Source code for cache_manager._status

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

import enum

[docs]class Status(enum.Enum): """ Class defining the status for cache items. Arg: Integer defining current status as described above. Returns: Instance of `Status` with the specified status value provided. Attrs: UNINITIALIZED: Has value 0. Newly created entry, to be initialized. WRITE: Has value 1. Information currently being written on the item. FAILED: Has value 2. Something went wrong. READY: Has value 3. Entry is ready/initialized and not under writing. TRASH: Has value -1. Entry is to be deleted but can be recovered, file still exists. DELETED: Has value -2. File is deleted and entry is marked for deletion. Example: >>> Status(1) <Status.WRITE: 1> >>> Status.WRITE <Status.WRITE: 1> """ UNINITIALIZED = 0 WRITE = 1 FAILED = 2 READY = 3 TRASH = -1 DELETED = -2
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, name: str) -> Status: """ Creates an instance of `Status` based on the passed status string instead of the integer. Arg: name: String defining the status. Not case-sensitive. Returns: Instance of `Status` with the specified status value provided. Example: >>> Status('WRITE') <Status.WRITE: 1> >>> Status('ready') <Status.READY: 3> """ return cls.__dict__[name.upper()]