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Calculates regulatory activities using VIPER.


  .source = source,
  .target = target,
  .mor = mor,
  .likelihood = likelihood,
  verbose = FALSE,
  minsize = 5,
  pleiotropy = TRUE,
  eset.filter = FALSE,



Matrix to evaluate (e.g. expression matrix). Target nodes in rows and conditions in columns. rownames(mat) must have at least one intersection with the elements in network .target column.


Tibble or dataframe with edges and it's associated metadata.


Column with source nodes.


Column with target nodes.


Column with edge mode of regulation (i.e. mor).


Deprecated argument. Now it will always be set to 1.


Logical, whether progression messages should be printed in the terminal.


Integer indicating the minimum number of targets per source.


Logical, whether correction for pleiotropic regulation should be performed.


Logical, whether the dataset should be limited only to the genes represented in the interactome.


Arguments passed on to viper::viper


Numeric matrix for the null model, usually generated by nullTtest


Logical, whether the enrichment score reported should be normalized


Character string indicating the method for computing the single samples signature, either scale, rank, mad, ttest or none


Integer indicating the number of bootstraps iterations to perform. Only the scale method is implemented with bootstraps.


Logical, whether the weighting scores should be taken into account for computing the regulon size


list of 5 numbers for the pleotropy correction indicating: regulators p-value threshold, pleiotropic interaction p-value threshold, minimum number of targets in the overlap between pleiotropic regulators, penalty for the pleiotropic interactions and the method for computing the pleiotropy, either absolute or adaptive


Integer indicating the number of cores to use (only 1 in Windows-based systems)


A long format tibble of the enrichment scores for each source across the samples. Resulting tibble contains the following columns:

  1. statistic: Indicates which method is associated with which score.

  2. source: Source nodes of network.

  3. condition: Condition representing each column of mat.

  4. score: Regulatory activity (enrichment score).


VIPER (Alvarez et al., 2016) estimates biological activities by performing a three-tailed enrichment score calculation. For further information check the supplementary information of the decoupler manuscript or the original publication.

Alvarez al. (2016) Functional characterization of somatic mutations in cancer using network-based inference of protein activity. Nat. Genet., 48, 838–847.

See also

Other decoupleR statistics: decouple(), run_aucell(), run_fgsea(), run_gsva(), run_mdt(), run_mlm(), run_ora(), run_udt(), run_ulm(), run_wmean(), run_wsum()


inputs_dir <- system.file("testdata", "inputs", package = "decoupleR")

mat <- readRDS(file.path(inputs_dir, "mat.rds"))
net <- readRDS(file.path(inputs_dir, "net.rds"))

run_viper(mat, net, minsize=0, verbose = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 72 × 5
#>    statistic source condition score p_value
#>    <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 viper     T1     S01        1.45  0.147 
#>  2 viper     T1     S02        1.45  0.147 
#>  3 viper     T1     S03        1.45  0.147 
#>  4 viper     T1     S04        1.84  0.0662
#>  5 viper     T1     S05        1.22  0.224 
#>  6 viper     T1     S06        1.25  0.209 
#>  7 viper     T1     S07        1.62  0.106 
#>  8 viper     T1     S08        1.76  0.0783
#>  9 viper     T1     S09        1.62  0.106 
#> 10 viper     T1     S10        1.62  0.106 
#> # ℹ 62 more rows