self._delete_records(items)
[docs] def search( self, uri: str | None = None, params: dict | None = None, status: int | set[int] | None = None, version: int | set[int] | None = None, newer_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, older_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, ext: str | None = None, label: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, key: str | None = None, attrs: dict | None = None, include_removed: bool = False, ) -> list[CacheItem]: """ Looks up for items in the cache based on the passed parameter(s). Args: uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. Optional, defaults to `None`. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. status: Integer defining the status of the item to update. Optional, defaults to `None`. version: Integer defining the version of the item to update. Optional, defaults to `None`. newer_than: Date the times are required to be newer than. Optional, defaults to `None`. older_than: Date the times are required to be older than. Optional, defaults to `None`. ext: Extension of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. label: Label for the item (e.g. type, group, category...). Optional, defaults to `None`. filename: Name of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. key: Unique key name for the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. attrs: Search by attributes. A dict of attribute names and values. Operators can be included at the end of the names or in front of the values, forming a tuple of length 2 in the latter case. Multiple values can be provided as lists. By default the attribute search parameters are joined by AND, this can be overridden by including `"__and": False` in `attrs`. The types of the attributes will be inferred from the values, except if the values provided as their correct type, such as numeric types or `datetime`. Strings will be converted to dates only if prefixed with `"DATE:"`. Optional, defaults to `None`. include_removed: Whether to include items marked for removal (i.e. trashed, status = -1) in the search. Returns: List of `CacheItem` instances of the items fulfilling the search. terms. Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> it = cache.create('foo') >>>'foo) [CacheItem[foo V:1 UNINITIALIZED]] """ _log('SEARCH') args = locals() args.pop('self') param_str = _utils.serialize(args) _log(f'Searching cache: {param_str}') attrs = args.pop('attrs') or {} ids = self.by_attrs(attrs) where = self._where(**args) if attrs: where += f' AND IN ({",".join(str(i) for i in ids)})' results = {} with Lock(self.con): for actual_typ in ATTR_TYPES: q = ( 'SELECT * FROM main ' f'LEFT JOIN attr_{actual_typ} attr ON = ' f'{where}' ) self._execute(q) _log(f'Fetching results from attr_{actual_typ}') for row in self.cur.fetchall(): keys = ( tuple(self._table_fields().keys()) + ('_id', 'name', 'value') ) row = dict(zip(keys, row)) verid = row['version_id'] if verid not in results: _log(f'Found version: `{verid}`') results[verid] = CacheItem( key=row['item_id'], version=row['version'], status=row['status'], date=row['date'], filename=row['file_name'], ext=row['ext'], label=row['label'], _id=row['id'], last_read=row['last_read'], last_search=row['last_search'], read_count=row['read_count'], search_count=row['search_count'], cache=self, ) if row['name']: results[verid].attrs[row['name']] = row['value'] if results: ids = ','.join(str(item._id) for item in results.values()) update_q = ( 'UPDATE main SET ' 'last_search = DATETIME("now"), ' 'search_count = search_count + 1 ' f'WHERE id IN ({ids});' ) self._execute(update_q) _log(f'Retrieved {len(results)} results') _log('END SEARCH') return list(results.values())
# FIXME: attrs, ext and label are not used
[docs] def update( self, uri: str | None = None, params: dict | None = None, attrs: dict | None = None, status: int | None = None, version: int | None = None, ext: str | None = None, label: str | None = None, newer_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, older_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, key: str | None = None, update: dict | None = None, ): """ Updates one or more items. All arguments except `update` are used to search for the items to be updated. Args: uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. Optional, defaults to `None`. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. attrs: Extra attributes associated to the item. Keys are the attribute names and values their content. Optional, defaults to `None`. Currently not implemented status: Integer defining the status of the item to update. Optional, defaults to `None`. version: Integer defining the version of the item to update. Optional, defaults to `None`. ext: Extension of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. Currently not implemented. label: Label for the item (e.g. type, group, category...). Optional, defaults to `None`. Currently not implemented. newer_than: Date the times are required to be newer than. Optional, defaults to `None`. older_than: Date the times are required to be older than. Optional, defaults to `None`. key: Unique key name for the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. update: Dictionary containing the key-value pairs of fields/attributes and the new values respectively to be updated. Optional, defaults to `None`. Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> it = cache.create('foo', attrs={'bar': 123, 'baz': 456}) >>> it.attrs {'bar': 123, 'baz': 456, '_uri': 'foo'} >>> cache.update(uri='foo', update={'bar': 0}) >>> it ='foo')[0] >>> it.attrs {'_uri': 'foo', 'bar': 0, 'baz': 456} """ with Lock(self.con): items = uri=uri, params=params, status=status, version=version, newer_than=newer_than, older_than=older_than, key=key, ) update = update or {} main_fields = self._table_fields() main = ', '.join( f'{k} = {self._quotes(v, TYPES[type(v).__name__])}' for k, v in update.items() if k in main_fields ) # Updating elements in main table ids = [it._id for it in items] _log(f'Updating {len(ids)} items') where = f' WHERE id IN ({", ".join(map(str, ids))})' if main: q = f'UPDATE main SET {main}{where};' self._execute(q) # Updating elements in attribute tables for actual_typ in ATTR_TYPES: _log(f'Updating attributes in attr_{actual_typ}') for k, v in update.items(): typ = type(v).__name__ if k not in main_fields and typ == actual_typ: val = f'value = {self._quotes(v, TYPES[typ])}' name_where = where + f' AND name = {self._quotes(k)}' q = f'UPDATE attr_{actual_typ} SET {val} {name_where}' self._execute(q) _log(f'Finished updating attributes')
[docs] def update_status( self, uri: str | None = None, params: dict | None = None, version: int | None = -1, status: int = Status.READY.value, key: str | None = None, ): """ Updates the status of a given entry(ies) in the registry. All arguments other than `status` are used to identify/search the entry(ies) to update. Args: uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. Optional, defaults to `None`. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. version: Version number of the item(s). Optional, defaults to `None`. status: Integer defining the new status to be set. Optional, defaults to `3` (READY status). key: Unique identifier for the item (alphanumeric hash). Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('./') >>> it = cache.create('foo') >>> it.status 0 >>> cache.update_status(uri='foo') >>> it.status 3 """ self.update( uri=uri, params=params, version=version, update={'status': status}, key=key, )
ready = ft.partialmethod(update_status, status=Status.READY.value) failed = ft.partialmethod(update_status, status=Status.FAILED.value) def _accessed(self, item_id: int): """ Updates the 'last_read' and 'read_count' attributes of a given item to current date/time and +1 respectively. Args: item_id: Integer corresponding to the internal `CacheItem._id` attribute that has just been accessed. """ q = ( 'UPDATE main SET ' 'last_read = DATETIME("now"), read_count = read_count + 1 ' f'WHERE id = {item_id};' ) self._execute(q) def _create_schema(self): """ Initializes the SQL registry database and creates the main and attribute tables if not already existing. """ self._ensure_sqlite() _log(f'Initializing database') fields = ', '.join(f'{k} {v}' for k, v in self._table_fields().items()) _log(f'Ensuring main table exists') self._execute(f''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS main ( {fields} ) ''') for typ in ATTR_TYPES: _log(f'Ensuring attr_{typ} table exists') self._execute( ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS attr_{} ( id INT, name VARCHAR, value {}, FOREIGN KEY(id) REFERENCES main(id) ) '''.format(typ, typ.upper()), ) def _delete_files(self, items: list[int, CacheItem]): """ Permanently deletes the files from a given list of items in the cache from the disk. Args: items: List of items to be deleted, these can be either the `CacheItem` instances or an integer corresponding to the internal `CacheItem._id` attribute. """ for item in items: if os.path.exists(item.path): _log(f'Deleting from disk: `{item.path}`.') os.remove(item.path) def _delete_records(self, items: list[int, CacheItem]): """ Permanently deletes a given list of items from the cache registry. Args: items: List of items to be deleted, these can be either the `CacheItem` instances or an integer corresponding to the internal `CacheItem._id` attribute. """ with Lock(self.con): where = ','.join(str(getattr(i, '_id', i)) for i in items) where = f' WHERE id IN ({where})' _log(f'_delete_records: {len(items)} IDs to be deleted.') n_before = len(self) for actual_typ in ATTR_TYPES: attr_table = f'attr_{actual_typ}' _log(f'Deleting attributes from {attr_table}') q = f'DELETE FROM {attr_table} {where}' self._execute(q) q = f'DELETE FROM main' q += where self._execute(q) _log(f'Deleted {n_before - len(self)} records.') def _ensure_sqlite(self): """ Ensures the connection to the SQL database is open. """ if self.con is None: self._open_sqlite() def _execute(self, query: str): """ Executes a given SQL query in the database. Args: query: The SQL query string to execute in the database. """ query = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', query) _log(f'Executing query: {query}') self.cur.execute(query) self.con.commit() def _open_sqlite(self): """ Opens the cache registry (SQL database) connection. """ _log(f'Opening SQLite database: {self.path}') self.con = sqlite3.connect(self.path) self.cur = self.con.cursor() self._create_schema() def _set_path(self, path: str | None, pkg: str | None = None): """ Sets the path for the cache. It can either be a explicitly defined path or can take a module/package name and set the path to the OS default cache directory and create a cache folder under the package name. Args: path: Explicit path to set the cache in. Overrides the `pkg` keyword argument. Optional, defaults to `None`. pkg: Package/module name the cache is used on. This sets the cache directory in a folder located in the OS default cache directory. Example: >>> cache = cm.Cache('.') >>> cache._set_path(path='./test_cache') >>> cache.dir './test_cache' >>> cache.path './test_cache/cache.sqlite' """ if not path and not pkg: raise ValueError('Please provide a valid path or package name') path = path or platformdirs.user_cache_dir(pkg) if not os.path.exists(path): stem, ext = os.path.splitext(path) os.makedirs(stem if ext else path, exist_ok=True) if os.path.isdir(path): path = os.path.join(path, 'cache.sqlite') _log(f'Setting SQLite database path: {path}') self.path = path self.dir = os.path.dirname(self.path) def _table_fields(self, name: str = 'main') -> dict[str, str]: """ Retrieves the available fields in the main table (i.e. column names). Args: name: Name of the table from which to retreive the field names. Optional, defaults to `'main'` (currently only option). Returns: Dictionary containing the field names as keys and values correspond to the SQL data types and column specifications. Example: >>> cache = Cache('./') >>> cache._table_fields() OrderedDict([('id', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'), \ ('item_id', 'VARCHAR'), ('version_id', 'VARCHAR'), \ ('version', 'INT'), ('status', 'INT'), \ ('file_name', 'VARCHAR'), ('label', 'VARCHAR'), \ ('date', 'DATETIME'), ('ext', 'VARCHAR'), \ ('last_read', 'DATETIME'), ('last_search', 'DATETIME'), \ ('read_count', 'INT'), ('search_count', 'INT')]) """ # TODO: Make other tables available? if name not in self._fields: self._fields[name] = _data.load(f'{name}.yaml') return self._fields[name] @staticmethod def _quotes(string: str | None, typ: str = 'VARCHAR') -> str: """ Double-quotes strings to convert them to literals in SQL. Args: string: The string to be quoted. typ: Type of variable the string contains. Optional, defaults to `'VARCHAR'`. Returns: The resulting quoted string. Example: >>> cache = Cache('./') >>> cache._quotes('abc') '"abc"' """ if string is None: return 'NULL' typ = typ.upper() return f'"{string}"' if ( typ.startswith('VARCHAR') or typ.startswith('DATETIME') ) else string @staticmethod def _sqlite_type(obj: Any) -> str: """ Checks a given value for the type and gives corresponding SQL equivalent. Args: obj: The value to check the type for. Returns: The resulting SQL data type as a string. Examples: >>> cache = Cache('./') >>> cache._sqlite_type(123) 'INT' >>> cache._sqlite_type(1.25) 'FLOAT' >>> cache._sqlite_type('abc') 'VARCHAR' """ pytype = type(obj).__name__ return TYPES.get(pytype, None) @staticmethod def _typeof(value: Any) -> str: """ Checks a given value for the numerical type. Args: value: The variable to check for the type. Returns: The resulting type as a string in SQL format. `'INT'` if the value is an integer or `'FLOAT'` if its a floating point number. Examples: >>> cache = Cache('./') >>> cache._typeof(123) 'INT' >>> cache._typeof(9.01) 'FLOAT' >>> cache._typeof('123') 'INT' """ if ( isinstance(value, int) or (isinstance(value, str) and _misc.is_int(value)) ): return 'INT' elif ( isinstance(value, float) or (isinstance(value, str) and _misc.is_float(value)) ): return 'FLOAT' @staticmethod def _where( uri: str | None = None, params: dict | None = None, status: Status | set[int] | None = None, version: int | set[int] | None = None, newer_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, older_than: str | datetime.datetime | None = None, ext: str | None = None, label: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, key: str | None = None, include_removed: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Generates a SQL `WHERE` clause based on different parameters defined in the function arguments. Args: uri: Uniform Resource Identifier. Optional, defaults to `None`. params: Collection of parameters in dict format where key-value pairs correspond to parameter-value respectively. Optional, defaults to `None`. status: Status(es) of the item(s). Optional, defaults to `None`. version: Version(s) of the item(s). Optional, defaults to `None`. newer_than: Date the times are required to be newer than. Optional, defaults to `None`. older_than: Date the times are required to be older than. Optional, defaults to `None`. ext: Extension of the file associated to the item(s). Optional, defaults to `None`. label: Label for the item (e.g. type, group, category...). Optional, defaults to `None`. filename: Name of the file associated to the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. key: Unique key name for the item. Optional, defaults to `None`. include_removed: Whether to include item(s) marked for removal. Optional, defaults to `False`. Returns: The query string with the WHERE clause. Example: >>> cache = Cache('./') >>> cache.create('test_entry') CacheItem[test_entry V:1 UNINITIALIZED] >>> cache._where('test_entry') ' WHERE item_id = "224eeebf8db5634d8d9b2a31755d4a97" AND status != \ -1 AND status != -2' """ where = [] item_id = key if not item_id and (uri or params): params = params or {} if uri: params['_uri'] = uri item_id = CacheItem.serialize(params) if item_id: where.append(f'item_id = "{item_id}"') if filename: where.append(f'file_name = "{filename}"') status = _misc.to_set(status) if -1 not in status and not include_removed: where.append('status != -1') if -2 not in status and not include_removed: where.append('status != -2') if status: status = str(status).strip('{}') where.append(f'status IN ({status})') if version is not None and version != -1: version = str(_misc.to_set(version)).strip('{}') where.append(f'version IN ({version})') if newer_than: where.append(f'date > "{_utils.parse_time(newer_than)}"') if older_than: where.append(f'date < "{_utils.parse_time(older_than)}"') if ext: where.append(f'ext = "{ext}"') if label: where.append(f'label = "{label}"') where = f' WHERE {" AND ".join(where)}' if where else '' if version == -1: # TODO: Address cases where multiple items where += ' ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1' return where