# CORNETO ```{image} /_static/logo.png :align: center :width: 320px ```

Unified knowledge-driven network inference from omics data

CORNETO (Constraint-based Optimization for the Reconstruction of NETworks from Omics) is a package for unified biological network inference and contextualisation from prior knowledge, developed and maintained by the [Saez-Rodriguez Lab](https://saezlab.github.io/). The library is designed with minimal dependencies and is easily extendable, making it a powerful tool for both end-users and developers. To install CORNETO with open-source mathematical solvers (HIGHs and SCIP), use the following command: ``` # To install the development version, including the open-source solvers HIGHs and SCIP, use: pip install git+https://github.com/saezlab/corneto.git#egg=corneto[os] # If you have a license for Gurobi (free for academic use), you can install it with: pip install gurobipy ``` **Version**: {{version}} ```{gallery-grid} :grid-columns: 1 2 3 3 - header: "{fas}`laptop;pst-color-primary` User guide" content: "[WIP] Learn what CORNETO is and how you can use it to create and modify biological network problems." website: guide - header: "{fas}`lightbulb;pst-color-primary` Examples & Tutorials" content: "[WIP] Examples using CORNETO to leverage the power of complex biological networks on real-world data." website: tutorials - header: "{fab}`python;pst-color-primary` API Reference" content: "[WIP] Python API reference for CORNETO." website: api ``` ## Acknowledgements CORNETO is developed at the [Institute for Computational Biomedicine](https://saezlab.org) (Heidelberg University). The development of this project is supported by European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme under PerMedCoE project ([permedcoe.eu](https://permedcoe.eu/)) agreement no. 951773 and [DECIDER](https://www.deciderproject.eu/) (965193). UKHD logo Saez lab logo PerMedCoE logo DECIDER logo ```{toctree} :hidden: true :maxdepth: 3 :titlesonly: true guide/index tutorials/index api/index GitHub ```