Source code for lipyd.sdf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `lipyd` python module
#  Copyright (c) 2014-2018 - EMBL
#  File author(s): Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

import imp
import sys
import re

    import pybel
    if 'ipykernel' not in sys.modules and is None:
            import tkinter
            import PIL
            import PIL.ImageTk
   = tkinter
            pybel.PIL = PIL.Image
            pybel.piltk = PIL.ImageTk
                ':: `PIL` or `tkinter` not available.\n'
                '   `pybel` won\'t be able to draw molecules.\n'
    sys.stdout.write(':: Module `pybel` not available.\n')

resyn = re.compile(
rehg  = re.compile(r'^([A-Z]{2,4})(\(.*\))')
refa  = re.compile(r'C([0-9]+:[0-9]+)n?-?[-0-9]*$')
refa2 = re.compile(r'([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9])\(?[0-9EZ]*\)?$')
hgsyn = {
    'TG': 'TAG',
    'DG': 'DAG'

[docs]class SdfReader(object): names_default = { 'PUBCHEM_CID': 'pubchem', 'CHEBI_ID': 'chebi', 'SYNONYMS': 'synonym', 'INCHI': 'inchi', 'INCHIKEY': 'inchikey', 'COMMON_NAME': 'commname', 'SYSTEMATIC_NAME': 'sysname' } annots_default = {'EXACT_MASS', 'FORMULA'} def __init__(self, fp, names = None, annots = None, silent = False): """ Processes and serves data from an sdf file. Builds an index of the file and retrieve the records on demand. Note, sdf is not a well defined or well kept standard, this reader has been developed to process the LipidMaps database. Once there is a need to use with other databases we are happy to adapt to their formats. Args ---- :param file fp: An open file pointer to the SDF file. :param dict names: These are the names to build indexes for. Once indexing is done it's possible to search and retrieve records by these IDs and names. By deafult the names in `names_default` are used. Names provided here are added to the defaults. Keys of the dict are labels as used in the sdf, values of the dict are the attribute names of the indexes. :param set annots: Additional annotations to be read. These are the data to be retrieved with each record. Works the same way as `names`. :param bool silent: Print number of records at the end of indexing. """ self.fp = fp = = {} self.mainkey = {} self.indexed = False self.silent = silent self.names = names or {} self.names.update(self.names_default) self.annots = annots or set() self.annots.update(self.annots_default) for name in self.names.values(): setattr(self, name, {}) self._byte_mode() self._file_size() self.index()
[docs] def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new)
def _byte_mode(self): if hasattr(self.fp, 'mode'): if 'b' not in self.fp.mode: self.fp.close() self.fp = open(, 'rb') def _file_size(self):, 2) self.eof = self.fp.tell()
[docs] def read(self, index_only = True, one_record = False, go_to = 0 ): """ Performs all reading operations on the sdf file. This method is able to read the entire file, scan the file and build an index of records, and retrieve one record. Args ---- :param bool index_only: Do not read the file but only build an index. :param bool one_record: Read only one record. :param int go_to: Go to this byte offset in the file and start reading there. """ expect_new = True molpart = None namepart = False name_or_id = False _id = None mol = '' this_offset = None offset = 0 name = {} annot = {} namekey = None for l in self.fp: llen = len(l) l = l.decode('utf-8') sl = l.strip() if not molpart: if name_or_id and len(sl) and sl[0] != '>' and sl[0] != '$': expect_new = True if namekey and namekey in self.names: name[namekey] = sl namekey = None if namekey and namekey in self.annots: annot[namekey] = sl namekey = None if sl[:3] == '> <': name_or_id = False namepart = True namekey = sl[3:-1] if namepart and sl == '': name_or_id = True if expect_new and len(l): _id = sl name = {} annot = {} this_offset = offset expect_new = False molpart = 1 comment = '' elif molpart == 1: source = sl molpart += 1 elif molpart == 2 and len(sl): if not sl[0].isdigit(): comment = '%s %s' % (comment, sl) else: molpart = 3 if sl == '$$$$': expect_new = True if molpart == 3: if not index_only: mol = '%s%s' % (mol, l) if sl == 'M END': molpart = None namepart = True name_or_id = True if expect_new or self.fp.tell() == self.eof: if one_record: return { 'id': _id, 'source': source, 'comment': comment, 'mol': mol, 'name': name, 'annot': annot } # this is indexing: we build dicts of names self.mainkey[_id] = this_offset if 'COMMON_NAME' in name: m = refa2.match(name['COMMON_NAME']) if m: if 'SYNONYMS' not in name: name['SYNONYMS'] = 'FA(%s)' % m.groups()[0] else: name['SYNONYMS'] = '%s;FA(%s)' % ( name['SYNONYMS'], m.groups()[0] ) for k, v in self.names.items(): if k in name: if k == 'SYNONYMS': syns = set( syn.strip() for syn in name[k].split(';') ) syns2 = set([]) for syn in syns: m = rehg.match(syn) if m: m = m.groups() if m[0] in hgsyn: syns2.add( '%s%s' % (hgsyn[m[0]], m[1]) ) syns.update(syns2) syn2 = set([]) for syn in syns: m = resyn.match(syn) if m: syns2.add('%s(%s/%s)' % m.groups()) m = refa.match(syn) if m: syns2.add('FA(%s)' % m.groups()[0]) syns.update(syns2) for syn in syns: if syn not in self.synonym: self.synonym[syn] = set([]) self.synonym[syn].add(this_offset) else: getattr(self, v)[name[k]] = this_offset if not index_only:[this_offset] = { 'id': _id, 'source': source, 'comment': comment, 'mol': mol, 'name': name, 'annot': annot } offset += llen if index_only: self.indexed = True
[docs] def index(self): = True) self.index_info()
[docs] def get_record(self, name, typ): """ Retrieves all records matching `name`. Returns list of records or empty list if none found. Each record is a dict of processed values from the sdf file. Args ---- :param str name: Molecule name or identifier. :param str typ: Type of name or identifier. These are the attribute names of the index dicts which are taken from the values in the `names` dict. """ result = [] if hasattr(self, typ): index = getattr(self, typ) if name in index: if typ == 'synonym': for offset in index[name]: result.append( index_only = False, one_record = True, go_to = offset ) ) else: offset = index[name] result.append( index_only = False, one_record = True, go_to = offset ) ) return result
[docs] def get_obmol(self, name, typ, use_mol = False): """ Returns generator yielding `pybel.Molecule` instances for `name`. Args ---- :param str name: Molecule name or ID. :param str typ: Type of the name or identifier. :param bool use_mol: Process structures from mol format. By default structures are processed from InChI. """ records = self.get_record(name, typ) for rec in records: if use_mol: mol = self.record_to_obmol_mol(rec) else: mol = self.record_to_obmol(rec) mol.db_id = rec['id'] title = [] if 'COMMON_NAME' in rec['name']: title.append(rec['name']['COMMON_NAME']) if 'SYNONYMS' in rec['name']: title.extend(rec['name']['SYNONYMS'].split(';')) if 'SYSTEMATIC_NAME' in rec['name']: title.append(rec['name']['SYSTEMATIC_NAME']) mol.title = '|'.join(n.strip() for n in title) mol.lipidmaps = rec['id'] if 'INCHI' in rec['name']: mol.inchi = rec['name']['INCHI'] if 'PUBCHEM_CID' in rec['name']: mol.pubchem = rec['name']['PUBCHEM_CID'] if 'CHEBI_ID' in rec['name']: mol.chebi = rec['name']['CHEBI_ID'] if 'COMMON_NAME' in rec['name']: = rec['name']['COMMON_NAME'] yield mol
[docs] def record_to_obmol(self, record): """ Processes a record to `pybel.Molecule` object. """ if 'INCHI' in record['name']: return pybel.readstring('inchi', record['name']['INCHI']) else: sys.stdout.write( 'No InChI for `%s`!\n' % record['name']['COMMON_NAME'] )
[docs] def record_to_obmol_mol(self, record): return pybel.readstring('mol', self.get_mol(record))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mol(record): """ Returns structure as a string in mol format. """ return '%s\n %s\n%s\n%s' % ( record['id'], record['source'], record['comment'], record['mol'] )
[docs] def write_mol(self, name, typ, outf = None, return_data = False): """ Writes a record into file in mol format. """ outf = outf or '%s_%s_%s.mol' rr = self.get_record(name, typ) if not rr: return None if type(rr) is not list: rr = [rr] for r in rr: _outf = outf % ( name.replace('/', '.'), r['name']['COMMON_NAME'].replace('/', '.').replace(' ', '..') if 'COMMON_NAME' in r['name'] else '', r['id'] ) r['molfile'] = _outf with open(_outf, 'w') as fp: _ = fp.write( self.get_mol(r) ) if return_data: return rr
def __iter__(self): return self.iter_records()
[docs] def iter_records(self): """ Iterates over all records in the sdf file. """ for offset in self.mainkey.values(): yield index_only = False, one_record = True, go_to = offset )
[docs] def iter_obmol(self): """ Iterates all structures in the file and yields `pybel.Molecule` objects. """ for _id in self.mainkey.keys(): for mol in self.get_obmol(_id, typ = 'mainkey'): yield mol
[docs] def index_info(self): """ Prints number of records indexed and name of the source file. """ if not self.silent: sys.stdout.write('\t:: Indexed %u records from `%s`.\n' % ( len(self.mainkey), ))
def __del__(self): self.fp.close()