Source code for lipyd.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `lipyd` python module
#  Copyright (c) 2015-2018 - EMBL
#  File author(s): Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

# The spectrum plotting based on code by Martin Noehrer
# See original at

import imp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math as mt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib import rcParams

[docs]class SpectrumPlot(object): filetype = "pdf" # "png" or "pdf" """str: Filetype of the outputfile Tested with "pdf" and "png" """ figdpi = 200 """int: DPI of the image output file """ # correct DPI of figure if using pdf if filetype.lower() == "pdf": figdpi = 72 params = {'backend': 'pdf', 'figure.dpi': figdpi, # 72 for pdf 'axes.labelsize': 10, 'font.size': 10, 'legend.fontsize': 8, 'legend.frameon': True, 'xtick.labelsize': 8, 'ytick.labelsize': 8, '': 'serif', 'text.usetex': True, 'text.latex.unicode': True, 'axes.linewidth': 0.5, 'xtick.major.size': 4, # major tick size in points 'xtick.minor.size': 2, # minor tick size in points 'xtick.direction': 'out', 'ytick.major.size': 4, # major tick size in points 'ytick.minor.size': 2, # minor tick size in points 'ytick.direction': 'out', } plt.rcParams.update(params) def __init__( self, mzs, intensities, annotations = None, xmin = None, xmax = None, title = None, ): self.mzs = mzs self.intensities = intensities self.annotations = annotations self.xmin = xmin or int(min(self.mzs) / 10.0) * 10 self.xmax = xmax or int(max(self.mzs) / 10.0 + 1) * 10 self.title = title
[docs] def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new)
[docs] def normalize_intensities(self): self.inorm = self.intensities / np.max(self.intensities) * 100.0
@staticmethod def __get_max_peak(x_value, raw_values): """ Search for the local peak next to the x-value. The value searches in the near area of the given x-value for the maximum (local) peak, which correspondends to the data. Args: x_value (float): m/z value (x-coordinate) of the point, to be annotated raw_values (Pandas.DataFrame): Data values, which should be annotated Returns: y value of the peak, next to the given x value """ raw_values_index = raw_values[raw_values["m/z"] == x_value].index[0] value, index = float(raw_values.loc[raw_values_index - 5, "intensity_normalized"]), raw_values_index - 5 for z in range(-5, 15): if float(raw_values.loc[raw_values_index + z, "intensity_normalized"]) > value: value, index = float(raw_values.loc[raw_values_index + z, "intensity_normalized"]), raw_values_index + z return value
[docs] def annotate_point(x1, y_pos=0, text='', raw_values=None): """ Annotate a specific point. Annotate a point with a label. The label will be placed vertically with an additional line. The function uses the data values and searches for the peak of the value to be annotated. Therefore the ``raw_values`` parameter is used Args: ----- x1 (float): m/z value (x-coordinate) of the point, to be annotated y_pos (Optional[float]): Position of the label beginning (y-coordinate). The value uses the scale of the datapoints. text (str): Label text raw_values (Pandas.DataFrame): Data values, which should be annotated """ delta_point_annotate_line_pixel = 1 if raw_values is not None: if __get_max_peak(x1, raw_values) < (y_pos - delta_point_annotate_line_pixel): xy_text = (x1, y_pos) else: xy_text = (x1, __get_max_peak(x1, raw_values) + delta_point_annotate_line_pixel) plt.annotate( text, xy=(x1, __get_max_peak(x1, raw_values) + delta_point_annotate_line_pixel), xycoords='data', xytext=xy_text, textcoords='data', rotation=90, size=8, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color="#808080", linewidth=0.4, shrinkA=0.05, shrinkB=1))
[docs] def annotate_distance(x1=0, x2=0, y_pos=0, text='', raw_values=None, rotate_text=0): """ Annotage the distance between two peaks Annotate the distance between two given peaks. The text can be placed with a given angle. Args ---- x1 (float): m/z value (x-coordinate) of the left point x2 (float): m/z value (x-coordinate) of the right point y_pos (Optional[float]): Position of the label beginning (y-coordinate). The value uses the scale of the datapoints. text (str): Label text raw_values (Pandas.DataFrame): Data values, which should be annotated rotate_text (Optional[int]): Rotation of the label, should be 0 or 90 """ delta_point_annotate_line_pixel = 1 if raw_values is not None: if __get_max_peak(x1, raw_values) < (y_pos - delta_point_annotate_line_pixel): plt.annotate( '', xy=(x1, __get_max_peak(x1, raw_values) + delta_point_annotate_line_pixel), xycoords='data', xytext=(x1, y_pos), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color="#808080", linewidth=0.4, shrinkA=0.05, shrinkB=0.05)) if __get_max_peak(x2, raw_values) < (y_pos - delta_point_annotate_line_pixel): plt.annotate( '', xy=(x2, __get_max_peak(x2, raw_values) + delta_point_annotate_line_pixel), xycoords='data', xytext=(x2, y_pos), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', color="#808080", linewidth=0.4, shrinkA=0.05, shrinkB=0.05)) plt.annotate( '', xy=(x1, y_pos), xycoords='data', xytext=(x2, y_pos), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='<|-|>,head_length=0.4,head_width=0.1', color="black", linewidth=0.6, shrinkA=0.05, shrinkB=0.05)) plt.annotate( text, xy=((x1 if x1 <= x2 else x2) + mt.fabs((x1 - x2)) / 2, y_pos), xycoords='data', rotation=rotate_text, size=8, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', xytext=(0, 2), textcoords='offset points')
# Helper functions @staticmethod def __figsize_and_margins( plotsize, subplots = (1, 1), **absolute_margins, ): """Determine figure size and margins from plot size and absolute margins Args: plotsize: (width, height) of plot area in inch subplots: (nrows, ncols) of subplots left, right, top, bottom: absolute margins around plot area wspace, hspace: width and height spacing between subplots Returns: size: figure size for figsize argument of figure() margins: relative margins dict suitable for subplots_adjust() Example: making 2x2 grid of 3" square plots with specific spacings: sz, rm = figsize_and_margins((3,3), (2,2), left=1, right=.5, top=.5, bottom=1, wspace=.5, hspace=.5) figure(figsize=sz) subplots_adjust(**rm) subplot(221); subplot(222) subplot(223); subplot(224) Source: """ pw, ph = plotsize nr, nc = subplots amarg = absolute_margins # dictionary for relative margins # initialize from rcParams with margins not in amarg rmarg = dict((m, rcParams['figure.subplot.' + m]) for m in ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'wspace', 'hspace') if m not in amarg ) # subplots_adjust wants wspace and hspace relative to plotsize: if 'wspace' in amarg: rmarg['wspace'] = float(amarg['wspace']) / pw if 'hspace' in amarg: rmarg['hspace'] = float(amarg['hspace']) / ph # in terms of the relative margins: # width * (right - left) # = ncols * plot_width + (ncols - 1) * wspace * plot_width # height * (top - bottom) # = nrows * plot_height + (nrows - 1) * hspace * plot_height # solve for width and height, using absolute margins as necessary: width = float((nc + (nc - 1) * rmarg['wspace']) * pw + amarg.get('left', 0) + amarg.get('right', 0)) / ( rmarg.get('right', 1) - rmarg.get('left', 0)) height = float((nr + (nr - 1) * rmarg['hspace']) * ph + amarg.get('top', 0) + amarg.get('bottom', 0)) / ( rmarg.get('top', 1) - rmarg.get('bottom', 0)) # now we can get any remaining relative margins if 'left' in amarg: rmarg['left'] = float(amarg['left']) / width if 'right' in amarg: rmarg['right'] = 1 - float(amarg['right']) / width if 'top' in amarg: rmarg['top'] = 1 - float(amarg['top']) / height if 'bottom' in amarg: rmarg['bottom'] = float(amarg['bottom']) / height # return figure size and relative margins return (width, height), rmarg @staticmethod def __get_ax_size(ax, fig): """ Source: absolute-plot-size-and-margins-in-matplotlib """ bbox = ax.get_window_extent().transformed( fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted() ) width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height width *= fig.dpi height *= fig.dpi return width, height @staticmethod def __conv_inch(length_mm): """Converts a length from millimeters to inch Args: ----- :param int,float length_mm : Length in millimeters to be converted Returns: -------- float: The converted length in inch """ return length_mm / 25.4
[docs] def generate_massspectra_plot_automatic_labels(input_filename, output_filename): print("Generate {0} mass spectra plot ({1}.{2}) from {3}.[xy/txt]".format(filetype.upper(), output_filename, filetype, input_filename)) # min and max value of the x axis min_xaxis = 50 max_xaxis = 425 # dimensions of the single plot figwidth_mm = 141 left_margin_mm = 14 right_margin_mm = 2 top_margin_mm = 26 bottom_margin_mm = 13 plotwidth_mm = figwidth_mm - left_margin_mm - right_margin_mm plotheight_mm = plotwidth_mm * 0.8 hspace_mm = 0.1 # horizontal space between two plots # read xy input data raw_values = pd.read_csv(input_filename + ".xy", sep=" ", names=["m/z", "intensity"], dtype={"m/z": np.float64, "intensity": np.float64}) # normalize input data max_val = np.max(raw_values['intensity']) raw_values["intensity_normalized"] = raw_values['intensity'] / max_val * 100.0 # normalize intensity to percent # read txt captions caption_values = pd.read_csv(input_filename + ".txt", sep=";", names=["m/z", "caption"], dtype={"m/z": np.float64}) # find maximum value for each annotate peak - necessary for later calculation of annotation lines for i in caption_values.index: raw_values_index = raw_values[raw_values["m/z"] == caption_values.ix[i]["m/z"]].index[0] value, index = float(raw_values.loc[raw_values_index - 5, "intensity_normalized"]), raw_values_index - 5 for z in range(-5, 15): if float(raw_values.loc[raw_values_index + z, "intensity_normalized"]) > value: value, index = float(raw_values.loc[raw_values_index + z, "intensity_normalized"]), raw_values_index + z caption_values.loc[i, "m/z"] = float(raw_values.loc[index, "m/z"]) caption_values.loc[i, "intensity_normalized"] = value # add intensity to caption table # dimension for the annotations in pixel delta_x_text_labels_mm = 3.8 delta_point_annotate_line_mm = 1 label_annotate_arm_high_mm = 5.3 delta_y_diagonal_annotate_arm_mm = 3.5 delta_y_baseline_axistop_mm = 6.3 delta_label_mznumber_pixel_mm = 7 fsize, margins = __figsize_and_margins(plotsize=(__conv_inch(plotwidth_mm), __conv_inch(plotheight_mm)), subplots=(1, 1), left=__conv_inch(left_margin_mm), right=__conv_inch(right_margin_mm), top=__conv_inch(top_margin_mm), bottom=__conv_inch(bottom_margin_mm), wspace=0.01, hspace=__conv_inch(hspace_mm)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=fsize, ) plt.subplots_adjust(**margins) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # delta_dimension in pixel calculate from mm delta_x_text_labels_pixel = __conv_inch(delta_x_text_labels_mm) * fig.dpi delta_point_annotate_line_pixel = __conv_inch(delta_point_annotate_line_mm) * fig.dpi label_annotate_arm_high_pixel = __conv_inch(label_annotate_arm_high_mm) * fig.dpi delta_y_diagonal_annotate_arm = __conv_inch(delta_y_diagonal_annotate_arm_mm) * fig.dpi delta_y_baseline_axistop = __conv_inch(delta_y_baseline_axistop_mm) * fig.dpi delta_label_mznumber_pixel = __conv_inch(delta_label_mznumber_pixel_mm) * fig.dpi # plot spectra line ax.plot(raw_values["m/z"], raw_values["intensity_normalized"], color="black", linewidth=0.8) # set x axes range if min_xaxis is not None and max_xaxis is not None: ax.set_xlim([int(min_xaxis), int(max_xaxis)]) length_x_axis_pixel, length_y_axis_pixel = __get_ax_size(ax, fig) x_axis_min, x_axis_max = ax.get_xlim() y_axis_min, y_axis_max = ax.get_ylim() list_text_pos = list() if len(caption_values.index) > 0: # annotate from basepeak basepeak_index = caption_values[caption_values["intensity_normalized"] >= 100.0].index if len(basepeak_index) == 0: basepeak_index = [len(caption_values) / 2] # annotate peaks left frome basepeak for z in caption_values.loc[:basepeak_index[0], "m/z"].sort_index(ascending=False): x_value_pixel = (z - x_axis_min) / (x_axis_max - x_axis_min) * length_x_axis_pixel if len(list_text_pos) == 0: list_text_pos.append(x_value_pixel) else: if x_value_pixel > list_text_pos[-1] + delta_x_text_labels_pixel: list_text_pos.append(x_value_pixel) else: list_text_pos.append(list_text_pos[-1] + delta_x_text_labels_pixel) # annotate peaks right from basepeak if basepeak_index[0] + 1 in caption_values.index: for z in caption_values.loc[basepeak_index[0] + 1:, "m/z"]: x_value_pixel = (z - x_axis_min) / (x_axis_max - x_axis_min) * length_x_axis_pixel if x_value_pixel < list_text_pos[0] - delta_x_text_labels_pixel: list_text_pos.insert(0, x_value_pixel) else: list_text_pos.insert(0, list_text_pos[0] - delta_x_text_labels_pixel) # move annotation to left, if the label is out of the axes range if len(list_text_pos) > 0 and max(list_text_pos) >= length_x_axis_pixel: print("move labels to left") calc_delta = max(list_text_pos) - length_x_axis_pixel for index in range(len(list_text_pos) - 1, 0, -1): print("change", list_text_pos[index], calc_delta) if index > 1 and list_text_pos[index] - calc_delta > list_text_pos[index - 1] + delta_x_text_labels_pixel: list_text_pos[index] = list_text_pos[index] - calc_delta break else: list_text_pos[index] = list_text_pos[index] - calc_delta for i in caption_values.index: label_x_pos = list_text_pos.pop() x_value = float(caption_values.loc[i, "m/z"]) y_value = float(caption_values.loc[i, "intensity_normalized"]) label_text = str(caption_values.loc[i, "caption"]) x_value_pixel = (x_value - x_axis_min) / (x_axis_max - x_axis_min) * length_x_axis_pixel y_value_pixel = (y_value - y_axis_min) / (y_axis_max - y_axis_min) * length_y_axis_pixel label_y_pos_pixel = length_y_axis_pixel + delta_y_baseline_axistop length_y_annotation_line = label_y_pos_pixel - y_value_pixel - delta_point_annotate_line_pixel label_annotate_arm_low_pixel = length_y_annotation_line - label_annotate_arm_high_pixel - delta_y_diagonal_annotate_arm if label_annotate_arm_low_pixel < 0: label_annotate_arm_low_pixel = 0 ax.annotate("{:.0f}".format(x_value), xy=(x_value_pixel, y_value_pixel + delta_point_annotate_line_pixel), xycoords='axes pixels', rotation=90, xytext=(label_x_pos, label_y_pos_pixel), textcoords='axes pixels', size=8, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-", connectionstyle="arc,angleA=-90,armA=" + str(label_annotate_arm_high_pixel) + ",angleB= 90,armB=" + str(label_annotate_arm_low_pixel) + ",rad=0", linewidth=0.5, color='#808080'), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom') ax.annotate(label_text, xy=(x_value_pixel, y_value_pixel + delta_point_annotate_line_pixel), xycoords='axes pixels', rotation=90, xytext=(label_x_pos, label_y_pos_pixel + delta_label_mznumber_pixel), textcoords='axes pixels', size=8, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom' ) # remove top and right axis ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() # label axes ax.set_xlabel(r"$m/z$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$Intensity\,[\%]$") # set x labels plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') start, end = ax.get_xlim() ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end + 1, 25)) # set y labels ax.set_ylim(0, 100) start, end = ax.get_ylim() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end + 1, 10)) # set grid plt.grid(True, axis="y", color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.1) plt.savefig(output_filename + "." + filetype, dpi=fig.dpi, format=filetype) plt.close()
[docs] def annotate(self): if self.annotations is None: return ann_idx = np.where(np.array([bool(a) for a in self.annotations])) for i, annot in enumerate(self.annotations): pass self.annotate_point(403, 83, r'Peak II', raw_values) self.annotate_point(253, 83, r'Peak I', raw_values) annotate_distance(385, 403, 45, '$-18$', raw_values, rotate_text=90) annotate_distance(367, 385, 45, '$-18$', raw_values, rotate_text=90) annotate_distance(339, 367, 25, '$xy$', raw_values, rotate_text=90) annotate_distance(321, 349, 35, '$xy$', raw_values, rotate_text=90) annotate_distance(253, 349, 72, '$-96$', raw_values)
[docs] def build(self): # dimensions of the single plot figwidth_mm = 141 left_margin_mm = 14 right_margin_mm = 2 top_margin_mm = 5 bottom_margin_mm = 13 plotwidth_mm = figwidth_mm - left_margin_mm - right_margin_mm plotheight_mm = plotwidth_mm * 0.8 hspace_mm = 0.1 # horizontal space between two plots fsize, margins = self.__figsize_and_margins( plotsize = ( self.__conv_inch(plotwidth_mm), self.__conv_inch(plotheight_mm) ), subplots = (1, 1), left = self.__conv_inch(left_margin_mm), right = self.__conv_inch(right_margin_mm), top = self.__conv_inch(top_margin_mm), bottom = self.__conv_inch(bottom_margin_mm), wspace = 0.01, hspace = self.__conv_inch(hspace_mm) ) self.fig = plt.figure(figsize = fsize, ) plt.subplots_adjust(**margins) = self.fig.add_subplot(111) # plot spectra line self.mzs, self.inorm, color = "black", linewidth = 0.8, label = self.title, ) # set x axes range[self.xmin, self.xmax]) # annotations # length in data value (in %) self.annotate() # remove top and right axis['top'].set_visible(False)['right'].set_visible(False) # label axes"$m/z$")"$Intensity\,[\%]$") # set x labels plt.xticks(rotation = 'vertical') start, end =, end + 1, 25)) # set y labels, 100) start, end =, end + 1, 10)) # set grid plt.grid( True, axis = 'y', color = 'black', linestyle = ':', linewidth = 0.1, ) plt.savefig(self.outfile, dpi = self.fig.dpi, format = self.filetype) plt.close()
[docs] def generate_massspectra_two_plot_manual_annotation(input_filename1, input_filename2, output_filename): print("Generate {0} mass spectra plot ({1}.{2}) from {3}.xy and {4}.xy".format(filetype.upper(), output_filename, filetype, input_filename1, input_filename2)) # min and max value of the x axis min_xaxis = 50 max_xaxis = 475 # labels label1 = "Substance 1" label2 = "Substance 2" # dimensions of the single plot figwidth_mm = 141 left_margin_mm = 14 right_margin_mm = 2 top_margin_mm = 5 bottom_margin_mm = 13 plotwidth_mm = figwidth_mm - left_margin_mm - right_margin_mm plotheight_mm = plotwidth_mm * 0.8 hspace_mm = 25 # horizontal space between two plots # read xy input data raw_values1 = pd.read_csv(input_filename1 + ".xy", sep=" ", names=["m/z", "intensity"], dtype={"m/z": np.float64, "intensity": np.float64}) # normalize input data max_val = np.max(raw_values1['intensity']) raw_values1["intensity_normalized"] = raw_values1['intensity'] / max_val * 100.0 # normalize intensity to percent # read xy input data raw_values2 = pd.read_csv(input_filename2 + ".xy", sep=" ", names=["m/z", "intensity"], dtype={"m/z": np.float64, "intensity": np.float64}) # normalize input data max_val = np.max(raw_values2['intensity']) raw_values2["intensity_normalized"] = raw_values2['intensity'] / max_val * 100.0 # normalize intensity to percent fsize, margins = __figsize_and_margins(plotsize=(__conv_inch(plotwidth_mm), __conv_inch(plotheight_mm)), subplots=(1, 1), left=__conv_inch(left_margin_mm), right=__conv_inch(right_margin_mm), top=__conv_inch(top_margin_mm), bottom=__conv_inch(bottom_margin_mm), wspace=0.01, hspace=__conv_inch(hspace_mm)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=fsize, ) plt.subplots_adjust(**margins) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) # plot spectra line plt1, = ax.plot(raw_values1["m/z"], raw_values1["intensity_normalized"], color="black", linewidth=0.8, label=label1) legend = plt.legend(handles=[plt1], loc=2) legend.get_frame().set_linewidth(0) # set x axes range if min_xaxis is not None and max_xaxis is not None: ax.set_xlim([int(min_xaxis), int(max_xaxis)]) # annotate plot1 annotate_point(253, 60, r'Peak 1', raw_values1) annotate_distance(385, 403, 45, r'$-18$', raw_values1, rotate_text=90) annotate_distance(367, 385, 45, r'$-18$', raw_values1, rotate_text=90) annotate_distance(321, 349, 75, r'$xy$', raw_values1, rotate_text=0) annotate_point(403, 60, r'Peak 2', raw_values1) # remove top and right axis ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() # label axes ax.set_ylabel(r"$Intensity\,[\%]$") # set x labels plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') start, end = ax.get_xlim() ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end + 1, 25)) # set y labels ax.set_ylim(0, 100) start, end = ax.get_ylim() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end + 1, 10)) # set grid plt.grid(True, axis="y", color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.1) # set x labels plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') start, end = ax.get_xlim() ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end + 1, 25)) # set y labels ax.set_ylim(0, 100) start, end = ax.get_ylim() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end + 1, 10)) # set grid plt.grid(True, axis="y", color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.1) # generate plot2 ax = fig.add_subplot(212) plt2, = ax.plot(raw_values2["m/z"], raw_values2["intensity_normalized"], color="#606060", linewidth=0.8, label=label2) legend = plt.legend(handles=[plt2], loc=2) legend.get_frame().set_linewidth(0) # set x axes range if min_xaxis is not None and max_xaxis is not None: ax.set_xlim([int(min_xaxis), int(max_xaxis)]) # annotate annotate_point(253, 60, r'Peak I', raw_values2) annotate_point(189, 60, r'189', raw_values2) annotate_point(215, 60, r'215', raw_values2) annotate_distance(385, 445, 30, r'Multiple'"\n"r'line'"\n"'annotation', raw_values2) annotate_distance(367, 385, 45, r' -18', raw_values2, rotate_text=90) annotate_distance(349, 367, 45, r' -18', raw_values2, rotate_text=90) annotate_distance(321, 349, 75, r'xy', raw_values2, rotate_text=0) annotate_point(445, 60, r'Peak 2', raw_values2) # remove top and right axis ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() # label axes ax.set_xlabel(r"$m/z$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$Intensity\,[\%]$") # set x labels plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') start, end = ax.get_xlim() ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end + 1, 25)) # set y labels ax.set_ylim(0, 100) start, end = ax.get_ylim() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end + 1, 10)) # set grid plt.grid(True, axis="y", color='black', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.1) plt.savefig(output_filename + "." + filetype, dpi=fig.dpi, format=filetype) plt.close()