Wrapper function to run `cell2cell_tensor` with LIANA output.
Wrapper function to run `cell2cell_tensor` with LIANA output.
sce = NULL,
context_df_dict = NULL,
score_col = "LRscore",
how = "inner",
lr_fill = NaN,
cell_fill = NaN,
lr_sep = "^",
context_order = NULL,
sort_elements = TRUE,
device = NULL,
rank = NULL,
seed = 1337,
upper_rank = 25,
runs = 3,
init = "svd",
build_only = FALSE,
factors_only = TRUE,
conda_env = NULL,
use_available = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
inplace = TRUE,
sender_col = "source",
receiver_col = "target",
ligand_col = "ligand.complex",
receptor_col = "receptor.complex",
- sce
SingleCellExperiment with `context_df_dict` - i.e. liana results per context (sample) stored at `sce@metadata$liana_res`
- context_df_dict
Dictionary (named list) containing a dataframe for each context. The dataframe must contain columns containing sender (source) cells, receiver (target) cells, ligands, receptors, and communication scores, separately. Keys are context names and values are dataframes. NULL by default. If not NULL will be used instead of `sce@metadata$liana_res`.
- score_col
Name of the column containing the communication scores in all context dataframes.
- how
Approach to consider cell types and genes present across multiple contexts. - 'inner' : Considers only cell types and LR pairs that are present in all contexts (intersection). - 'outer' : Considers all cell types and LR pairs that are present across contexts (union). - 'outer_lr' : Considers only cell types that are present in all contexts (intersection), while all LR pairs that are present across contexts (union). - 'outer_cells' : Considers only LR pairs that are present in all contexts (intersection), while all cell types that are present across contexts (union).
- lr_fill
Value to fill communication scores when a ligand-receptor pair is not present across all contexts. (NaN by default)
- cell_fill
Value to fill communication scores when a cell is not present across all ligand-receptor pairs or all contexts. (NaN by default)
- lr_sep
Separation character to join ligands and receptors into a LR pair name. ('^' by Default)
- context_order
List used to sort the contexts when building the tensor. Elements must be all elements in `names(context_df_dict)`. (NULL by default)
- sort_elements
Whether alphabetically sorting elements in the InteractionTensor. The Context Dimension is not sorted if a 'context_order' list is provided. (TRUE by default).
- device
Device to use when backend is pytorch. Options are: ['cpu', 'cuda:0', None]. NULL by Default
- rank
Ranks for the Tensor Factorization (number of factors to deconvolve the original tensor). If NULL, then rank selection is performed using the `elbow_rank_selection` function.
- seed
Random seed integer
- upper_rank
Upper bound of ranks to explore with the elbow analysis.
- runs
Number of tensor factorization performed for a given rank. Each factorization varies in the seed of initialization. Consider increasing the number of runs, in order to obtain a more robust rank estimate.
- init
Initialization method for computing the Tensor Factorization. ‘svd’, ‘random’
- build_only
Whether to only return a tensor instance, without rank selection and no factorization.
- factors_only
whether to return only the factors after factorization
- conda_env
name of existing conda environment
- use_available
whether to use c2c if available in current env. False by default.
- verbose
verbosity logical
- inplace
logical (TRUE by default) if liana results are to be saved to the SingleCellExperiment object (`sce@metadata$liana_res`)
- sender_col
Name of the column containing the sender cells in all context dataframes.
- receiver_col
Name of the column containing the receiver cells in all context dataframes.
- ligand_col
Name of the column containing the ligands in all context dataframes.
- receptor_col
Name of the column containing the receptors in all context dataframes.
- ...
Dictionary containing keyword arguments for the c2c.compute_tensor_factorization function. The function deals with `random_state` (seed) and `rank` internally.
an instance of the cell2cell.tensor.BaseTensor class (via reticulate). If build_only is TRUE, then no rank selection or tensor decomposition is returned. Otherwise, returns a tensor with factorization results.
This function servers as a one-liner wrapper to the tensor factorisation method described in tensor_cell2cell. We refer the user to the publication and tensor_cell2cell tutorial page made by the authors. Logically, one should cite cell2cell's paper if their method was used via LIANA.