
Unified knowledge-driven network inference from omics data

CORNETO (Constraint-based Optimization for the Reconstruction of NETworks from Omics) is a package for unified biological network inference and contextualisation from prior knowledge, developed and maintained by the Saez-Rodriguez Lab.

The library is designed with minimal dependencies and is easily extendable, making it a powerful tool for both end-users and developers. To install CORNETO with open-source mathematical solvers (HIGHs and SCIP), use the following command:

# To install the development version, including the open-source solvers HIGHs and SCIP, use:
pip install git+[os]

# If you have a license for Gurobi (free for academic use), you can install it with:
pip install gurobipy

Version: 1.0.0.dev3


CORNETO is developed at the Institute for Computational Biomedicine (Heidelberg University). The development of this project is supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under PerMedCoE project ( agreement no. 951773 and DECIDER (965193).

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