Source code for lipyd.lipproc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `lipyd` python module
#  Copyright (c) 2015-2018 - EMBL
#  File author(s): Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

import re
import collections
import itertools
import functools

    'SL':  {'Sph', 'Cer', 'SM'},
    'GL':  {'MAG', 'DAG', 'TAG'},
    'GPL': {
        'PC', 'PE', 'PE', 'PG', 'BMP',
        'PA', 'PI', 'PIP', 'PIP2', 'PIP3'
    'GLGPL': {
        'MAG', 'DAG', 'TAG',
        'PC', 'PE', 'PE', 'PG', 'BMP',
        'PA', 'PI', 'PIP', 'PIP2', 'PIP3'

SUBCLS_PRE = {'Hex', 'Hex2', 'SHex', 'SHex2', 'Lyso'}

ChainAttr = collections.namedtuple(
    ['sph', 'ether', 'oh']
# attributes of a chain e.g. d or t Ceramide, 2OH fatty acyl, etc
# defaults:
ChainAttr.__new__.__defaults__ = ('', False, ())

[docs]class Chain(collections.namedtuple( 'ChainBase', ['c', 'u', 'typ', 'attr', 'iso'] )): def __new__(cls, c, u, typ = 'FA', attr = ChainAttr(), iso = ()): if hasattr(attr, 'sph') and attr.sph == 'd' and u == 0: attr = ChainAttr(sph = 'DH', ether = attr.ether, oh = attr.oh) return super(Chain, cls).__new__( cls, c, u, typ = typ, attr = attr, iso = iso ) def __str__(self, iso = False): return '%s%s%u:%u%s%s' % ( # ether prefix 'O-' if self.attr.ether else '', # sphingoid base prefix e.g. dCer(d38:1) self.attr.sph, # the carbon count self.c, # the unsaturation self.u, # isomer information '(%s)' % ','.join(self.iso) if self.iso else '', # postfix for hydroxylated fatty acyls e.g. PC(32:1-2OH) '-%s' % '-'.join(self.attr.oh) if self.attr.oh else '' )
[docs] def isomer_str(self): return self.__str__(iso = True)
def __add__(self, other): return sum_chains((self, other))
[docs]class ChainSummary(Chain): def __new__(cls, c, u, typ = (), attr = (), iso = None): if u == 0 and attr and attr[0].sph == 'd': attr = ( ( # fisrt chain, sphingosine base ChainAttr( sph = 'DH', ether = attr[0].ether, oh = attr[0].oh ), ) + # all other chains attr[1:] ) return super(ChainSummary, cls).__new__( cls, c, u, typ = typ, attr = attr, iso = None ) def __str__(self): return '%s%s%u:%u%s' % ( # ether prefix 'O-' if any(a.ether for a in self.attr) else '', # sphingoid base prefix e.g. dCer(d38:1) ''.join(a.sph for a in self.attr), # of course max one of these # is not empty string # the carbon count self.c, # the unsaturation self.u, # postfix for hydroxylated fatty acyls e.g. PC(32:1-2OH) '-%s' % '-'.join('-'.join(a.oh) for a in self.attr if a.oh) if any(a.oh for a in self.attr) else '' ) def __len__(self): return len(self.typ)
Headgroup = collections.namedtuple( 'Headgroup', ['main', 'sub'] ) Headgroup.__new__.__defaults__ = ((),) LipidLabel = collections.namedtuple( 'LipidLabel', ['db_id', 'db', 'names', 'formula'] ) # names are empty tuple by default LipidLabel.__new__.defaults__ = ((), None)
[docs]class LipidRecord(collections.namedtuple( 'LipidRecordBase', ['lab', 'hg', 'chainsum', 'chains'] )): def __new__(cls, lab, hg, chainsum, chains): return super(LipidRecord, cls).__new__(cls, lab, hg, chainsum, chains)
[docs] def full_str(self): return full_str(self.hg, self.chains, iso = False)
[docs] def summary_str(self): return summary_str(self.hg, self.chainsum)
[docs] def subclass_str(self): return subclass_str(self.hg, self.chainsum)
[docs]def empty_chain(): """ Returns an empty Chain object which might serve as a dummy object. """ return Chain(c = 0, u = 0, attr = ChainAttr())
[docs]def empty_chainsum(): """ Returns an empty ChainSummary object. """ return ChainSummary(c = 0, u = 0, attr = (), typ = ())
[docs]def str2hg(hgstr): """ From a headgroup string representation creates a Headgroup object. """ pieces = hgstr.split('-') return Headgroup(main = pieces[-1], sub = tuple(pieces[:-1]))
[docs]def sum_chains(chains): """ From a list of chains creates a summary Chain object. """ return empty_chainsum() if not chains else ( ChainSummary( c = sum(i.c for i in chains), u = sum(i.u for i in chains), attr = tuple(c.attr for c in chains), typ = tuple(c.typ for c in chains) ) )
[docs]def collapse_attrs(chains): """ Combine the attributes of arbitrary number of chains. """ return functools.reduce(combine_attrs, (c.attr for c in chains))
[docs]def combine_attrs(a1, a2): """ Combines the attributes of 2 chains. """ return ChainAttr( sph = a1.sph or a2.sph, ether = a1.ether or a2.ether, oh = tuple(itertools.chain(a1.oh, a2.oh)) )
[docs]def summary_str(hg, chainsum): """ Creates a summary string representation from the headgroup name and a summary Chain object. """ subcls_pre, sphingo_prefix, ether_prefix, subcls_post, hydroxy = ( get_attributes(hg, chainsum) ) return '%s%s%s%s' % ( # subclass attributes like *PE*-Cer, *Lyso*-PC subcls_pre, # main class of headgroup e.g. Cer, PS hg.main, # subclass attributes like 1-O-phosphate group of Cer1P, Sph1P, etc subcls_post, # chains summary ('(%s)' % chainsum.__str__()) if chainsum is not None and chainsum.c > 0 else '' )
[docs]def full_str(hg, chains, iso = False): """ From a Headgroup and a tuple of Chain objects returns a """ subcls_pre, sphingo_prefix, ether_prefix, subcls_post, hydroxy = ( get_attributes(hg, sum_chains(chains)) ) return '%s%s%s%s' % ( # subclass attributes like *PE*-Cer, *Lyso*-PC subcls_pre, # main class of headgroup e.g. Cer, PS hg.main, # subclass attributes like 1-O-phosphate group of Cer1P, Sph1P, etc subcls_post, # chains ('(%s)' % '/'.join(c.__str__(iso = iso) for c in chains)) if chains else '' )
[docs]def subclass_str(hg, chainsum = None): """ From Headgroup and summary Chain object creates a subclass level headgroup string. """ subcls_pre, sphingo_prefix, ether_prefix, subcls_post, hydroxy = ( get_attributes(hg, chainsum) ) return '%s%s%s%s%s%s' % ( # subclass attributes like *PE*-Cer, *Lyso*-PC subcls_pre, # prefix of shingoid base subclass: d, t, k, DH sphingo_prefix, # main class of headgroup e.g. Cer, PS hg.main, # postfix of ether lipids e.g. PC-O, PE-O '-O' if ether_prefix else '', # subclass attributes like 1-O-phosphate group of Cer1P, Sph1P, etc subcls_post, # postfix of hydroxylated fatty acyl e.g. Cer-2OH hydroxy )
[docs]def get_attributes(hg, chainsum = None): """ Processes a Headgroup and a summary Chain object and returns the name pre- and postfix string elements. """ chainsum = chainsum or empty_chainsum() hydroxy = '-'.join('-'.join(c.oh) for c in chainsum.attr) hydroxy = '-%s' % hydroxy if hydroxy else '' subcls_pre = '-'.join(i for i in hg.sub if i in SUBCLS_PRE) subcls_pre = '%s-' % subcls_pre if subcls_pre else '' subcls_post = '-'.join(i for i in hg.sub if i not in SUBCLS_PRE) subcls_post = '-%s' % subcls_post if subcls_post else '' sphingo_prefix = ''.join(a.sph for a in chainsum.attr) ether_prefix = any(a.ether for a in chainsum.attr) # this I leave here if maybe later I decide to have # plain tuples... # # sphingo_prefix = set(chainsum.p) & {'d', 't', 'k', 'DH'} # sphingo_prefix = sphingo_prefix.pop() if sphingo_prefix else '' # ether_prefix = 'O' in chainsum.p return subcls_pre, sphingo_prefix, ether_prefix, subcls_post, hydroxy
[docs]def match_constraint(rec, constr): """ Matches an MS2 fragment constraint (fragment.FragConstraint) against a lipid record lipproc.LipidRecord. Returns the indices of the chains as integers in a set. The default attribute values of the `FragConstraint` object always correspond to bypass all filters here. Defining a specific value may limit the records complying with the constraint. Args ---- :param LipidRecord rec: A lipid database record object. :param fragment.FragConstraint constr: An MS2 fragment constraint object. """ match = False chains = set() if ( ( constr.hg == rec.hg.main or ( constr.hg is None and in FAMILIES and rec.hg.main in FAMILIES[] ) or ( constr.hg is None and is None ) ) and ( constr.sub is None or set(constr.sub) == set(rec.hg.sub) ) ): match = True chainsum = rec.chainsum if rec.chainsum else sum_chains(rec.chains) for (i, attr), rec_chaintype in zip( enumerate(chainsum.attr), chainsum.typ ): if ( ( constr.chaintype is None or constr.chaintype == rec_chaintype ) and ( constr.sph is None or constr.sph == attr.sph ) and # matching only the number of OH groups ( len(attr.oh) == constr.oh if type(constr.oh) is int else set(attr.oh) == set(constr.oh) ) ): chains.add(i) return match, chains
[docs]def match_constraints(rec, constraints): """ Matches all fragment constraints in the iterable `constraints` against all chains in MS1 record `rec`. Returns a boolean (wether the fragment can possibly origin from the molecular species in the record) and a tuple of chain positions which can be the source of the fragment if the fragment is from an aliphatic chain moiety. Args ---- :param LipidRecord rec: An MS1 database record object. :param iterable constraints: A number of `fragment.FragConstraint` objects. """ match = False chains = set() for constr in constraints: match, chains_ = match_constraint(rec, constr) chains.update(chains_) return match, chains
[docs]def cu_str(c, u): return '%u:%u' % (c, u)
[docs]def charge_str(charge): return ( '' if charge == 0 else '-' if charge < 0 else '+' )
# regex captures the summary carbon count rechainsum = re.compile( r'\(' # prefix (d, t , DH, O-, P-) r'([POdtDH]{0,2})-?' # cc and unsat r'([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})' # optional OH r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'\)' ) # captures 1-4 aliphatic chains data rechain = re.compile( r'\(' # 1 r'([POdtDH]{0,2})-?' r'([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})' r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'[/_]?' # 2 r'([POdtDH]{0,2})-?' r'([0-9]{0,2}):?([0-9]{0,2})' r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'[/_]?' # 3 r'([POdtDH]{0,2})-?' r'([0-9]{0,2}):?([0-9]{0,2})' r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'[/_]?' # 4 r'([POdtDH]{0,2})-?' r'([0-9]{0,2}):?([0-9]{0,2})' r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'\)' ) # captures 1-4 aliphatic chains with # conformational isomeric information rechainiso = re.compile( r'\(?' # 1 r'((?:[0-9]+-)?' r'[POdtDH]{0,2})-?' r'([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})' r'(?:\(?([0-9EZ,]{2,})\)?)?' r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'[/_]?' # 2 r'((?:[0-9]+-)?' r'[POdtDH]{0,2})-?' r'([0-9]{0,2}):?([0-9]{0,2})' r'(?:\(?([0-9EZ,]{2,})\))?' r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'[/_]?' # 3 r'((?:[0-9]+-)?' r'[POdtDH]{0,2})-?' r'([0-9]{0,2}):?([0-9]{0,2})' r'(?:\(?([0-9EZ,]{2,})\))?' r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'[/_]?' # 4 r'((?:[0-9]+-)?' r'[POdtDH]{0,2})-?' r'([0-9]{0,2}):?([0-9]{0,2})' r'(?:\(?([0-9EZ,]*)\)?)?' r'(?:[-\(]([0-9]{0,2}OH)\)?)?' r'\)?' ) # methyl or ethyl reme = re.compile(r'methyl|ethyl') # ? rebr = re.compile( r'(1(?:,2-di)?)-\(((?:[0-9]{0,2}[-]?methyl|ethyl)?)[A-z0-9-]+\)' r'-([2,3]{1,3}(?:-di)?)-' r'\(((?:[0-9]{0,2}[-]?methyl|ethyl)?)[A-z0-9-]+\)' )