Source code for lipyd.formula

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `lipyd` python module
#  Copyright (c) 2015-2018 - EMBL
#  File author(s): Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from future.utils import iteritems

from collections import defaultdict
from argparse import Namespace
import copy

import lipyd.mass as mass
import as mz

[docs]def formula2atoms(formula): """ Converts chemical formula string to dict of atom counts. Args ---- :param str formula: Chemical formula """ atoms = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for elem, cnt in mass.reform.findall(formula): atoms[elem] += int(cnt or '1') return atoms
[docs]class Formula(mass.MassBase, mz.Mz): def __init__( self, formula = None, charge = 0, isotope = 0, z = 1, sign = None, tolerance = .01, attrs = None, **kwargs ): attrs = attrs or {} attrs.update(kwargs) self._set_attrs(attrs) if isinstance(formula, Formula): _attrs = copy.deepcopy(formula.attrs.__dict__) charge = formula.charge isotope = formula.isotope formula = formula.formula self.attrs = _attrs.update(self.attrs.__dict__) mass.MassBase.__init__(self, formula, charge, isotope, **kwargs) if self.formula == '': self.mass = 0.0 self.mass_calculated = True elif self.mass == 0.0: self.formula = '' self.mass_calculated = True self.reset_atoms() self.add(self.formula if self.formula else '') mz.Mz.__init__( self, mz = self.mass / z, z = z, sign = sign, tolerance = tolerance, ) def __add__(self, other): if ( not self.has_formula() or type(other) is float or ( hasattr(other, 'has_formula') and not other.has_formula() ) ): new_mass = mass.MassBase.__add__(self, other) new_charge = self.charge + ( other.charge if hasattr(other, 'charge') else 0 ) new_isotope = self.isotope + ( other.isotope if hasattr(other, 'isotope') else 0 ) new = Formula( new_mass, charge = new_charge, isotope = new_isotope, attrs = self.attrs.__dict__ ) else: new = Formula('%s%s' % ( self.formula, other.formula if hasattr(other, 'formula') else other ), charge = self.charge + ( other.charge if hasattr(other, 'charge') else 0 ), isotope = self.isotope + ( other.isotope if hasattr(other, 'isotope') else 0 ), attrs = self.attrs.__dict__ ) for a in ('c', 'u'): if a in self.attrs and a in other.attrs: setattr( new.attrs, a, getattr(self.attrs, a) + getattr(other.attrs, a) ) if new.mass == 0.0 or new.formula == '': new.formula = '' new.mass_calculated = True new.update_mz( z = self.z, sign = self.sign, tolerance = self.tol ) new._set_attrs return new def __iadd__(self, other): if type(other) is float: self.mass = self.mass + other self.formula = '' self.reset_atoms() self.mass_calculated = False elif not self.has_formula(): self.mass += other.mass else: self.add(other.formula if hasattr(other, 'formula') else other) self.charge += (other.charge if hasattr(other, 'charge') else 0) self.isotope += (other.isotope if hasattr(other, 'isotope') else 0) self.calc_mass() self.update_mz() return self def __sub__(self, other): new = copy.copy(self) new.__isub__(other) return new def __isub__(self, other): if type(other) is float: self.mass = self.mass - other self.formula = '' self.reset_atoms() self.mass_calculated = False elif not self.has_formula(): self.mass -= other.mass else: self.sub(other.formula if hasattr(other, 'formula') else other) self.charge -= (other.charge if hasattr(other, 'charge') else 0) self.isotope -= (other.isotope if hasattr(other, 'isotope') else 0) return self def __imul__(self, other): if not type(other) is int: return self for elem, cnt in iteritems(self.atoms): self.counts[elem] = cnt * other self.calc_mass() self.formula_from_dict(self.atoms) self.isotope = self.isotope * other def __mul__(self, other): if not type(other) is int: return copy.deepcopy(self) new_atoms = defaultdict(int) for elem, cnt in iteritems(self.atoms): new_atoms[elem] = cnt * other return Formula( **new_atoms, isotope = self.isotope * other, charge = self.charge ) def __iter__(self, **kwargs): yield self
[docs] def reset_atoms(self): self.atoms = defaultdict(int)
[docs] def as_mass(self): return MassBase(self.formula, self.charge, self.isotope)
[docs] def add(self, formula): for elem, cnt in mass.reform.findall(formula): self.atoms[elem] += int(cnt or '1') self.update()
[docs] def sub(self, formula): for elem, cnt in mass.reform.findall(formula): self.atoms[elem] -= int(cnt or '1') if self.atoms[elem] < 0: raise ValueError('Can not remove %s from %s: ' 'too few %s atoms!' % (formula, self.formula, elem)) self.update()
[docs] def update(self): if len(self.atoms): self.formula = ''.join('%s%u' % (elem, self.atoms[elem]) for elem in sorted(self.atoms.keys())) self.calc_mass()
[docs] def bind(self, other, loss = 'H2O'): return self + other - loss
[docs] def split(self, product1, add = 'H2O'): product1 = Formula(product1) return product1, self - product1 + add
[docs] def update_mz(self, mz = None, z = 1, sign = None, tolerance = .01, overwrite = False): if not hasattr(self, 'z') or overwrite: self.z = z if not hasattr(self, 'sign') or overwrite: self.sign = sign if not hasattr(self, 'tolerance') or overwrite: self.tol = tolerance = mz or self.mass / self.z
[docs] def getname(self): return if hasattr(self, 'name') else self.__str__()
def __str__(self): return str(self.formula) def _set_attrs(self, attrs): attrs = attrs or {} self.attrs = ( attrs if hasattr(attrs, '__dict__') else Namespace(**attrs) )
[docs]class Mass(Formula): def __init__(self, formula_mass = None, charge = 0, isotope = 0, **kwargs): if ((formula_mass is None and not kwargs) and type(formula_mass) is float): # unknown formula, initializing an empty Formula: Formula.__init__(self, '', charge = charge, isotope = isotope) self.mass = formula_mass else: Formula.__init__(self, formula_mass, charge = charge, isotope = isotope, **kwargs)
[docs] def bind(self, other, loss = 'H2O'): if self.has_formula() and (type(other) is str): pass