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Runs COSMOS from signaling to metabolism. This function uses CARNIVAL to find a subset of the prior knowledge network based on optimisation that (1) includes the most measured and input nodes and (2) which is in agreement with the data. Use preprocess_COSMOS_signaling_to_metabolism to prepare inputs, measurements and prior knowledge network.


  CARNIVAL_options = default_CARNIVAL_options("lpSolve")



cosmos_data object. Use the preprocess_COSMOS_signaling_to_metabolism function to create an instance.


List that controls the options of CARNIVAL. See details in default_CARNIVAL_options.


List with the following elements:


The averaged networks found by optimization in a format of a Simple Interaction network, i.e. each row codes an edge


Number of solutions found by the optimization


Estimated node properties


List of optimial networks found


Node activity in each network


test_for <- preprocess_COSMOS_signaling_to_metabolism(meta_network = toy_network,
                             signaling_data = toy_signaling_input,
                             metabolic_data = toy_metabolic_input,
                             diff_expression_data = toy_RNA,
                             maximum_network_depth = 15,
                             remove_unexpressed_nodes = TRUE,
                             CARNIVAL_options = default_CARNIVAL_options("lpSolve"))
#> [1] "COSMOS: all 3 signaling nodes from data were found in the meta PKN"
#> [1] "COSMOS: all 2 metabolic nodes from data were found in the meta PKN"
#> [1] "COSMOS: 2975 of the 9300 genes in expression data were found as transcription factor target"
#> [1] "COSMOS: 2975 of the 5321 transcription factor targets were found in expression data"
#> [1] "COSMOS: removing unexpressed nodes from PKN..."
#> [1] "COSMOS: 0 interactions removed"
#> [1] "COSMOS: removing nodes that are not reachable from inputs within 15 steps"
#> [1] "COSMOS: 0 from  101 interactions are removed from the PKN"
#> [1] "COSMOS: removing nodes that are not observable by measurements within 15 steps"
#> [1] "COSMOS: 52 from  101 interactions are removed from the PKN"
#> [1] "COSMOS: 2 input/measured nodes are not in PKN any more: USF1, SRF and 0 more."
#> [1] "COSMOS:  0 interactions are removed from the PKN based on consistency check between TF activity and gene expression"
#> [1] "lpSolve does not scale well with large PKNs. This solver is mainly for testing purposes. To run COSMSO, we recommend using cplex, or cbc solvers."
#> [1] "lpSolve does not scale well with large PKNs. This solver is mainly for testing purposes. To run COSMSO, we recommend using cplex, or cbc solvers."
#> --- Start of the CARNIVAL pipeline ---
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Carnival flavour: vanilla
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Generating variables for lp problem
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Done: generating variables for lp problem
#> Saving preprocessed data.
#> Done: saving parsed data: /__w/cosmosR/cosmosR/docs/reference//parsedData_t13_27_36d09_03_2025n69.RData
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Generating formulation for LP problem
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Done: generating formulation for LP problem.
#> Saving LP file
#> Done: Saving LP file: /__w/cosmosR/cosmosR/docs/reference//lpFile_t13_27_36d09_03_2025n69.lp
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Solving LP problem
#> Parsing .lp file for lpSolve
#> Rows: 882 Columns: 1
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (1): X1
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> Done: parsing .lp file for lpSolve
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Done: solving LP problem.
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Getting the solution matrix
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Done: getting the solution matrix.
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Exporting solution matrix
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Done: exporting solution matrix.
#> Cleaning intermediate files
#> Done: cleaning
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 All tasks finished.
#> --- End of the CARNIVAL pipeline --- 
#> [1] "COSMOS:  0 interactions are removed from the PKN based on consistency check between TF activity and gene expression"
#> [1] "COSMOS: all 1 signaling nodes from data were found in the meta PKN"
#> [1] "COSMOS: all 2 metabolic nodes from data were found in the meta PKN"
#> [1] "COSMOS: 2975 of the 9300 genes in expression data were found as transcription factor target"
#> [1] "COSMOS: 2975 of the 5321 transcription factor targets were found in expression data"

test_result_for <- run_COSMOS_signaling_to_metabolism(data = test_for,
                             CARNIVAL_options = default_CARNIVAL_options("lpSolve"))
#> [1] "lpSolve does not scale well with large PKNs. This solver is mainly for testing purposes. To run COSMSO, we recommend using cplex, or cbc solvers."
#> Input nodes should have values from {-1, 0, 1}. We discretize your input with sign().
#> [1] "lpSolve does not scale well with large PKNs. This solver is mainly for testing purposes. To run COSMSO, we recommend using cplex, or cbc solvers."
#> --- Start of the CARNIVAL pipeline ---
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Carnival flavour: vanilla
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Generating variables for lp problem
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Done: generating variables for lp problem
#> Saving preprocessed data.
#> Done: saving parsed data: /__w/cosmosR/cosmosR/docs/reference//parsedData_t13_27_36d09_03_2025n5.RData
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Generating formulation for LP problem
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Done: generating formulation for LP problem.
#> Saving LP file
#> Done: Saving LP file: /__w/cosmosR/cosmosR/docs/reference//lpFile_t13_27_36d09_03_2025n5.lp
#> 13:27:36 09.03.2025 Solving LP problem
#> Parsing .lp file for lpSolve
#> Rows: 882 Columns: 1
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (1): X1
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> Done: parsing .lp file for lpSolve
#> 13:27:37 09.03.2025 Done: solving LP problem.
#> 13:27:37 09.03.2025 Getting the solution matrix
#> 13:27:37 09.03.2025 Done: getting the solution matrix.
#> 13:27:37 09.03.2025 Exporting solution matrix
#> 13:27:37 09.03.2025 Done: exporting solution matrix.
#> Cleaning intermediate files
#> Done: cleaning
#> 13:27:37 09.03.2025 All tasks finished.
#> --- End of the CARNIVAL pipeline ---