Source code for lipyd.moldb

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `lipyd` python module
#  Copyright (c) 2015-2018 - EMBL
#  File author(s): Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from __future__ import print_function
from past.builtins import xrange, range, reduce

from future.utils import iteritems

import os
import sys
import imp
import re
import copy
import struct
import itertools
import collections
from argparse import Namespace

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    import pybel
    if 'ipykernel' not in sys.modules and is None:
            import tkinter
            import PIL
            import PIL.ImageTk
   = tkinter
            pybel.PIL = PIL.Image
            pybel.piltk = PIL.ImageTk
                '\t:: `PIL` or `tkinter` not available.\n'
                '     `pybel` won\'t be able to draw molecules.\n'
    sys.stdout.write(':: Module `pybel` not available.\n')

import lipyd._curl as _curl
import lipyd.common as common
import lipyd.settings as settings
import as mzmod
import lipyd.progress as progress
import lipyd.sdf as sdf
import lipyd.lipid as lipid
import lipyd.lookup as _lookup
import as lipidname
import lipyd.formula as formula
import lipyd.lipproc as lipproc

[docs]class Reader(object): def __init__(self): self.load() self.process() return self.__iter__()
[docs] def reload(self, children = False): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new)
[docs] def iterrows(self): for mol in self: yield [ mol[2].data['LM_ID'], 'Species', '|'.join(self.names(mol[2])), mol[2].data['INCHI_KEY'], '', mol[0], mol[2].data['PUBCHEM_CID'] ]
[docs]class LipidMaps(sdf.SdfReader): def __init__(self, extract_file = True): self.url = settings.get('lipidmaps_url') self.fname = settings.get('lipidmaps_fname') self.curl = _curl.Curl(self.url, large = True, silent = False) if extract_file: self.efname = os.path.join('cache', self.fname.split('/')[-1]) with open(self.efname, 'wb') as efp: for l in self.curl.result[self.fname]: efp.write(l) efp = open(os.path.join('cache', self.fname.split('/')[-1]), 'rb') sdf.SdfReader.__init__(self, efp) else: sdf.SdfReader.__init__(self, self.curl.result[self.fname]) self.nameproc = lipidname.LipidNameProcessor( database = 'lipidmaps', iso = True ) def __iter__(self): for rec in sdf.SdfReader.__iter__(self): if ( 'EXACT_MASS' not in rec['annot'] or float(rec['annot']['EXACT_MASS']) == 0 ): try: exmass = formula.Formula(rec['annot']['FORMULA']).mass except KeyError: # if no exact mass it means # this is a higher level category continue else: exmass = float(rec['annot']['EXACT_MASS']) names = [ rec['name'][nametype].strip() for nametype in ('COMMON_NAME', 'SYSTEMATIC_NAME') if nametype in rec['name'] ] if 'SYNONYMS' in rec['name']: names.extend( n.strip() for n in rec['name']['SYNONYMS'].split(';') ) names = [n.strip() for n in names if n.strip()] hg, chainsum, chains = self.nameproc.process(names) liprec = lipproc.LipidRecord( lab = lipproc.LipidLabel( db_id = rec['id'], db = 'LipidMaps', names = tuple(names), formula = rec['annot']['FORMULA'], ), hg = hg, chainsum = chainsum, chains = chains, ) yield exmass, liprec
[docs]class SwissLipids(Reader): def __init__(self, levels = set(['Species']), silent = False, nameproc_args = None, branched = False, exact_mass_formula_fallback = True): """ Downloads and serves the SwissLipids database. Automatically downloads the data at the first time and stores it in a cache file to be read from there at next usage. Scans the entire file and builds multiple indices in order to quickly access records upon request. Provides a number of methods to retrieve records either as lines or openbabel OBMol instances. Args ---- :param set levels: Levels in SwissLipids hierarchy. By default only "species". :param bool branched: Include lipids with branched alkyl chain (iso). :param dict nameproc_args: Arguments passed to the name processor. :param bool exact_mass_formula_fallback: If exact mass not available form SwissLipids calculate it from the formula. This is dangerous because the formula is sometimes dehydrogenated and charged state while exact mass should be uncharged with all hydrogenes """ self.silent = silent self.exact_mass_formula_fallback = exact_mass_formula_fallback self.nameproc_args = nameproc_args or {} self.set_levels(levels) self.url = settings.get('swisslipids_url') self.load() self.make_index()
[docs] def set_levels(self, levels): """ Sets the levels to be processed. Levels in SwissLipids are `Species`, `Molecular subspecies`, `Structural subspecies` and `Isomeric subspecies`. Args ---- :param set levels: A set of one or more of the levels above. """ if isinstance(levels, common.basestring): levels = [levels] self.levels = set(l.capitalize() for l in levels) self.init_name_processor()
[docs] def init_name_processor(self): """ Creates a `LipidNameProcessor` instance to process lipid names at indexing. """ self.nameproc = lipidname.LipidNameProcessor( iso = 'Isomeric subspecies' in self.levels, **self.nameproc_args )
[docs] def load(self): self.close_gzfile() self._curl = _curl.Curl(self.url, silent = False, compr = 'gz', large = True) self._gzfile = self._curl.result
[docs] def iterfile(self): _ = self._plainfile.readline() for line in self._plainfile: yield line
[docs] @staticmethod def names(line): return '|'.join(line[2:5])
[docs] def make_index(self): def cc2str(cc): return ( '%s%s%u:%u' % ( cc[0], '-' if cc[0] in {'O', 'P'} else '', cc[1], cc[2] ) ) self.close_plainfile() self.load() self.index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) self.hg_index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) self.species_index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) self.subspec_index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) self.isomer_index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) if not self.silent:, 2) ucsize = struct.unpack('I',[0] self.prg = progress.Progress(ucsize, 'Indexing SwissLipids', 101) self._plainfilename = '%s.extracted' % with open(self._plainfilename, 'wb') as fpp: offset = self._gzfile.tell() for l in self._gzfile: if not self.silent: self.prg.step(len(l)) ll = l.decode('ascii').split('\t') if ll[1] in self.levels: names = self.names(ll) self.index[ll[0]].add(offset) # SwissLipids ID self.index[ll[8]].add(offset) # SMILES self.index[ll[10]].add(offset) # InChI key for n in names.split('|'): self.index[n].add(offset) hg, chainsum, chains = self.nameproc.process(names) if hg: self.hg_index[hg].add(offset) if hg and chainsum: self.species_index[ lipproc.summary_str(hg, chainsum) ].add(offset) if hg and chains: self.subspec_index[ lipproc.full_str(hg, chains) ].add(offset) if hg and chains: self.isomer_index[ lipproc.full_str(hg, chains, iso = True) ].add(offset) offset = self._gzfile.tell() fpp.write(l) if not self.silent: self.prg.terminate() self.index = dict(self.index) self._plainfile = open(self._plainfilename, 'r')
[docs] def get_hg(self, hg, sub = ()): if isinstance(hg, common.basestring): hg = lipproc.Headgroup(hg, sub = sub) return self.get_record(hg, index = 'hg')
[docs] def get_species(self, name): return self.get_record(name, index = 'species')
[docs] def get_subspec(self, name): return self.get_record(name, index = 'subspec')
[docs] def get_isomer(self, name): return self.get_record(name, index = 'isomer')
[docs] def get_hg_obmol(self, hg, sub = ()): if isinstance(hg, common.basestring): hg = lipproc.Headgroup(hg, sub = sub) return self.get_obmol(hg, index = 'hg')
[docs] def get_species_obmol(self, name): return self.get_obmol(name, index = 'species')
[docs] def get_subspec_obmol(self, name): return self.get_obmol(name, index = 'subspec')
[docs] def get_isomer_obmol(self, name): return self.get_obmol(name, index = 'isomer')
[docs] def get_record(self, name, index = ''): indexname = '%s%sindex' % (index, '_' if index else '') index = getattr(self, indexname) if name in index: for offset in index[name]: yield self._plainfile.readline().strip().split('\t')
[docs] def get_obmol(self, name, index = ''): for rec in self.get_record(name, index = index): obmol = self.to_obmol(rec) self.add_annotations(obmol, rec) yield obmol
[docs] @staticmethod def to_obmol(record): if not record[9] or record[9] == 'InChI=none': if record[8]: # processing from SMILES return pybel.readstring('smi', record[8]) return None # processing from InChI return pybel.readstring('inchi', record[9])
[docs] @staticmethod def add_annotations(mol, record, exact_mass_formula_fallback = True): mol.db_id = record[0] = record[3] if hasattr(mol, 'OBMol'): mol.OBMol.SetTitle(record[2]) else: mol.title = tuple(n.strip() for n in record[2:5] if n.strip()) mol.chebi = record[24] if len(record) > 24 else '' mol.lipidmaps = record[25] if len(record) > 25 else '' mol.hmdb = record[26] if len(record) > 26 else '' mol.smiles = record[8] mol.swl_exact_mass = float(record[14]) if record[14] else None if not mol.swl_exact_mass and exact_mass_formula_fallback: try: # note: this is dangerous because the formula is sometimes # dehydrogenated and charged state while exact mass # should be uncharged with all hydrogenes mol.swl_exact_mass = formula.Formula(record[11]).mass except KeyError: pass mol.swl_formula = record[11] mol.inchi = record[9] mol.inchikey = record[10] mol.level = record[1] return mol
[docs] def itermol(self, obmol = False): """ Iterates the database either by yielding `pybel.Molecule` objects with extra attributes or dummy objects with the same attributes containing the various IDs and structure representations (see code of `add_annotation`) for details. Args ---- :param bool obmol: Yield `pybel.Molecule` objects. By default simple dummy objects produced. """ nosmiles = 0 for line in self.iterfile(): line = line.strip().split('\t') if len(line) > 22 and line[1] in self.levels: if not line[8]: nosmiles += 1 continue if obmol: mol = self.to_obmol(line) else: mol = Namespace() mol = self.add_annotations( mol, line, self.exact_mass_formula_fallback ) yield mol
def __iter__(self): for mol in self.itermol(obmol = False): if not mol.swl_exact_mass: continue hg, chainsum, chains = self.nameproc.process(mol.title) rec = lipproc.LipidRecord( lab = lipproc.LipidLabel( db_id = mol.db_id, db = 'SwissLipids', names = mol.title, formula = mol.swl_formula, ), hg = hg, chainsum = chainsum, chains = chains ) # yielding mass and record yield mol.swl_exact_mass or np.nan, rec def __del__(self): self.close_gzfile() self.close_plainfile()
[docs] def close_gzfile(self): if hasattr(self, '_gzfile'): self._gzfile.close()
[docs] def close_plainfile(self): if hasattr(self, '_plainfile'): self._plainfile.close()
[docs] def export_names(self, proc): with open('names.tmp', 'w') as fp: for i in self.__iter__(): n = proc.process(i.title) fp.write('%s\t%s\n' % (i.title, str(n)))
[docs]class MoleculeDatabaseAggregator(object): def __init__( self, resources = None, tolerance = None, fa_args = None, sph_args = None, build = True, verbose = False, ): """ Builds a database of molecules and provides methods for look up by masses and names. Metabolites are processed from databases like SwissLipids and LipidMaps and also autogenerated using classes defined in the `lipid` module. Args ---- :param dict resources: Databases to use with arguments. Keys are database names, values are tuples of classes and arguments. Default SwissLipids and LipidMaps. :param int tolerance: Mass lookup tolerance in ppm. :param dict fa_args: Fatty acyl arguments for autogenerated metabolites. :param dict sph_args: Sphingosine base arguments for autogenerated metabolites. """ self.verbose = verbose self.resources = resources or { 'SwissLipids': (SwissLipids, {}), 'LipidMaps': (LipidMaps, {}) } self.tolerance = tolerance or settings.get('ms1_tolerance') self.fa_args = fa_args or {'c': (4, 36), 'u': (0, 10)} self.sph_args = sph_args or {'c': (16, 22), 'u': (0, 1)} if build:
[docs] def reload(self, children = False): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new)
[docs] def init_rebuild(self): """ Creates an empty list where this object collects the masses and molecule annotations. This needs to be done before (re)building the database in order to start from an empty array. """ self._mass_data = []
[docs] def build(self): """ Executes the workflow of the entire database building process. First loads the third party databases (SwissLipids and LipidMaps), then autogenerates glycerophospholipid, glycerolipid and sphingolipid series. At the end all data merged into common `masses` and `data` arrays and sorted by increasing mass. At this point the instance is able to do lookups. """ self.init_rebuild() self.load_databases() self.auto_glycerophospholipids() self.auto_glycerolipids() self.auto_sphingolipids() self.auto_fattyacids() self.auto_misc() self.mass_data_arrays() self.sort()
[docs] def load_databases(self): """ Loads all databases and generates main array. """ for cls, resargs in self.resources.values(): resource = cls(**resargs) self._mass_data.extend(resource)
[docs] def mass_data_arrays(self): if hasattr(self, '_mass_data'): self.masses = np.array( [i[0] for i in self._mass_data], dtype = np.float ) = np.zeros(len(self._mass_data), dtype = np.object)[:] = [i[1] for i in self._mass_data] self.sort() delattr(self, '_mass_data')
[docs] def auto_metabolites( self, fa_args = None, sph_args = None, sum_only = True, classes = None, **kwargs ): fa_args = fa_args or self.fa_args sph_args = sph_args or self.sph_args masses = [] data = [] prg = progress.Progress(len(classes), 'Generating metabolites', 1) for clsname in classes: prg.step() if self.verbose: sys.stdout.write('\t:: Generating `%s`\n' % clsname) cls = getattr(lipid, clsname) self.add_metabolite_series( cls, fa_args = fa_args, sph_args = sph_args, sum_only = sum_only, **kwargs ) prg.terminate()
[docs] def add_metabolite_series( self, cls, fa_args = None, sph_args = None, sum_only = True, **kwargs ): """ Adds metabolites of a single class generated along a defined range of homolog series. """ if not hasattr(cls, '__call__'): if hasattr(cls, 'lower') and hasattr(lipid, cls): cls = getattr(lipid, cls) else: raise ValueError( 'Don\'t know how to ' 'generate lipids from this: %s' % str(cls) ) fa_args = fa_args or self.fa_args sph_args = sph_args or self.sph_args gen = cls( fa_args = copy.copy(fa_args), sph_args = copy.copy(sph_args), sum_only = sum_only, **kwargs ) self._mass_data.extend(gen.iterlines())
[docs] def auto_fattyacids(self, **kwargs): """ Autogenerates all fatty acids from classes listed in `lipid.fattyacids`. Args ---- :param **kwargs: Arguments for fatty acid classes: `c`, `u`, `fa_counts`, etc. """ self.auto_metabolites(classes = lipid.fattyacids, **kwargs)
[docs] def auto_misc(self, **kwargs): """ Autogenerates all miscellanous classes listed in `lipid.misc`. Args ---- :param **kwargs: Arguments for misc classes. """ self.auto_metabolites(classes = lipid.misc, **kwargs)
[docs] def auto_sphingolipids(self, **kwargs): """ Autogenerates all sphingolipids from classes listed in `lipid.sphingolipids`. Args ---- :param **kwargs: Arguments for sphingolipid classes (`fa_args`, `sph_args`, etc). """ self.auto_metabolites(classes = lipid.sphingolipids, **kwargs)
[docs] def auto_glycerolipids(self, **kwargs): """ Autogenerates all glycerolipids from classes listed in `lipid.glycerolipids`. Args ---- :param **kwargs: Arguments for glycerolipid classes (`fa_args`, `sn2_fa_args`, etc). """ self.auto_metabolites(classes = lipid.glycerolipids, **kwargs)
[docs] def auto_glycerophospholipids(self, **kwargs): """ Autogenerates all glycerophospholipids from classes listed in `lipid.glycerophospholipids`. Args ---- :param **kwargs: Arguments for glycerophospholipid classes (`fa_args`, `sn2_fa_args`, etc). """ self.auto_metabolites(classes = lipid.glycerophospholipids, **kwargs)
[docs] def sort(self): """ Sorts the `masses` and `data` arrays by increasing mass in order to make fast lookups possible. """ =[self.masses.argsort()] self.masses.sort()
[docs] def ilookup(self, m, tolerance = None): return _lookup.findall( self.masses, m, t = tolerance or self.tolerance, )
[docs] def lookup(self, m, tolerance = None): i = self.ilookup(m, tolerance = tolerance) return ( self.masses[i],[i], )
[docs] def lookup_accuracy(self, m, tolerance = None): """ Performs a lookup and adds accuracy information to the result. """ r = self.lookup(m, tolerance = tolerance) a = np.array([ (m - rm) / m * 10**6 for rm in r[0] ]) return r[0], r[1], a
[docs] def adduct_lookup( self, mz, adducts = None, ionmode = None, charge = None, adduct_constraints = True, tolerance = None, ): """ Does a series of lookups in the database assuming various adducts. Calculates the exact mass for the m/z for each possible adduct and searches these exact masses in the database. Returns a dict of tuples with 3-3 numpy arrays. Keys of the dict are adduct types. The arrays are exact masses, database record details and accuracies (ppm). """ result = {} mz = mzmod.Mz(mz) charge = ( charge if charge is not None else 1 if ionmode == 'pos' else -1 ) if not adducts and ionmode in {'pos', 'neg'}: # we look up all adducts we have a method for adducts = list(settings.get('ex2ad')[abs(charge)][ionmode].keys()) ad_default = settings.get('adducts_default')[ionmode][abs(charge)] ad_constr = settings.get('adduct_constraints')[ionmode] exmethods = settings.get('ad2ex')[abs(charge)][ionmode] methods = dict((ad, exmethods[ad]) for ad in adducts) for ad, method in iteritems(methods): exmz = getattr(mz, method)() res = self.lookup_accuracy(exmz, tolerance = tolerance) if adduct_constraints: ires = tuple( i for i in xrange(res[0].shape[0]) if ( ( res[1][i].hg not in ad_constr and ad in ad_default ) or ( res[1][i].hg in ad_constr and ad in ad_constr[res[1][i].hg] ) ) ) res = (res[0][ires,], res[1][ires,], res[2][ires,]) if len(res[0]): result[ad] = res return result
[docs] def adduct_lookup_many( self, mzs, adducts = None, ionmode = None, charge = None, adduct_constraints = True, tolerance = None, ): """ Performs the lookup on a vector of m/z values. Calls the ``adduct_lookup`` method on all m/z's. Returns array of dicts with lookup results. """ result = [] for mz in mzs: result.append( self.adduct_lookup( mz, adducts = adducts, ionmode = ionmode, charge = charge, adduct_constraints = adduct_constraints, tolerance = tolerance, ) ) return np.array(result)
[docs] def export_db(self, fname = 'molecule_database.tsv'): hdr = [ 'exact_mass', 'category', 'std_name', 'database_names', 'database_id', 'database', 'prefix', 'sum_cc', 'sum_unsat', 'fa1_cc', 'fa1_unsat', 'fa2_cc', 'fa2_unsat', 'fa3_cc', 'fa3_unsat', ] with open(fname, 'w') as fp: _ = fp.write('%s\n' % '\t'.join(hdr)) for mass, data in zip(self.masses, _ = fp.write('%.12f\t%s\n' % ( mass, '\t'.join(str(f) for f in data) ))
[docs] def export_db_lipidblast(self, fname = 'molecule_database.csv'): hdr = [ 'Retention Time (min)', 'Neutral Mass', 'Compound ID', 'Description', 'Formula', 'URL', ] with open(fname, 'w') as fp: _ = fp.write('%s\n' % ','.join(hdr)) for mass, data in zip(self.masses, _ = fp.write( '%s\n' % ','.join(( '', '%.012f' % mass, ( 'lipyd.lipid' if data.lab.db == 'lipyd.lipid' else data.lab.db_id ), '"%s"' % data.lab.names[0], data.lab.formula, ( 'lipyd.lipid' if data.lab.db == 'lipyd.lipid' else self.get_url(data.lab.db_id) ), )) )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_url(db_id): if db_id[:3] == 'SLM': return '' % db_id elif db_id[:2] == 'LM': return '' % db_id
[docs] @staticmethod def records_string( records, adducts = None, databases = None, show_ppm = False, show_adduct = False, show_db = False, ): result = set() for add, data in iteritems(records): if adducts is not None and add not in adducts: continue for rec_mz, rec, rec_ppm in zip(*data): if databases is not None and rec.lab.db not in databases: continue name = ( lipproc.summary_str(rec.hg, rec.chainsum) if rec.hg else rec.lab.names[0] if rec.lab.names else 'Unknown' ) details = [] if show_ppm: details.append('%.01fppm' % rec_ppm) if show_adduct: details.append(add) if show_db: details.append(rec.lab.db) result.add('%s%s%s%s' % ( name, '[' if details else '', ','.join(details), ']' if details else '', )) return ';'.join(result)
[docs]def init_db(**kwargs): """ Initializes a database. Args ---- :param **kwargs: Arguments for ``:py:class:.MoleculeDatabaseAggregator`` class. """ mod = sys.modules[__name__] setattr(mod, 'db', MoleculeDatabaseAggregator(**kwargs))
[docs]def get_db(): """ Returns the module's default database. Initializes the database with default paremeters if no database yet available. """ mod = sys.modules[__name__] if not hasattr(mod, 'db'): init_db() return getattr(mod, 'db')
[docs]def lookup(m, tolerance = None): db = get_db() return db.lookup(m)
[docs]def adduct_lookup( mz, ionmode, adduct_constraints = True, tolerance = None, ): """ Does a series of lookups in the database assuming various adducts. Calculates the exact mass for the m/z for each possible adduct and searches these exact masses in the database. Returns a dict of tuples with 3-3 numpy arrays. Keys of the dict are adduct types. The arrays are exact masses, database record details and accuracies (ppm). """ db = get_db() return db.adduct_lookup( mz, ionmode = ionmode, adduct_constraints = adduct_constraints, tolerance = tolerance, )
[docs]def adduct_lookup_many( mzs, adducts = None, ionmode = None, charge = None, adduct_constraints = True, tolerance = None, ): """ Performs the lookup on a vector of m/z values. Calls the ``adduct_lookup`` method on all m/z's. Returns array of dicts with lookup results. """ db = get_db() return db.adduct_lookup_many( mzs = mzs, adducts = adducts, ionmode = ionmode, charge = charge, adduct_constraints = adduct_constraints, tolerance = tolerance, )
[docs]def possible_classes( mz, ionmode, adduct_constraints = True, main_only = True, tolerance = None, ): """ For a m/z returns a set of possible classes. :param bool main_only: Return only the set of main classes or subclasses. """ return set( r.hg.main if main_only else r.hg for rr in itertools.chain( adduct_lookup( mz, ionmode, adduct_constraints = adduct_constraints, tolerance = tolerance, ).values() ) for r in rr[1] if r.hg is not None )
[docs]def records_string( records, adducts = None, databases = None, show_ppm = False, show_adduct = False, show_db = False, ): return MoleculeDatabaseAggregator.records_string( records = records, adducts = adducts, databases = databases, show_ppm = show_ppm, show_adduct = show_adduct, show_db = show_db, )