Source code for lipyd.mass

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `lipyd` python module
#  Copyright (c) 2015-2018 - EMBL
#  File author(s): Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from future.utils import iteritems

import bs4
import re
import warnings
import imp
import sys
import copy
from collections import defaultdict

import lipyd._curl as _curl

#: URL for atomic masses
urlMasses = ''
#: URL for atomic weights
urlWeights = ''
#: URL for isotopic abundances
urlAbundances = ''

#: Mass of a proton
proton = 1.00727646677
#: Mass of an electron
electron = 0.00054857990924
#: Mass of a neutron
neutron = 1.00866491588

#: Mass of a proton
p = proton
#: Mass of an electron
e = electron
#: Mass of a neutron
n = neutron

reNonDigit = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+')
reform  = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z][a-z]*)([0-9]*)')
replmi  = re.compile(r'([-+])')
refloat = re.compile(r'[0-9\.]+')

[docs]def getMasses(url): """ Downloads an HTML table from CIAAW webpage and extracts the atomic mass or weight information. """ c = _curl.Curl(url, silent = False) reqMasses = c.result with warnings.catch_warnings(): # there is a deprecated call in lxml warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) soupMasses = bs4.BeautifulSoup(reqMasses, 'lxml') mass = {} symbol = None a = None for tr in soupMasses.find_all('tr'): tr = [td for td in tr.find_all('td')] if not len(tr): continue elif len(tr) == 5: symbol = tr[1].text.strip() mass[symbol] = {} a = int(reNonDigit.sub('', tr[-2].text.strip())) m = [float(reNonDigit.sub('', i)) for i in tr[-1].text.split(',')] m = sum(m) / len(m) mass[symbol][a] = m mass['proton'] = 1.00727646677 mass['electron'] = 0.00054857990924 mass['neutron'] = 1.00866491588 return mass
[docs]def getMassMonoIso(): """ Obtains monoisotopic masses from CIAAW webpage. Stores the result in `massMonoIso` module level variable. """ globals()['massMonoIso'] = getMasses(urlMasses)
[docs]def getMassFirstIso(): """ Obtains the masses of the most abundant isotope for each element. The result stored in the :py:attr:`.massFirstIso` module attribute. """ if 'massMonoIso' not in globals(): getMassMonoIso() if 'freqIso' not in globals(): getFreqIso() firstIso = {} for symbol, isos in iteritems(massMonoIso): if symbol in freqIso: try: firstIso[symbol] = \ isos[max(freqIso[symbol].items(), key = lambda i: i[1])[0]] except: continue firstIso['proton'] = proton firstIso['electron'] = electron firstIso['neutron'] = neutron globals()['massFirstIso'] = firstIso globals()['massdb'] = firstIso
[docs]def getWeightStd(): """ Obtains atomic waights from CIAAW webpage. Stores the result in :py:attr:`.weightStd` attribute of the module. """ globals()['weightStd'] = getMasses(urlWeights)
[docs]def getFreqIso(): """ Obtains isotope abundances from CIAAW webpage. Stores the result in :py:attr:`.freqIso` attribute of the module. """ c = _curl.Curl(urlAbundances, silent = False) reqAbundances = c.result.split('\n') # fixing erroneous HTML from CIAAW: for i, l in enumerate(reqAbundances[:-1]): l = l.strip() # print('..%s.. ..%s..' % (l[-5:], reqAbundances[i + 1][:3])) if l[-5:] == '</tr>' and reqAbundances[i + 1][:3] == '<td': # print('ermfeoirm') reqAbundances[i + 1] = '<tr>%s' % reqAbundances[i + 1] with warnings.catch_warnings(): # there is a deprecated call in lxml warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) soupAbundances = bs4.BeautifulSoup('\n'.join(reqAbundances), 'lxml') freqIso = {} symbol = None a = None for tr in soupAbundances.find_all('tr'): tr = [td for td in tr.find_all('td')] if len(tr) == 6: symbol = tr[1].text.strip() freqIso[symbol] = {} ai = -3 if len(tr) == 6 else -2 try: a = int(tr[ai].text.strip()) p = [float(reNonDigit.sub('', i)) for i in tr[ai + 1].text.split(',')] p = sum(p) / len(p) freqIso[symbol][a] = p except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError): continue globals()['freqIso'] = freqIso
weight_builtin = { "proton": 1.00727646677, "electron": 0.00054857990924, "neutron": 1.00866491588, "H": 1.007825, "He": 4.002602, "Li": 6.941, "Be": 9.012182, "B": 10.811, "C": 12.0107, "N": 14.00674, "O": 15.9994, "F": 18.9984032, "Ne": 20.1797, "Na": 22.989768, "Mg": 24.3050, "Al": 26.981539, "Si": 28.0855, "P": 30.973762, "S": 32.066, "Cl": 35.4527, "Ar": 39.948, "K": 39.0983, "Ca": 40.078, "Sc": 44.955910, "Ti": 47.88, "V": 50.9415, "Cr": 51.9961, "Mn": 54.93805, "Fe": 55.847, "Co": 58.93320, "Ni": 58.6934, "Cu": 63.546, "Zn": 65.39, "Ga": 69.723, "Ge": 72.61, "As": 74.92159, "Se": 78.96, "Br": 79.904, "Kr": 83.80, "Rb": 85.4678, "Sr": 87.62, "Y": 88.90585, "Zr": 91.224, "Nb": 92.90638, "Mo": 95.94, "Tc": 98.0, "Ru": 101.07, "Rh": 102.90550, "Pd": 106.42, "Ag": 107.8682, "Cd": 112.411, "In": 114.82, "Sn": 118.710, "Sb": 121.757, "Te": 127.60, "I": 126.90447, "Xe": 131.29, "Cs": 132.90543, "Ba": 137.327, "La": 138.9055, "Ce": 140.115, "Pr": 140.90765, "Nd": 144.24, "Pm": 145.0, "Sm": 150.36, "Eu": 151.965, "Gd": 157.25, "Tb": 158.92534, "Dy": 162.50, "Ho": 164.93032, "Er": 167.26, "Tm": 168.93421, "Yb": 173.04, "Lu": 174.967, "Hf": 178.49, "Ta": 180.9479, "W": 183.85, "Re": 186.207, "Os": 190.2, "Ir": 192.22, "Pt": 195.08, "Au": 196.96654, "Hg": 200.59, "Tl": 204.3833, "Pb": 207.2, "Bi": 208.98037, "Po": 209, "At": 210, "Rn": 222, "Fr": 223, "Ra": 226.0254, "Ac": 227, "Th": 232.0381, "Pa": 213.0359, "U": 238.0289, "Np": 237.0482, "Pu": 244, "Am": 243, "Cm": 247, "Bk": 247, "Cf": 251, "Es": 252, "Fm": 257, "Md": 258, "No": 259, "Lr": 260, "Rf": 261, "Db": 262, "Sg": 263, "Bh": 262, "Hs": 265, "Mt": 266, } isotopes = { "H2": 2.01410178, "H3": 3.0160492, "C13": 13.003355, "N15": 15.000109, "O17": 16.999132, "O18": 17.999160, "S33": 32.971458, "S34": 33.967867, "S35": 35.967081 } iso_freq = { "H2": 0.000115, "H3": 0.0, "C13": 0.0107, "N15": 0.0068, "O17": 0.00038, "O18": 0.00205, "S33": 0.0076, "S34": 0.0429, "S35": 0.0002 }
[docs]class MassBase(object): def __init__( self, formula_mass = None, charge = 0, isotope = 0, **kwargs ): """ This class is very similar to `Formula`. Actually it can be initialized either with providing a formula or a mass or even element counts as keyword arguments. The key difference compared to `Formula` is that it behaves as a `float` i.e. indeed represents a molecular mass, while `Formula` behaves as a chemical formula i.e. representing the counts of elements. If you add two `MassBase` instances (or a float) you get a `float` while if you add two `Formula` instances (or a string) you get a new `Formula`. Finally `Mass` is able to provide both behaviours but adding two `Mass` instances will result a new `Mass`. Args ---- :param str,float,NoneType formula_mass: Either a string expressing a chemical formula (e.g. H2O) or a molecular mass (e.g. 237.1567) or `None` if you provide the formula as keyword arguments. **kwargs: elements & counts, e.g. c = 6, h = 12, o = 6... Thanks for """ if 'massFirstIso' not in globals(): getMassFirstIso() self.exmass = massFirstIso self.charge = charge self.isotope = isotope if formula_mass is None: self.formula_from_dict(kwargs) elif hasattr(formula_mass, 'lower'): self.formula = formula_mass elif isinstance(formula_mass, MassBase): if hasattr(formula_mass, 'mass'): self.mass = formula_mass.mass if hasattr(formula_mass, 'formula'): self.formula = formula_mass.formula self.mass_calculated = formula_mass.mass_calculated else: self.formula = None if type(formula_mass) is float: self.mass = formula_mass self.calc_mass() def __neg__(self): return -1 * self.mass def __add__(self, other): return float(other) + self.mass def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __iadd__(self, other): self.mass += float(other) def __sub__(self, other): return self.mass - float(other) def __rsub__(self, other): return float(other) - self.mass def __isub__(self, other): self.mass += float(other) def __truediv__(self, other): return self.mass / float(other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return float(other) / self.mass def __itruediv__(self, other): self.mass /= float(other) def __mul__(self, other): return self.mass * float(other) def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def __imul__(self, other): self.mass *= float(other) def __float__(self): return self.mass def __eq__(self, other): return abs(self.mass - float(other)) <= 0.01
[docs] def calc_mass(self): if self.has_formula(): if self.formula == '': self.mass = 0.0 self.mass_calculated = True else: atoms = ( reform.findall(self.formula) if not hasattr(self, 'atoms') else iteritems(self.atoms) ) m = 0.0 for element, count in atoms: count = int(count or '1') m += self.exmass[element] * count m -= self.charge * massdb['electron'] m += self.isotope * massdb['neutron'] self.mass = m self.mass_calculated = self.has_mass() else: self.mass_calculated = False
[docs] def has_mass(self): return self.mass > 0.0 or (self.formula == '' and self.mass == 0.0)
[docs] def has_formula(self): return self.formula is not None
[docs] def formula_from_dict(self, atoms): self.formula = ''.join('%s%u'%(elem.capitalize(), num) \ for elem, num in iteritems(atoms))
[docs] def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new)
parts = { 'water': 'H2O', 'twowater': 'H4O2', 'carboxyl': 'COOH', 'aldehyde': 'CHO', } for name, form in parts.items(): setattr(sys.modules[__name__], name, MassBase(form))
[docs]def first_isotope_mass(elem): return massFirstIso[elem] if elem in massFirstIso else None
[docs]def get_mass(elem): """ Returns exact mass of the highest abundant isotope of an element. """ return first_isotope_mass(elem)
[docs]def isotope_mass(elem, iso): return ( massMonoIso[elem][iso] if elem in massMonoIso and iso in massMonoIso[elem] else None )
[docs]def get_weight(elem): return weight_builtin[elem] if elem in weight_builtin else None
[docs]def calculate(formula): """ Evaluates a string as formula. Args ---- :param str formula: Expression as a string e.g. ``HCH3CHOHCOOH - water + electron``. Returns ------- Mass as float. """ result = None op = '__add__' for step in replmi.split(formula): if step == '-': op = '__sub__' continue if step == '+': op = '__add__' continue step = step.strip() if refloat.match(step): step = float(step) if ( step in globals() and isinstance(globals()[step], (float, int, MassBase)) ): step = globals()[step] if op is not None: result = getattr(MassBase(result), op)(MassBase(step)) op = None return result
#: Synonym of :py:func:`calculate`. expr = calculate