Filters incoherent target genes from a regulatory network based on a decoupling analysis of upstream and downstream gene expression.
- decouplRnival_res
A data frame resulting from the decoupleRnival function.
- TF_reg_net
A data frame containing prior knowledge of transcription factor (TF) regulatory interactions.
- meta_network
A network data frame containing signed directed prior knowledge of molecular interactions.
- RNA_input
A named vector containing differential gene expression data.
# Example input data
upstream_input <- c("A" = 1, "B" = -1, "C" = 0.5)
downstream_input <- c("D" = 2, "E" = -1.5)
meta_network <- data.frame(
source = c("A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "E"),
target = c("B", "D", "D", "E", "D", "B", "A"),
interaction = c(-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1)
RNA_input <- c("A" = 1, "B" = -1, "C" = 5, "D" = -0.7, "E" = -0.3)
TF_reg_net <- data.frame(
source = c("B"),
target = c("D"),
mor = c(-1)
# Run the decoupleRnival function to get the upstream influence scores
upstream_scores <- decoupleRnival(upstream_input, downstream_input, meta_network, n_layers = 2, n_perm = 100)
#> [1] "Warning, this function is deprecated and will no longer receive futur support. Please use the 'moon' function instead"
filtered_network <- filter_incohrent_TF_target(upstream_scores, TF_reg_net, meta_network, RNA_input)
#> source target interaction
#> 1 A B -1
#> 2 A D 1
#> 4 C E 1
#> 5 C D -1
#> 6 D B -1
#> 7 E A 1