Compress Network by Merging Nodes with Identical Children
This function compresses a network by merging nodes that have the same children. The input network is represented as a data frame with three columns: source, target, and sign of interaction. The function returns a list containing the compressed network, node signatures, and duplicated signatures.
A list containing the following elements:
- compressed_network
A data frame representing the compressed network.
- node_signatures
A list of signatures of nodes in the network after the merging process.
- duplicated_signatures
A list of duplicated signatures in the network after the merging process.
# Create a sample network
df <- data.frame(source = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
target = c("C", "D", "C", "D"),
sign_of_interaction = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
# Define input node and metabolic signatures
sig_input <- list()
metab_input <- list()
# Compress the network
result <- compress_same_children(df, sig_input, metab_input)
compressed_network <- result$compressed_network