This function formats a ligand-receptor resource by creating a gene set with source-target pairs, converting it to a long format, and adding default values for 'mor' and 'likelihood'.
A data frame containing the formatted ligand-receptor gene set with columns:
- gene
The gene symbol from the ligand-receptor pairs.
- set
The set identifier combining source and target gene symbols.
- mor
Default value set to 1 for all entries.
- likelihood
Default value set to 1 for all entries.
# Create a sample ligand-receptor resource
ligrec_ressource <- data.frame(source_genesymbol = c("L1", "L2"),
target_genesymbol = c("R1", "R2"))
# Format the ligand-receptor resource
formatted_geneset <- format_LR_ressource(ligrec_ressource)