Translate IDs to/from KEGG, PubChem, Chebi, HMDB
- InputData
Dataframe with at least one column with the target (e.g. metabolite), you can add other columns such as source (e.g. term). Must be "long" DF, meaning one ID per row.
- SettingsInfo
Optional: Column name of Target in Input_GeneSet. Default = list(InputID="MetaboliteID" , GroupingVariable="term")
- From
ID type that is present in your data. Choose between "kegg", "pubchem", "chebi", "hmdb". Default = "kegg"
- To
One or multiple ID types to which you want to translate your data. Choose between "kegg", "pubchem", "chebi", "hmdb". Default = c("pubchem","chebi","hmdb")
- Summary
Optional: If TRUE a long summary tables are created. Default = FALSE
- SaveAs_Table
Optional: File types for the analysis results are: "csv", "xlsx", "txt". Default = "csv"
- FolderPath
Optional: Path to the folder the results should be saved at. Default = NULL
List with at least three DFs: 1) Original data and the new column of translated ids spearated by comma. 2) Mapping information between Original ID to Translated ID. 3) Mapping summary between Original ID to Translated ID.
KEGG_Pathways <- MetaProViz::LoadKEGG()
#> Cached file loaded from: ~/.cache/KEGG_Metabolite.rds
Res <- MetaProViz::TranslateID(InputData= KEGG_Pathways, SettingsInfo = c(InputID="MetaboliteID", GroupingVariable="term"), From = c("kegg"), To = c("pubchem","chebi","hmdb"), SaveAs_Table= "csv", FolderPath=NULL)
Res <- MetaProViz::TranslateID(InputData= KEGG_Pathways, SettingsInfo = c(InputID="MetaboliteID", GroupingVariable="term"), From = c("kegg"), To = c("pubchem", "hmdb"))