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Tissue metabolomics experiment is a standard metabolomics experiment using tissue samples (e.g. from animals or patients).

In this tutorial we showcase how to use MetaProViz:

  • To perform differential metabolite analysis (DMA) to generate Log2FC and statistics and perform pathway analysis using Over Representation Analysis (ORA) on the results.
  • To do metabolite clustering analysis (MCA) to find clusters of metabolites with similar behaviors based on patients demographics like age, gender and tumour stage.
  • Find the main metabolite drivers that separate patients based on their demographics like age, gender and tumour stage.

    First if you have not done yet, install the required dependencies and load the libraries:
# 1. Install Rtools if you haven’t done this yet, using the appropriate version ( or macOS).
# 2. Install the latest development version from GitHub using devtools

#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

#dependencies that need to be loaded:

#Please install the Biocmanager Dependencies:

1. Loading the example data

Here we choose an example datasets, which is publicly available in the paper “An Integrated Metabolic Atlas of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma”, which includes metabolomic profiling on 138 matched clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC)/normal tissue pairs (Hakimi et al. 2016). Metabolomics was done using The company Metabolon, so this is untargeted metabolomics. Here we use the median normalised data from the supplementary table 2 of the paper. We have combined the metainformation about the patients with the metabolite measurements and removed not identified metabolites. Lastly, we have added a column “Stage” where Stage1 and Stage2 patients are summarised to “EARLY-STAGE” and Stage3 and Stage4 patients to “LATE-STAGE”. Moreover, we have added a column “Age”, where patients with “AGE AT SURGERY” <42 are defined as “Young” and patients with AGE AT SURGERY >58 as “Old” and the remaining patients as “Middle”.

#As part of the MetaProViz package you can load the example data into your global environment using the function toy_data():
1. Tissue experiment (Intra)
We can load the ToyData, which includes columns with Sample information and columns with the median normalised measured metabolite integrated peaks.

# Load the example data:
Tissue_Norm <- MetaProViz::ToyData("Tissue_Norm")
Preview of the DF Tissue_Norm including columns with sample information and metabolite ids with their measured values.
TISSUE_TYPE GENDER AGE_AT_SURGERY TYPE-STAGE STAGE AGE 1,2-propanediol 1,3-dihydroxyacetone
DIAG-16076 TUMOR Male 74.7778 TUMOR-STAGE I EARLY-STAGE Old 0.710920 0.809182
DIAG-16077 NORMAL Male 74.7778 NORMAL-STAGE I EARLY-STAGE Old 0.339390 0.718725
DIAG-16078 TUMOR Male 77.1778 TUMOR-STAGE I EARLY-STAGE Old 0.413386 0.276412
DIAG-16079 NORMAL Male 77.1778 NORMAL-STAGE I EARLY-STAGE Old 1.595697 4.332451
DIAG-16080 TUMOR Female 59.0889 TUMOR-STAGE I EARLY-STAGE Old 0.573787 0.646791

2. Additional information mapping the trivial metabolite names to KEGG IDs, HMDB IDs, etc. and selected pathways (MappingInfo)

Tissue_MetaData <- MetaProViz::ToyData("Tissue_MetaData")
Preview of the DF Tissue_MetaData including the trivial metabolite identifiers used in the experiment as well as IDs and pathway information.
1,2-propanediol Lipid Ketone bodies 57-55-6; NA C00583 HMDB01881
1,3-dihydroxyacetone Carbohydrate Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pyruvate metabolism 62147-49-3; 670 C00184 HMDB01882
1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) Carbohydrate Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pyruvate metabolism 154-58-5; NA C07326 HMDB02712
10-heptadecenoate (17:1n7) Lipid Long chain fatty acid 29743-97-3; 5312435 NA NA
10-nonadecenoate (19:1n9) Lipid Long chain fatty acid 73033-09-7; 5312513 NA NA

2. Run MetaProViz Analysis


This has been done by the authors of the paper and we will use the median normalized data. If you want to know how you can use the MetaProViz pre-processing module, please check out the vignette:
- Standard metabolomics data
- Consumption-Release (CoRe) metabolomics data from cell culture media

Metadata analysis

We can use the patient’s metadata to find the main metabolite drivers that separate patients based on their demographics like age, gender, etc.

Here the metadata analysis is based on principal component analysis (PCA), which is a dimensionality reduction method that reduces all the measured features (=metabolites) of one sample into a few features in the different principal components, whereby each principal component can explain a certain percentage of the variance between the different samples. Hence, this enables interpretation of sample clustering based on the measured features (=metabolites).
The MetaProViz::MetaAnalysis() function will perform PCA to extract the different PCs followed by annova to find the main metabolite drivers that separate patients based on their demographics.

MetaRes <- MetaProViz::MetaAnalysis(InputData=Tissue_Norm[,-c(1:13)],
                                     SettingsFile_Sample= Tissue_Norm[,c(2,4:5,12:13)],
                                     Scaling = TRUE,
                                     Percentage = 0.1,
                                     StatCutoff= 0.05,
                                     SaveAs_Table = "csv",
                                     SaveAs_Plot = "svg",
                                     PrintPlot= TRUE,
                                     FolderPath = NULL)
#> The column names of the 'SettingsFile_Sample' contain special character that where removed.

Ultimately, this is leading to clusters of metabolites that are driving the separation of the different demographics.

We generated the general anova output DF:
Preview of the DF MetaRes[[res_aov]] including the main metabolite drivers that separate patients based on their demographics.
PC tukeyHSD_Contrast term anova_sumsq anova_meansq anova_statistic anova_p.value tukeyHSD_p.adjusted Explained_Variance
1 PC1 TUMOR-NORMAL TISSUE_TYPE 7375.2212254 7375.2212254 90.1352800 0.0000000 0.0000000 19.0079573
2 PC1 Black-Asian RACE 156.7549451 52.2516484 0.4795311 0.6967838 0.9992824 19.0079573
1777 PC232 White-Asian RACE 0.2726952 0.0908984 0.9544580 0.4147472 0.5495634 0.0166997
1778 PC232 LATE-STAGE-EARLY-STAGE STAGE 0.0360319 0.0360319 0.3776760 0.5393596 0.5393596 0.0166997
3191 PC9 White-Other RACE 20.2626222 6.7542074 0.7090398 0.5473277 0.8897908 1.6658973
3192 PC9 Young-Middle AGE 49.2030973 24.6015486 2.6213834 0.0745317 0.9979475 1.6658973

We generated the summarised results output DF, where each feature (=metabolite) was assigned a main demographics parameter this feature is separating:
Preview of the DF MetaRes[[res_summary]] including the metabolite drivers in rows and list the patients demographics they can separate.
FeatureID term Sum(Explained_Variance) MainDriver MainDriver_Term MainDriver_Sum(VarianceExplained)
N2-methylguanosine AGE, GENDER, RACE, STAGE, TISSUE_TYPE 3.7598809871366, 2.75344828467363, 1.43932034747081, 25.280327361293, 33.9484968841434 FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE TISSUE_TYPE 33.9485
5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5MeTHF) AGE, GENDER, RACE, STAGE, TISSUE_TYPE 0.35114340819656, 0.29468807988021, 0.252515004077172, 19.4058160726611, 32.5442969233501 FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE TISSUE_TYPE 32.5443
N-acetylalanine AGE, GENDER, RACE, STAGE, TISSUE_TYPE 0.381811888038144, 1.82507161869685, 2.97460134435356, 19.0079573465895, 32.5442969233501 FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE TISSUE_TYPE 32.5443
N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) AGE, GENDER, RACE, STAGE, TISSUE_TYPE 0.212976478603115, 2.75344828467363, 0.235952044704099, 20.3572056704699, 32.2825995362096 FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE TISSUE_TYPE 32.2826
1-heptadecanoylglycerophosphoethanolamine* AGE, GENDER, RACE, STAGE, TISSUE_TYPE 4.33031140898824, 0.26785101869799, 0.437853800763463, 22.8424358182214, 30.8783995754163 FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE TISSUE_TYPE 30.8784
1-linoleoylglycerophosphoethanolamine* AGE, STAGE, TISSUE_TYPE 4.20115004304429, 22.7555733683955, 30.8783995754163 FALSE, FALSE, TRUE TISSUE_TYPE 30.8784

##1. Tissue_Type
TissueTypeList <- MetaRes[["res_summary"]]%>%
  filter(MainDriver_Term == "TISSUE_TYPE")%>%

#select columns Tissue_norm that are in TissueTypeList if they exist
Input_Heatmap <- Tissue_Norm[ , names(Tissue_Norm) %in% TissueTypeList]#c("N1-methylguanosine", "N-acetylalanine", "lysylmethionine")

#Heatmap: Metabolites that separate the demographics, like here TISSUE_TYPE
MetaProViz:::VizHeatmap(InputData = Input_Heatmap,
                       SettingsFile_Sample = Tissue_Norm[,c(1:13)],
                       SettingsInfo = c(color_Sample = list("TISSUE_TYPE")),
                       Scale ="column",
                       PlotName = "MainDrivers")


Here we use Differential Metabolite Analysis (DMA) to compare two conditions (e.g. Tumour versus Healthy) by calculating the Log2FC, p-value, adjusted p-value and t-value.
For more information please see the vignette:
- Standard metabolomics data
- Consumption-Release (CoRe) metabolomics data from cell culture media

We will perform multiple comparisons based on the different patient demographics available: 1. Tumour versus Normal: All patients 2. Tumour versus Normal: Subset of Early Stage patients 3. Tumour versus Normal: Subset of Late Stage patients 4. Tumour versus Normal: Subset of Young patients 5. Tumour versus Normal: Subset of Old patients

#Prepare the different selections
EarlyStage <- Tissue_Norm%>%
  filter(STAGE== "EARLY-STAGE")
LateStage <- Tissue_Norm%>%
Old <- Tissue_Norm%>%
Young <- Tissue_Norm%>%

DFs <- list("TissueType"= Tissue_Norm,"EarlyStage"= EarlyStage, "LateStage"= LateStage, "Old"= Old, "Young"=Young)

#Run DMA
ResList <- list()
for(item in names(DFs)){
  #Get the right DF:
  InputData <- DFs[[item]]
  #Perform DMA
  message(paste("Running DMA for", item))
  TvN <- MetaProViz::DMA(InputData =  InputData[,-c(1:13)],
                   SettingsFile_Sample =  InputData[,c(1:13)],
                   SettingsInfo = c(Conditions="TISSUE_TYPE", Numerator="TUMOR" , Denominator = "NORMAL"),
                   PerformShapiro=FALSE) #The data have been normalized by the company that provided the results and include metabolites with zero variance as they were all imputed with the same missing value.
  #Add Results to list
  ResList[[item]] <- TvN

#> Running DMA for TissueType
#> There are no NA/0 values

#> Running DMA for EarlyStage
#> There are no NA/0 values

#> Running DMA for LateStage
#> There are no NA/0 values

#> Running DMA for Old
#> There are no NA/0 values

#> Running DMA for Young
#> There are no NA/0 values

We can see from the different Volcano plots have smaller p.adjusted values and differences in Log2FC range.
Here we can also use the MetaproViz::VizVolcano() function to plot comparisons together on the same plot, such as Tumour versus Normal of young and old patients:

#Early versus Late Stage
                       InputData2= ResList[["LateStage"]][["DMA"]][["TUMOR_vs_NORMAL"]]%>%tibble::column_to_rownames("Metabolite"),
                       ComparisonName= c(InputData="EarlyStage", InputData2= "LateStage"),
                       PlotName= "EarlyStage-TUMOR_vs_NORMAL compared to LateStage-TUMOR_vs_NORMAL",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA" )

# Young versus Old
                       InputData2= ResList[["Old"]][["DMA"]][["TUMOR_vs_NORMAL"]]%>%tibble::column_to_rownames("Metabolite"),
                       ComparisonName= c(InputData="Young", InputData2= "Old"),
                       PlotName= "Young-TUMOR_vs_NORMAL compared to Old-TUMOR_vs_NORMAL",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA" )

Here we can observe that Tumour versus Normal has lower significance values for the Young patients compared to the Old patients. This can be due to higher variance in the metabolite measurements from Young patients compared to the Old patients.
Lastly, we can also check if the top changed metabolites comparing Tumour versus Normal correlate with the main metabolite drivers that separate patients based on their TISSUE_TYPE, which are Tumour or Normal.

#Get the top changed metabolites
top_entries <- ResList[["TissueType"]][["DMA"]][["TUMOR_vs_NORMAL"]] %>%
  arrange(desc(t.val)) %>%
bottom_entries <- ResList[["TissueType"]][["DMA"]][["TUMOR_vs_NORMAL"]] %>%
  arrange(desc(t.val)) %>%
  select(Metabolite)  %>%

#Check if those overlap with the top demographics drivers
ggVennDiagram::ggVennDiagram(list(Top = top_entries,
                                  Bottom = bottom_entries,
                                  TissueTypeList = TissueTypeList))+
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red")

MetaData_Metab <- merge(x=Tissue_MetaData,
                   y= MetaRes[["res_summary"]][, c(1,5:6) ]%>%tibble::column_to_rownames("FeatureID"),

#Make a Volcano plot:
                       SettingsFile_Metab =  MetaData_Metab,
                       SettingsInfo = c(color = "MainDriver_Term"),
                       PlotName= "TISSUE_TYPE-TUMOR_vs_NORMAL",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA" )

Biological regulated clustering

To understand which metabolites are changing independent of the patients age, hence only due to tumour versus normal, and which metabolites change independent of tumour versus normal, hence due to the different age, we can use the MetaProViz::MCA_2Cond() function.
Metabolite Clustering Analysis (MCA) enables clustering of metabolites into groups based on logical regulatory rules. Here we set two different thresholds, one for the differential metabolite abundance (Log2FC) and one for the significance (e.g. p.adj). This will define if a feature (= metabolite) is assigned into:
1. “UP”, which means a metabolite is significantly up-regulated in the underlying comparison.
2. “DOWN”, which means a metabolite is significantly down-regulated in the underlying comparison.
3. “No Change”, which means a metabolite does not change significantly in the underlying comparison and/or is not defined as up-regulated/down-regulated based on the Log2FC threshold chosen.

Thereby “No Change” is further subdivided into four states:
1. “Not Detected”, which means a metabolite is not detected in the underlying comparison.
2. “Not Significant”, which means a metabolite is not significant in the underlying comparison.
3. “Significant positive”, which means a metabolite is significant in the underlying comparison and the differential metabolite abundance is positive, yet does not meet the threshold set for “UP” (e.g. Log2FC >1 = “UP” and we have a significant Log2FC=0.8).
4. “Significant negative”, which means a metabolite is significant in the underlying comparison and the differential metabolite abundance is negative, yet does not meet the threshold set for “DOWN”.

For more information you can also check out the other vignettes.

MCAres <-  MetaProViz::MCA_2Cond(InputData_C1=ResList[["Young"]][["DMA"]][["TUMOR_vs_NORMAL"]],
                                 SettingsInfo_C1=c(ValueCol="Log2FC",StatCol="p.adj", StatCutoff= 0.05, ValueCutoff=1),
                                 SettingsInfo_C2=c(ValueCol="Log2FC",StatCol="p.adj", StatCutoff= 0.05, ValueCutoff=1),
                                 FeatureID = "Metabolite",
                                 SaveAs_Table = "csv",
                                 BackgroundMethod="C1&C2"#Most stringend background setting, only includes metabolites detected in both comparisons

Now we can use this information to colour code our volcano plot:

#Add metabolite information such as KEGG ID or pathway to results
MetaData_Metab <- merge(x=Tissue_MetaData,
                   y= MCAres[["MCA_2Cond_Results"]][, c(1, 14:15)]%>%tibble::column_to_rownames("Metabolite"),

                       InputData2= ResList[["Old"]][["DMA"]][["TUMOR_vs_NORMAL"]]%>%tibble::column_to_rownames("Metabolite"),
                       ComparisonName= c(InputData="Young", InputData2= "Old"),
                       SettingsFile_Metab =  MetaData_Metab,
                       PlotName= "Young-TUMOR_vs_NORMAL compared to Old-TUMOR_vs_NORMAL",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA",
                       SettingsInfo = c(individual = "SUPER_PATHWAY",
                                        color = "RG2_Significant"))

Session information

#> R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.12.0
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#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] tibble_3.2.1     tidyr_1.3.1      rlang_1.1.4      dplyr_1.1.4      magrittr_2.0.3   MetaProViz_2.1.3
#> [7] ggplot2_3.5.1   
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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#>  [36] limma_3.58.1           car_3.1-3              lubridate_1.9.4        jquerylib_0.1.4        cellranger_1.1.0      
#>  [41] Rcpp_1.0.13-1          knitr_1.49             R.utils_2.12.3         readr_2.1.5            igraph_2.1.2          
#>  [46] timechange_0.3.0       tidyselect_1.2.1       rstudioapi_0.17.1      abind_1.4-8            yaml_2.3.10           
#>  [51] ggVennDiagram_1.5.2    curl_6.0.1             plyr_1.8.9             withr_3.0.2            inflection_1.3.6      
#>  [56] evaluate_1.0.1         desc_1.4.3             zip_2.3.1              xml2_1.3.6             pillar_1.10.0         
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#>  [81] beeswarm_0.4.0         vipor_0.4.7            Formula_1.2-5          cli_3.6.3              rappdirs_0.3.3        
#>  [86] kableExtra_1.4.0       textshaping_0.4.1      viridisLite_0.4.2      svglite_2.1.3          gtable_0.3.6          
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Hakimi, A Ari, Ed Reznik, Chung-Han Lee, Chad J Creighton, A Rose Brannon, Augustin Luna, B Arman Aksoy, et al. 2016. “An Integrated Metabolic Atlas of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma.” Cancer Cell 29 (1): 104–16.