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A standard metabolomics experiment refers to intracellular extracts (e.g. cell or bacteria culture), to tissue samples (e.g. from animals or patients), to plasma samples (e.g. blood) and many other types of experimental setups.

In this tutorial we showcase how to use MetaProViz:

  • To process raw peak data and identify outliers.
  • To perform differential metabolite analysis (DMA) to generate Log2FC and statistics and perform pathway analysis using Over Representation Analysis (ORA) on the results.
  • To do metabolite clustering analysis (MCA) to find clusters of metabolites with similar behaviors and perform pathway analysis using ORA on each cluster.
  • To use specific visualizations to aid biological interpretation of the results.

    First if you have not done yet, install the required dependencies and load the libraries:
# 1. Install Rtools if you haven’t done this yet, using the appropriate version ( or macOS).
# 2. Install the latest development version from GitHub using devtools

#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

#dependencies that need to be loaded:

#Please install the Biocmanager Dependencies:

1. Loading the example data

Here we choose an example datasets, which is publicly available on metabolomics workbench project PR001418 including metabolic profiles of human renal epithelial cells HK2 and cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) cell lines cultured in Plasmax cell culture media (Sciacovelli et al. 2022). Here we use the integrated raw peak data as example data using the trivial metabolite name in combination with the KEGG ID as the metabolite identifiers.

As part of the MetaProViz package you can load the example data into your global environment using the function toy_data():
1. Intracellular experiment (Intra)
The raw data are available via metabolomics workbench study ST002224 were intracellular metabolomics of HK2 and ccRCC cell lines 786-O, 786-M1A and 786-M2A were performed.
We can load the ToyData, which includes columns with Sample information and columns with the measured metabolite integrated peaks.

Intra <- MetaProViz::ToyData(Data="IntraCells_Raw")
Preview of the DF Intra including columns with sample information and metabolite ids with their measured values.
Conditions Analytical_Replicates Biological_Replicates valine-d8 ADP-ribose citrulline
MS55_01 HK2 1 1 1910140239 2417484 514024322
MS55_02 HK2 2 1 2030901280 2159520 507001076
MS55_03 HK2 3 1 2001950756 2427805 551503662
MS55_04 HK2 4 1 1971520079 1988317 483751307
MS55_05 786-O 1 1 2150817213 1732016 272896668

2. Additional information mapping the trivial metabolite names to KEGG IDs and selected pathways (MappingInfo)

MappingInfo <- MetaProViz::ToyData(Data="Cells_MetaData")
Preview of the DF Pathways including the trivial metabolite identifiers used in the experiment as well as KEGG IDs and pathway information.
HMDB KEGG.ID KEGGCompound Pathway
N-acetylaspartate HMDB0000812 C01042 N-Acetyl-L-aspartate Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
argininosuccinate HMDB0000052 C03406 N-(L-Arginino)succinate Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
N-acetylaspartylglutamate HMDB0001067 C12270 N-Acetylaspartylglutamate Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
tyrosine HMDB0000158 C00082 L-Tyrosine Amino acid metabolism
asparagine HMDB0000168 C00152 L-Asparagine Amino acid metabolism

3. KEGG pathways that are loaded via KEGG API using the package KEGGREST and can be used to perform pathway analysis (Kanehisa and Goto 2000). (KEGG_Pathways)

#This will use KEGGREST to query the KEGG API to load the pathways:
#> Cached file loaded from: ~/.cache/KEGG_Metabolite.rds
Preview of the DF KEGG_Pathways.
term Metabolite MetaboliteID Description
1 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis - Homo sapiens (human) Pyruvate C00022 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis - Homo sapiens (human)
2 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis - Homo sapiens (human) Acetyl-CoA C00024 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis - Homo sapiens (human)
3 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis - Homo sapiens (human) D-Glucose C00031 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis - Homo sapiens (human)
52 Pentose phosphate pathway - Homo sapiens (human) Pyruvate C00022 Pentose phosphate pathway - Homo sapiens (human)
53 Pentose phosphate pathway - Homo sapiens (human) D-Glucose C00031 Pentose phosphate pathway - Homo sapiens (human)
54 Pentose phosphate pathway - Homo sapiens (human) D-Fructose 6-phosphate C00085 Pentose phosphate pathway - Homo sapiens (human)

2. Run MetaProViz Analysis

Currently, MetaProViz contains four different modules, which include different methods and can be used independently from each other or in combination (see introduction for more details). Here we will go trough each of those modules and apply them to the example data.


MetaProViz includes a pre-processing module with the function Preprocessing() that has multiple parameters to perform customize data processing.
Feature_Filtering applies the 80%-filtering rule on the metabolite features either on the whole dataset (=“Standard”) (Bijlsma et al. 2006) or per condition (=“Modified”) (Wei et al. 2018). This means that metabolites are removed were more than 20% of the samples (all or per condition) have no detection. With the parameter Feature_Filt_Value we enable the adaptation of the stringency of the filtering based on the experimental context. For instance, patient tumour samples can contain many unknown subgroups due to gender, age, stage etc., which leads to a metabolite being detected in only 50% (or even less) of the tumour samples, hence in this context it could be considered to change the Feature_Filt_Value from the default (=0.8). If Feature_Filtering = "None", no feature filtering is performed. In the context of Feature_Filtering it is also noteworthy that the function Pool_Estimation() can be used to estimate the quality of the metabolite detection and will return a list of metabolites that are variable across the different pool measurements (pool = mixture of all experimental samples measured several times during the LC-MS run) . Variable metabolite in the pool sample should be removed from the data.
The parameter TIC_Normalization refers to Total Ion Count (TIC) normalisation, which is often used with LC-MS derived metabolomics data. If TIC_Normalization = TRUE, each feature (=metabolite) in a sample is divided by the sum of all intensity value (= total number of ions) for the sample and finally multiplied by a constant ( = the mean of all samples total number of ions). Noteworthy, TIC normalisation should not be used with small number of features (= metabolites), since TIC assumes that on “average” the ion count of each sample is equal if there were no instrument batch effects (Wulff and Mitchell 2018).
The parameter MVI refers to Missing Value Imputation (MVI) and if MVI = TRUE half minimum (HM) missing value imputation is performed per feature (= per metabolite). Here it is important to mention that HM has been shown to perform well for missing vales that are missing not at random (MNAR) (Wei et al. 2018).
Lastly, the function Preprocessing() performs outlier detection and adds a column “Outliers” into the DF, which can be used to remove outliers. The parameter HotellinsConfidence can be used to choose the confidence interval that should be used for the Hotellins T2 outlier test (Hotelling 1931).

Since our example data contains pool samples, we will do Pool_Estimation() before applying the Preprocessing() function. This is important, since one should remove the features (=metabolites) that are too variable prior to performing any data transformations such as TIC as part of the Preprocessing() function.
It is worth mentioning that the Coefficient of variation (CV) is calculated by dividing the standard deviation (SD) by the mean. Hence CV depends on the SD, which in turn works for normally distributed data.

#### Select Pool samples:
#Get the Pool data
PoolData <- MetaProViz::ToyData(Data="IntraCells_Raw") %>%
  subset(Conditions=="Pool", select = -c(1:3)) # we remove the columns "Conditions", "Analytical_Replicates" and "Biological_Replicates"

# Check the metabolite variability
Pool_Estimation_result<- MetaProViz::PoolEstimation(InputData = PoolData,
                                                     SettingsFile_Sample = NULL,
                                                     SettingsInfo = NULL,
                                                     CutoffCV = 30)

#### Alternatively a full dataset can be added. Here, the Conditions and PoolSamples name have to be specified in the Input_SettingsInfo
Pool_Estimation_result<- MetaProViz::PoolEstimation(InputData = Intra[,-c(1:3)],
                                                     SettingsFile_Sample = Intra[,1:3],
                                                     SettingsInfo = c(PoolSamples = "Pool", Conditions="Conditions"),
                                                     CutoffCV = 30)

Pool_Estimation_result_DF_CV <-Pool_Estimation_result[["DF"]][["CV"]]

Preview of the Pool_Estimation result.
Metabolite CV HighVar MissingValuePercentage
valine-d8 2.425263 FALSE 0
hippuric acid-d5 1.579717 FALSE 0
2/3-phosphoglycerate 2.933440 FALSE 0
2-aminoadipic acid 5.461470 FALSE 0
2-hydroxyglutarate 1.366187 FALSE 0

The results from the Pool_Estimation() is a table that has the CVs. If there is a high variability, one should consider to remove those features from the data. For the example data nothing needs to be removed. If you have used internal standard in your experiment you should specifically check their CV as this would indicate technical issues (here valine-d8 and hippuric acid-d5).

Now we will apply the Preprocessing() function to example data and have a look at the output produced. You will notice that all the chosen parameters and results are documented in messages. All the results data tables, the Quality Control (QC) plots and outlier detection plots are returned and can be easily viewed.

PreprocessingResults <- MetaProViz::PreProcessing(InputData=Intra[-c(49:58) ,-c(1:3)], #remove pool samples and columns with sample information
                                                  SettingsFile_Sample=Intra[-c(49:58) , c(1:3)], #remove pool samples and columns with metabolite measurements
                                                  SettingsInfo = c(Conditions = "Conditions",
                                                                    Biological_Replicates = "Biological_Replicates"),
                                                  FeatureFilt = "Modified",
                                                  FeatureFilt_Value = 0.8,
                                                  TIC = TRUE,
                                                  MVI = TRUE,
                                                  HotellinsConfidence = 0.99,# We perform outlier testing using 0.99 confidence intervall
                                                  CoRe = FALSE,
                                                  SaveAs_Plot = "svg",
                                                  SaveAs_Table= "csv",
                                                  PrintPlot = TRUE,
                                                  FolderPath = NULL)

# This is the results table:
Intra_Preprocessed <- PreprocessingResults[["DF"]][["Preprocessing_output"]]
#> FeatureFiltering: Here we apply the modified 80%-filtering rule that takes the class information (Column `Conditions`) into account, which additionally reduces the effect of missing values (REF: Yang et. al., (2015), doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2015.00004). Filtering value selected: 0.8
#> 3 metabolites where removed: AICAR, FAICAR, SAICAR
#> Missing Value Imputation: Missing value imputation is performed, as a complementary approach to address the missing value problem, where the missing values are imputing using the `half minimum value`. REF: Wei et. al., (2018), Reports, 8, 663, doi:
#> Total Ion Count (TIC) normalization: Total Ion Count (TIC) normalization is used to reduce the variation from non-biological sources, while maintaining the biological variation. REF: Wulff et. al., (2018), Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 9, 339-351, doi:
#> Outlier detection: Identification of outlier samples is performed using Hotellin's T2 test to define sample outliers in a mathematical way (Confidence = 0.99 ~ p.val < 0.01) (REF: Hotelling, H. (1931), Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 2 (3), 360–378, doi: HotellinsConfidence value selected: 0.99
#> There are possible outlier samples in the data
#> Filtering round  1  Outlier Samples:  MS55_29

Preview of the pre-processing results, which has an additional column Outlier including the results of Hotellins T2.
Conditions Analytical_Replicates Biological_Replicates Outliers valine-d8 hippuric acid-d5 2/3-phosphoglycerate 2-aminoadipic acid 2-hydroxyglutarate
MS55_29 786-M2A 1 2 Outlier_filtering_round_1 2387588900 4569088590 40184147 6064712 447702444
MS55_30 786-M2A 2 2 no 2129509827 3909434732 40901362 5928248 438592007
MS55_31 786-M2A 3 2 no 2008257641 3820133317 45656317 6122422 423960574
MS55_32 786-M2A 4 2 no 2023353119 3808913048 46166031 6633984 434158266

In the output table you can now see the column “Outliers” and for the Condition 786-M2A, we can see that based on Hotellin’s T2 test, one sample was detected as an outlier in the first round of filtering.
As part of the Preprocessing() function several plots are generated and saved. Additionally, the ggplots are returned into the list to enable further modifiaction using the ggplot syntax. These plots include plots showing the outliers for each filtering round and other QC plots.

As part of the MetaProViz visualization module one can easily further customize the PCA plot and adapt color and shape for the information of interest. You can see more below for the VizPCA() function.
Before we proceed, we will remove the outlier:

Intra_Preprocessed <- Intra_Preprocessed%>%
  filter(Outliers=="no")#remove MS55_29

As you may have noticed, in this example dataset we have several biological replicates that where injected (=measured) several times, which can be termed as analytical replicates. The MetaProViz pre-processing module includes the function ReplicateSum(), which will do this task and save the results:

Intra_Preprocessed <- MetaProViz::ReplicateSum(InputData=Intra_Preprocessed[,-c(1:4)],
                                               SettingsInfo = c(Conditions="Conditions", Biological_Replicates="Biological_Replicates", Analytical_Replicates="Analytical_Replicates"))

Using the pre-processed data, we can now use the MetaProViz visualization module and generate some overview Heatmaps VizHeatmap() or PCA plots VizPCA(). You can see some examples below.


Differential Metabolite Analysis (DMA) is used to compare two conditions (e.g. Tumour versus Healthy) by calculating the Log2FC, p-value, adjusted p-value and t-value. With the different parameters STAT_pval and STAT_padj one can choose the statistical tests such as t.test, wilcoxon test, limma, annova, kruskal walles, etc. (see function reference for more information).
As input one can use the pre-processed data we have generated using the Preprocessing module, but here one can of course use any DF including metabolite values, even though we recommend to normalize the data and remove outliers prior to DMA. Moreover, we require the Input_SettingsFile_Sample including the sample metadata with information which condition a sample corresponds to. Additionally, we enable the user to provide a Plot_SettingsFile_Metab containing the metadata for the features (metabolites), such as KEGG ID, pathway, retention time, etc.

By defining the numerator and denominator as part of the Input_SettingsInfo parameter, it is defined which comparisons are performed:
1. one_vs_one (single comparison): numerator=“Condition1”, denominator =“Condition2”
2. all_vs_one (multiple comparison): numerator=NULL, denominator =“Condition”
3. all_vs_all (multiple comparison): numerator=NULL, denominator =NULL (=default)

Noteworthy, if you have not performed missing value imputation and hence your data includes NAs or 0 values for some features, this is how we deal with this in the DMA() function:
1. If you use the parameter STAT_pval="lmFit", limma is performed. Limma does a baesian fit of the data and substracts Mean(Condition1 fit) - Mean(Condition2 fit). As such, unless all values of a feature are NA, Limma can deal with NAs. 2. Standard Log2FC: log2(Mean(Condition1)) - log2(Mean(Condition2)) a. If all values of the replicates of one condition are NA/0 for a feature (=metabolite): Log2FC= Inf/-Inf and the statistics will be NA
b. If some values of the replicates of one condition are NA/0 for a feature (=metabolite): Log2FC= positive or negative value, but the statistics will be NA

It is important to mention that in case of STAT_pval="lmFit", we perform log2 transformation of the data as prior to running limma to enable the calculation of the log2FC, hence do not provide log2 transformed data.

Here, the example data we have four different cell lines, healthy (HK2) and cancer (ccRCC: 786-M1A, 786-M2A and 786-O), hence we can perform multiple different comparisons. The results can be automatically saved and all the results are returned in a list with the different data frames. If parameter Plot=TRUE, an overview Volcano plot is generated and saved.

# Perform multiple comparison All_vs_One using annova:
DMA_Annova <- MetaProViz::DMA(InputData=Intra_Preprocessed[,-c(1:3)], #we need to remove columns that do not include metabolite measurements
                              SettingsFile_Sample=Intra_Preprocessed[,c(1:3)],#only maintain the information about condition and replicates
                              SettingsInfo = c(Conditions="Conditions", Numerator=NULL , Denominator = "HK2"),# we compare all_vs_HK2
                              SettingsFile_Metab = MappingInfo,# Adds metadata for the metabolites such as KEGG_ID, Pathway, retention time,...
                              StatPval ="aov",

#Inspect the DMA results tables:
DMA_786M1A_vs_HK2 <- DMA_Annova[["DMA"]][["786-M1A_vs_HK2"]]
Shapiro <- DMA_Annova[["ShapiroTest"]][["DF"]][["Shapiro_result"]]
#> There are no NA/0 values
#> For the condition 786-M1A 94.41 % of the metabolites follow a normal distribution and 5.59 % of the metabolites are not-normally distributed according to the shapiro test. You have chosen aov, which is for parametric Hypothesis testing. `shapiro.test` ignores missing values in the calculation.
#> For the condition 786-M2A 97.79 % of the metabolites follow a normal distribution and 2.21 % of the metabolites are not-normally distributed according to the shapiro test. You have chosen aov, which is for parametric Hypothesis testing. `shapiro.test` ignores missing values in the calculation.
#> For the condition 786-O 95.03 % of the metabolites follow a normal distribution and 4.97 % of the metabolites are not-normally distributed according to the shapiro test. You have chosen aov, which is for parametric Hypothesis testing. `shapiro.test` ignores missing values in the calculation.
#> For the condition HK2 96.13 % of the metabolites follow a normal distribution and 3.87 % of the metabolites are not-normally distributed according to the shapiro test. You have chosen aov, which is for parametric Hypothesis testing. `shapiro.test` ignores missing values in the calculation.
#> For 83.24% of metabolites the group variances are equal.
#> No condition was specified as numerator and HK2 was selected as a denominator. Performing multiple testing `all-vs-one` using aov.

  1. Preview of the Shaprio results for the different conditions.
Code Metabolites with normal distribution [%] Metabolites with not-normal distribution [%] Shapiro p.val(valine-d8) Shapiro p.val(hippuric acid-d5) Shapiro p.val(2/3-phosphoglycerate)
786-M1A 94.41 5.59 0.8523002 0.5818282 0.4219607
786-M2A 97.79 2.21 0.4748815 0.6406826 0.8924641
786-O 95.03 4.97 0.7789735 0.7821734 0.2773603
HK2 96.13 3.87 0.1736777 0.0790043 0.9247262
  1. Preview of the DMA results for the comparison of 786-M1A versus HK2 cells.
Metabolite Log2FC p.adj t.val 786-M1A_1 786-M1A_2 786-M1A_3 HK2_1 HK2_2 HK2_3 HMDB KEGG.ID KEGGCompound Pathway
5-aminolevulinic acid -0.1777271 0.4915165 525130.26 3774613 3938304 4303746 4028435 4373207 5190412 HMDB0001149 C00430 5-Aminolevulinate Not assigned
5-methylthioadenosine (MTA) -0.5027548 0.0763874 7369026.23 13467707 19486388 20071094 24864886 22428867 27838513 HMDB0001173 C00170 5’-Methylthioadenosine Cysteine and methionine metabolism
acetyl-CoA -0.0089685 0.9999312 16711.52 2924310 2186801 2928606 2894329 2296944 2898579 HMDB0001206 C00024 Acetyl-CoA Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)
acetylcarnitine 0.0653289 0.9951478 -194906873.29 4022430586 3567130318 5617724322 5947039758 3143517363 3532007486 HMDB0000201 C02571 O-Acetylcarnitine Fatty acyl carnitines
aconitate 0.9032263 0.0109616 -46075390.99 87829577 93936706 115296044 66710215 42899324 49226614 HMDB0000072 C00417 cis-Aconitate Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)

Using the DMA results, we can now use the MetaProViz visualization module and generate further customized Volcano plots VizVolcano(). You can see some examples below.

ORA using the DMA results

Over Representation Analysis (ORA) is a pathway enrichment analysis (PEA) method that determines if a set of features (=metabolic pathways) are over-represented in the selection of features (=metabolites) from the data in comparison to all measured features (metabolites) using the Fishers exact test. The selection of metabolites are usually the most altered metabolites in the data, which can be selected by the top and bottom t-values.
Of course, there are many other PEA methods such as the well known GSEA. Here we do not aim to provide an extensive tool for different methods to perform pathway enrichment analysis and only focus on ORA since we can apply this to perform standard pathway enrichment as well as pathway enrichment on clusters of metabolites (see MCA below). If you are interested in using different pathway enrichment methods please check out specialized tools such as decopupleR (Badia-I-Mompel et al. 2022).

Here we will use the KEGG pathways (Kanehisa and Goto 2000). Before we can perform ORA on the DMA results, we have to ensure that the metabolite names match with the KEGG IDs or KEGG trivial names. In general, the PathwayFile requirements are column “term”, “Metabolite” and “Description”, and the Input_data requirements are column “t.val” and column “Metabolite”.

#Since we have performed multiple comparisons (all_vs_HK2), we will run ORA for each of this comparison
DM_ORA_res<- list()

comparisons <- names(DMA_Annova[["DMA"]])
for(comparison in comparisons){
  #Ensure that the Metabolite names match with KEGG IDs or KEGG trivial names.
  DMA <- DMA_Annova[["DMA"]][[comparison]]
  DMA <- DMA[complete.cases(DMA),-1]%>%#we remove metabolites that do not have a KEGG ID/KEGG pathway
  dplyr::rename("Metabolite"="KEGGCompound")#We use the KEGG trivial names to match with the KEGG pathways

  #Perform ORA
  DM_ORA_res[[comparison]] <- MetaProViz::StandardORA(InputData= DMA%>%remove_rownames()%>%tibble::column_to_rownames("Metabolite"), #Input data requirements: column `t.val` and column `Metabolite`
                                                       SettingsInfo=c(pvalColumn="p.adj", PercentageColumn="t.val", PathwayTerm= "term", PathwayFeature= "Metabolite"),
                                                       PathwayFile=KEGG_Pathways,#Pathway file requirements: column `term`, `Metabolite` and `Description`. Above we loaded the Kegg_Pathways using MetaProViz::Load_KEGG()


#Lets check how the results look like:
DM_ORA_786M1A_vs_HK2 <- DM_ORA_res[["786-M1A_vs_HK2"]][["ClusterGoSummary"]]
Preview of the ORA results for the comparison of 786-M1A versus HK2 cells.
GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue Metabolites_in_pathway Count Metabolites_in_Pathway Percentage_of_Pathway_detected
12/25 32/129 0.0043514 0.2210152 0.2035666 Betaine/Glutathione/Hydroxyproline/L-Alanine/L-Aspartate/L-Glutamate/L-Histidine/L-Leucine/L-Proline/L-Threonine/myo-Inositol/Taurine 12 130 9.23
8/25 18/129 0.0078934 0.2210152 0.2035666 2-Oxoglutarate/Hydroxyproline/L-Alanine/L-Aspartate/L-Glutamate/L-Histidine/L-Proline/L-Threonine 8 69 11.59
4/25 6/129 0.0129138 0.2410577 0.2220268 2-Oxoglutarate/L-Aspartate/L-Glutamate/L-Histidine 4 47 8.51
6/25 14/129 0.0295646 0.3613164 0.3327915 2-Oxoglutarate/Citrate/L-Alanine/L-Aspartate/L-Glutamate/N-Acetyl-L-aspartate 6 27 22.22
7/25 19/129 0.0441107 0.3613164 0.3327915 L-Alanine/L-Aspartate/L-Glutamate/L-Histidine/L-Leucine/L-Proline/L-Threonine 7 52 13.46


Metabolite Clustering Analysis (MCA) is a module, which includes different functions to enable clustering of metabolites into groups either based on logical regulatory rules. This can be particularly useful if one has multiple conditions and aims to find patterns in the data.


This metabolite clustering method is based on the Regulatory Clustering Method (RCM) that was developed as part of the Signature Regulatory Clustering (SiRCle) model (Mora et al. (2022)). As part of the SiRCleR package, also variation of the initial RCM method are proposed as clustering based on two comparisons (e.g. KO versus WT in hypoxia and in normoxia).
Here we set two different thresholds, one for the differential metabolite abundance (Log2FC) and one for the significance (e.g. p.adj). This will define if a feature (= metabolite) is assigned into:
1. “UP”, which means a metabolite is significantly up-regulated in the underlying comparison.
2. “DOWN”, which means a metabolite is significantly down-regulated in the underlying comparison.
3. “No Change”, which means a metabolite does not change significantly in the underlying comparison and/or is not defined as up-regulated/down-regulated based on the Log2FC threshold chosen.

Therebye “No Change” is further subdivided into four states:
1. “Not Detected”, which means a metabolite is not detected in the underlying comparison.
2. “Not Significant”, which means a metabolite is not significant in the underlying comparison.
3. “Significant positive”, which means a metabolite is significant in the underlying comparison and the differential metabolite abundance is positive, yet does not meet the threshold set for “UP” (e.g. Log2FC >1 = “UP” and we have a significant Log2FC=0.8).
4. “Significant negative”, which means a metabolite is significant in the underlying comparison and the differential metabolite abundance is negative, yet does not meet the threshold set for “DOWN”.

This definition is done individually for each comparison and will impact in which metabolite cluster a metabolite is sorted into.
Since we have two comparisons, we can choose between different Background settings, which defines which features will be considered for the clusters (e.g. you could include only features (= metabolites) that are detected in both comparisons, removing the rest of the features).The background methods backgroundMethod are the following from 1.1. - 1.4. from most restrictive to least restrictive:
1.1. C1&C2: Most stringend background setting and will lead to a small number of metabolites.
1.2. C1: Focus is on the metabolite abundance of Condition 1 (C1).
1.3. C2: Focus is on the metabolite abundance of Condition 2 (C2).
1.4. C1|C2: Least stringent background method, since a metabolite will be included in the input if it has been detected on one of the two conditions.

Lastly, we will get clusters of metabolites that are defined by the metabolite change in the two conditions. For example, if Alanine is “UP” based on the thresholds in both comparisons it will be sorted into the cluster “Core_UP”. As there are two 6-state6 transitions between the comparisons, the flows are summarised into smaller amount of metabolite clusters using different Regulation Groupings (RG): 1. RG1_All
2. RG2_Significant taking into account genes that are significant (UP, DOWN, significant positive, significant negative)
3. RG3_SignificantChange only takes into account genes that have significant changes (UP, DOWN).

#Example of all possible flows:
MCA_2Cond <- MetaProViz::MCA_rules(Method="2Cond")
Metabolite Clustering Analysis: 2 Conditions.
Cond1 Cond2 RG1_All RG2_Significant RG3_SignificantChange
DOWN Not Detected Cond1 DOWN + Cond2 Not Detected Cond1_DOWN Cond1_DOWN
DOWN Not Significant Cond1 DOWN + Cond2 Not Significant Cond1_DOWN Cond1_DOWN
DOWN Significant Negative Cond1 DOWN + Cond2 Significant Negative Core_DOWN Cond1_DOWN
DOWN Significant Positive Cond1 DOWN + Cond2 Significant Positive Opposite Cond1_DOWN
DOWN UP Cond1 DOWN + Cond2 UP Opposite Opposite
UP DOWN Cond1 UP + Cond2 DOWN Opposite Opposite
UP Not Detected Cond1 UP + Cond2 Not Detected Cond1_UP Cond1_UP
UP Not Significant Cond1 UP + Cond2 Not Significant Cond1_UP Cond1_UP
UP Significant Negative Cond1 UP + Cond2 Significant Negative Opposite Cond1_UP
UP Significant Positive Cond1 UP + Cond2 Significant Positive Core_UP Cond1_UP
UP UP Cond1 UP + Cond2 UP Core_UP Core_UP
Not Detected DOWN Cond1 Not Detected + Cond2 DOWN Cond2_DOWN Cond2_DOWN
Not Detected Not Detected Cond1 Not Detected + Cond2 Not Detected None None
Not Detected Not Significant Cond1 Not Detected + Cond2 Not Significant None None
Not Detected Significant Negative Cond1 Not Detected + Cond2 Significant Negative None None
Not Detected Significant Positive Cond1 Not Detected + Cond2 Significant Positive None None
Not Detected UP Cond1 Not Detected + Cond2 UP Cond2_UP Cond2_UP
Significant Negative DOWN Cond1 Significant Negative + Cond2 DOWN Core_DOWN Cond2_DOWN
Significant Negative Not Detected Cond1 Significant Negative + Cond2 Not Detected None None
Significant Negative Not Significant Cond1 Significant Negative + Cond2 Not Significant None None
Significant Negative Significant Negative Cond1 Significant Negative + Cond2 Significant Negative None None
Significant Negative Significant Positive Cond1 Significant Negative + Cond2 Significant Positive None None
Significant Negative UP Cond1 Significant Negative + Cond2 UP Opposite Cond2_UP
Significant Positive DOWN Cond1 Significant Positive + Cond2 DOWN Opposite Cond2_DOWN
Significant Positive Not Detected Cond1 Significant Positive + Cond2 Not Detected None None
Significant Positive Not Significant Cond1 Significant Positive + Cond2 Not Significant None None
Significant Positive Significant Negative Cond1 Significant Positive + Cond2 Significant Negative None None
Significant Positive Significant Positive Cond1 Significant Positive + Cond2 Significant Positive None None
Significant Positive UP Cond1 Significant Positive + Cond2 UP Core_UP Cond2_UP
Not Significant DOWN Cond1 Not Significant + Cond2 DOWN Cond2_DOWN Cond2_DOWN
Not Significant Not Detected Cond1 Not Significant + Cond2 Not Detected None None
Not Significant Not Significant Cond1 Not Significant + Cond2 Not Significant None None
Not Significant Significant Negative Cond1 Not Significant + Cond2 Significant Negative None None
Not Significant Significant Positive Cond1 Not Significant + Cond2 Significant Positive None None
Not Significant UP Cond1 Not Significant + Cond2 UP Cond1_UP Cond1_UP

Now let’s use the data and do clustering:

MCAres <-  MetaProViz::MCA_2Cond(InputData_C1=DMA_Annova[["DMA"]][["786-O_vs_HK2"]],
                                 SettingsInfo_C1=c(ValueCol="Log2FC",StatCol="p.adj", StatCutoff= 0.05, ValueCutoff=1),
                                 SettingsInfo_C2=c(ValueCol="Log2FC",StatCol="p.adj", StatCutoff= 0.05, ValueCutoff=1),
                                 FeatureID = "Metabolite",
                                 SaveAs_Table = "csv",

# Check how our data looks like:
ClusterSummary <- MCAres[["MCA_2Cond_Summary"]]
Summary of MCA: 2 Conditions.
Regulation Grouping SiRCle cluster Name Number of Features
RG2_Significant Cond1_DOWN 3
RG2_Significant Cond2_UP 2
RG2_Significant Core_DOWN 33
RG2_Significant Core_UP 13
RG2_Significant None 128
RG3_SignificantChange Cond1_DOWN 7
RG3_SignificantChange Cond1_UP 2
RG3_SignificantChange Cond2_DOWN 3
RG3_SignificantChange Cond2_UP 4
RG3_SignificantChange Core_DOWN 26
RG3_SignificantChange Core_UP 9
RG3_SignificantChange None 128

ORA on each metabolite cluster

As explained in detail above, Over Representation Analysis (ORA) is a pathway enrichment analysis (PEA) method. As ORA is based on the Fishers exact test it is perfect to test if a set of features (=metabolic pathways) are over-represented in the selection of features (= clusters of metabolites) from the data in comparison to all measured features (all metabolites). In detail, MC_ORA() will perform ORA on each of the metabolite clusters using all metabolites as the background.
Pathway Input for MetaProViz::MC_ORA.
HMDB KEGG.ID KEGGCompound Pathway
N-acetylaspartate HMDB0000812 C01042 N-Acetyl-L-aspartate Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
argininosuccinate HMDB0000052 C03406 N-(L-Arginino)succinate Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
N-acetylaspartylglutamate HMDB0001067 C12270 N-Acetylaspartylglutamate Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism
tyrosine HMDB0000158 C00082 L-Tyrosine Amino acid metabolism
asparagine HMDB0000168 C00152 L-Asparagine Amino acid metabolism
glutamate HMDB0000148 C00025 L-Glutamate Amino acid metabolism

3. Run MetaProViz Visualisation

The big advantages of the MetaProViz visualization module is its flexible and easy usage, which we will showcase below and that the figures are saved in a publication ready style and format. For instance, the x- and y-axis size will always be adjusted for the amount of samples or features (=metabolites) plotted, or in the case of Volcano plot and PCA plot the axis size is fixed and not affected by figure legends or title. In this way, there is no need for many adjustments and the figures can just be dropped into the presentation or paper and are all in the same style.

All the VizPlotName() functions are constructed in the same way. Indeed, with the parameter Plot_SettingsInfo the user can pass a named vector with information about the metadata column that should be used to customize the plot by colour, shape or creating individual plots, which will all be showcased for the different plot types. Via the parameter Plot_SettingsFile the user can pass the metadata DF, which can be dependent on the plot type for the samples and/or the features (=metabolites). In case of both the parameter is named Plot_SettingsFile_Sample and Plot_SettingsFile_Metab.

In each of those Plot_Settings, the user can label color and/or shape based on additional information (e.g. Pathway information, Cluster information or other other demographics like gender). Moreover, we also enable to plot individual plots where applicable based on those MetaData (e.g. one plot for each metabolic pathway).
For this we need a metadata table including information about our samples that could be relevant to e.g. color code:

MetaData_Sample <- Intra_Preprocessed[,c(1:2)]%>%
   mutate(Celltype = case_when(Conditions=="HK2" ~ 'Healthy',
                               Conditions=="786-O" ~ 'Primary Tumour',
                               TRUE ~ 'Metastatic Tumour'))%>%
   mutate(Status = case_when(Conditions=="HK2" ~ 'Healthy',
                               TRUE ~ 'Cancer'))
Metadata table including additional information about our Samples.
Conditions Biological_Replicates Celltype Status
786-M1A_1 786-M1A 1 Metastatic Tumour Cancer
786-M1A_2 786-M1A 2 Metastatic Tumour Cancer
786-M1A_3 786-M1A 3 Metastatic Tumour Cancer
786-M2A_1 786-M2A 1 Metastatic Tumour Cancer
786-M2A_2 786-M2A 2 Metastatic Tumour Cancer
786-M2A_3 786-M2A 3 Metastatic Tumour Cancer
786-O_1 786-O 1 Primary Tumour Cancer
786-O_2 786-O 2 Primary Tumour Cancer
786-O_3 786-O 3 Primary Tumour Cancer
HK2_1 HK2 1 Healthy Healthy
HK2_2 HK2 2 Healthy Healthy
HK2_3 HK2 3 Healthy Healthy

Moreover, we can use MetaData for our features (=Metabolites), which we loaded with the MappingInfo and we can also add the information on which cluster a metabolite was assigned to in the MetaProViz::MCA() analysis above:

MetaData_Metab <-merge(MappingInfo%>%tibble::rownames_to_column("Metabolite"), MCAres[["MCA_2Cond_Results"]][,c(1, 14,15)], by="Metabolite", all.y=TRUE)%>%
Metadata table including additional information about the Metabolites.
HMDB KEGG.ID KEGGCompound Pathway RG2_Significant RG3_SignificantChange
2-ketoglutarate HMDB0000208 C00026 2-Oxoglutarate Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) Core_UP Core_UP
2/3-phosphoglycerate HMDB0060180 C00197 3-Phospho-D-glycerate Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis None None
4-hydroxyphenyllactate HMDB0000755 C03672 3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)lactate Not assigned None None
ATP HMDB0000538 C00002 ATP Purine metabolism None None
beta-alanine HMDB0000056 C00099 beta-Alanine Pyrimidine metabolism Core_DOWN Core_DOWN
beta-citrylglutamic acid HMDB0013220 NA NA Not assigned None None

Noteworthy, here we can also use the KEGG pathways we used for the pathway analysis.

PCA plots

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction method that reduces all the measured features (=metabolites) of one sample into a few features in the different principal components, whereby each principal component can explain a certain percentage of the variance between the different samples. Hence, this enables interpretation of sample clustering based on the measured features (=metabolites).
As mentioned above, PCA plots can be quite useful for quality control, but of course it offers us many more opportunities, which will be showcased here.

As input, we need a DF that contains the samples as rownames and the features (=metabolites) as column names:

Input_PCA <- Intra_Preprocessed[,-c(1:5)]#remove columns that include Metadata such as cell type,...
Input_data for MetaProViz::VizPCA(), with samples as rownames and metabolites as column names.
2/3-phosphoglycerate 2-aminoadipic acid 2-hydroxyglutarate 2-ketoglutarate 4-guanidinobutanoate 4-hydroxyphenyllactate 5-aminolevulinic acid
786-M1A_1 56869710 7515755 424350094 959154968 1919685 2200691 3774613
786-M1A_2 48343621 7794629 432815728 979152171 1885079 2038710 3938304
786-M1A_3 45802902 7241957 417484370 1003428045 2000096 2205282 4303746
786-M2A_1 45783712 6136730 438371418 844281227 2623110 2253523 4109374
786-M2A_2 44241237 6228218 432236949 885890420 1980782 2334933 4097771
786-M2A_3 42973150 6389024 463135059 884908893 1478488 2226276 4767468
786-O_1 36932026 8968347 389934195 887922452 2390741 2000374 3273419
786-O_2 30493039 9089987 463318717 1057350518 2329025 2113869 3645631
786-O_3 29305326 9025706 407917219 1012290078 1695489 2193180 4122241
HK2_1 30931592 5801816 188417805 326367919 4418820 3963104 4028435
HK2_2 32564867 7322390 228825446 366703618 4133883 3971958 4373207
HK2_3 29507162 7159140 251061831 459945537 4366242 4226693 5190412

Now lets check out the standard plot:

Figure: Standard Settings.

Figure: Standard Settings.

Next, we can interactively choose shape and color using the additional information of interest from our Metadata. Especially for complex data, such as patient data, it can be valuable to use different demographics (e.g. age, gender, medication,…) for this. First lets check if we have any batch effect by colour coding for the biological replicates, which would be the case if the replicates cluster together.

MetaProViz::VizPCA(SettingsInfo= c(color="Biological_Replicates"),
                   SettingsFile_Sample = MetaData_Sample ,
                   PlotName = "Batch Effect")
Figure: Do we have a batch effect?

Figure: Do we have a batch effect?

Next, we can colour code for condition and use the biological replicates in the shape parameter:

MetaProViz::VizPCA(SettingsInfo= c(color="Conditions", shape="Biological_Replicates"),
                   SettingsFile_Sample= MetaData_Sample,
                   PlotName = "Sample Conditions")
Figure: Do the samples cluster for the conditions?

Figure: Do the samples cluster for the conditions?

The different cell lines we have are either control or cancerous, so we can display this too. Here is becomes apparent that the cell status is responsible for 64% of the variance (x-axis).

MetaProViz::VizPCA(SettingsInfo= c(color="Status"),
                   SettingsFile_Sample= MetaData_Sample,
                   PlotName = "Sample Status")
Figure: Do the samples cluster for the Cell status?

Figure: Do the samples cluster for the Cell status?

We can separate the cancerous cell lines further into metastatic or primary. This shows us that this is separated on the y-axis and accounts for 30%of the variance.

MetaProViz::VizPCA(SettingsInfo= c(color="Celltype", shape="Status"),
                   SettingsFile_Sample= MetaData_Sample,
                   PlotName = "Cell type")
Figure: Do the samples cluster for the Cell type?

Figure: Do the samples cluster for the Cell type?

Lastly, its worth mentioning that one can also change many style parameters to customize the plot.


Clustered heatmaps can be useful to understand the patterns in the data, which will be showcased on different examples.
As input, we need a DF that contains the samples as rownames and the features (=metabolites) as column names:

Input_Heatmap <-  Intra_Preprocessed[,-c(1:4)]#remove columns that include Metadata such as cell type,...
Input for MetaProViz::VizHeatmap(), with samples as rownames and metabolites as column names.
hippuric acid-d5 2/3-phosphoglycerate 2-aminoadipic acid 2-hydroxyglutarate 2-ketoglutarate 4-guanidinobutanoate 4-hydroxyphenyllactate
786-M1A_1 4624712907 56869710 7515755 424350094 959154968 1919685 2200691
786-M1A_2 4340353963 48343621 7794629 432815728 979152171 1885079 2038710
786-M1A_3 4214210391 45802902 7241957 417484370 1003428045 2000096 2205282
786-M2A_1 4796131050 45783712 6136730 438371418 844281227 2623110 2253523
786-M2A_2 3846160365 44241237 6228218 432236949 885890420 1980782 2334933
786-M2A_3 4164512249 42973150 6389024 463135059 884908893 1478488 2226276
786-O_1 3896527350 36932026 8968347 389934195 887922452 2390741 2000374
786-O_2 4496764782 30493039 9089987 463318717 1057350518 2329025 2113869
786-O_3 4137100133 29305326 9025706 407917219 1012290078 1695489 2193180
HK2_1 3171399130 30931592 5801816 188417805 326367919 4418820 3963104
HK2_2 3180479423 32564867 7322390 228825446 366703618 4133883 3971958
HK2_3 3365930405 29507162 7159140 251061831 459945537 4366242 4226693

Now we can generate an overview heatmap. Since we plot all metabolites the metabolite names are not plotted since this would get too crowded (You can enforce this by changing the parameter enforce_FeatureNames = TRUE).

MetaProViz::VizHeatmap(InputData = Input_Heatmap,
                       PlotName = "Overview")
Overview heatmap.

Overview heatmap.

Here we can add as many sample metadata information as needed at the same time:

MetaProViz::VizHeatmap(InputData = Input_Heatmap,
                       SettingsFile_Sample = MetaData_Sample,
                       SettingsInfo = c(color_Sample = list("Conditions","Biological_Replicates", "Celltype", "Status")),
                       PlotName = "Colour Samples")
Colour for sample metadata.

Colour for sample metadata.

Moreover, we can also add metabolite metadata information:

# row annotation: Color for Metabolites
MetaProViz::VizHeatmap(InputData = Input_Heatmap,
                       SettingsFile_Sample = MetaData_Sample,
                       SettingsInfo = c(color_Metab = list("Pathway")),
                       SettingsFile_Metab =  MappingInfo,
                       PlotName = "Colour Metabolites")
Colour for metabolite metadata.

Colour for metabolite metadata.

Lastly, by generate individual plot for e.g. each pathway or the metabolite clusters by adding individual (individual_Sample or individual_Metab) to Plot_SettingsInfo. At the same time we can still maintain the metadata information for both, the samples and the metabolites. Together this can help us to draw biological conclusions about the different pathways: Indeed, we can observe for the D-Amino acid metabolism many metabolites fall into the MCA-Cluster Core_DOWN, meaning in comparison to HK2 cells we have a negative Log2FC for 786-O and 786-M1A.

# individual: One individual plot for each pathway, col annotation: Colour for samples
MetaProViz::VizHeatmap(InputData = Input_Heatmap,
                       SettingsFile_Sample = MetaData_Sample,
                       SettingsInfo = c(individual_Metab = "Pathway",
                                        color_Sample = list("Conditions","Biological_Replicates"),
                                        color_Metab = list("RG2_Significant")),
                       SettingsFile_Metab =  MetaData_Metab,
                       PlotName = "Pathway")


Sometimes one might be interested to create individual plots for each metabolite to understand the differences between specific conditions. For this common plot types are bargraphs, boxplots or violin plots. As input, we need a DF that contains the samples as rownames and the features (=metabolites) as column names:

Input_Superplot <-  Intra_Preprocessed[,-c(1:4)]#remove columns that include Metadata such as cell type,...
Input for MetaProViz::VizSuperplot(), with samples as rownames and metabolites as column names.
hippuric acid-d5 2/3-phosphoglycerate 2-aminoadipic acid 2-hydroxyglutarate 2-ketoglutarate 4-guanidinobutanoate 4-hydroxyphenyllactate
786-M1A_1 4624712907 56869710 7515755 424350094 959154968 1919685 2200691
786-M1A_2 4340353963 48343621 7794629 432815728 979152171 1885079 2038710
786-M1A_3 4214210391 45802902 7241957 417484370 1003428045 2000096 2205282
786-M2A_1 4796131050 45783712 6136730 438371418 844281227 2623110 2253523
786-M2A_2 3846160365 44241237 6228218 432236949 885890420 1980782 2334933
786-M2A_3 4164512249 42973150 6389024 463135059 884908893 1478488 2226276
786-O_1 3896527350 36932026 8968347 389934195 887922452 2390741 2000374
786-O_2 4496764782 30493039 9089987 463318717 1057350518 2329025 2113869
786-O_3 4137100133 29305326 9025706 407917219 1012290078 1695489 2193180
HK2_1 3171399130 30931592 5801816 188417805 326367919 4418820 3963104
HK2_2 3180479423 32564867 7322390 228825446 366703618 4133883 3971958
HK2_3 3365930405 29507162 7159140 251061831 459945537 4366242 4226693

We also need the Metadata as we will need to know which conditions to plot for together. If you have further information such as replicates or patient ID, we can use this for the colour of the plotted samples per condition as in the superplots style as described in by Lord et al (Lord et al. 2020).

MetaProViz:::VizSuperplot(InputData =Input_Superplot[,c(1:6)],#We just plot six metabolites
                                           SettingsFile_Sample =MetaData_Sample,
                                           SettingsInfo = c(Conditions="Conditions", Superplot = "Biological_Replicates"),
                                           PlotType = "Bar", #Bar, Box, Violin
                                           PlotConditions = c("HK2", "786-O", "786-M1A", "786-M2A"),#sets the order in which the samples should be plotted
                                           StatComparisons = list(c(1,2),c(1,4)))#Stat comparisons to be included on the plot

Now, if we for instance prefer boxplots over bargraphs we can simply change the parameter PlotType:

MetaProViz:::VizSuperplot(InputData =Input_Superplot[,c(1:6)],#We just plot six metabolites
                                           SettingsFile_Sample =MetaData_Sample,
                                           SettingsInfo = c(Conditions="Conditions", Superplot = "Biological_Replicates"),
                                           PlotType = "Box", #Bar, Box, Violin
                                           PlotConditions = c("HK2", "786-O", "786-M1A", "786-M2A"),#sets the order in which the samples should be plotted
                                           StatComparisons = list(c(1,2),c(1,4)))#Stat comparisons to be included on the plot

We can also change it to violin plots:

MetaProViz:::VizSuperplot(InputData =Input_Superplot[,c(1:6)],#We just plot six metabolites
                                           SettingsFile_Sample =MetaData_Sample,
                                           SettingsInfo = c(Conditions="Conditions", Superplot = "Biological_Replicates"),
                                           PlotType = "Violin", #Bar, Box, Violin
                                           PlotConditions = c("HK2", "786-O", "786-M1A", "786-M2A"),#sets the order in which the samples should be plotted
                                           StatComparisons = list(c(1,2),c(1,4)))#Stat comparisons to be included on the plot

Volcano plot

In general,we have three different Plot_Settings, which will also be used for other plot types such as lollipop graphs.
1. "Standard" is the standard version of the plot, with one dataset being plotted.
2. "Conditions" here two or more datasets will be plotted together. How datasets can be plotted together depends on the plot type.
3. "PEA" stands for Pathway Enrichment Analysis, and is used if the results of an GSE analysis should be plotted as here the figure legends will be adapted.

Here we will look at all the different options we have to display our results from the different analysis (DMA, PEA), which will help us to interpret our results as this can be sometimes difficult to do from the many data tables.
Just a quick reminder, how the input data look like:
1. Results of Differential Metabolite Analysis (DMA): Log2FC and stats:
Input_data for MetaProViz::VizVolcano() are for example differential analysis results from MetaProViz::DMA().
Metabolite Log2FC p.adj t.val 786-M1A_1 786-M1A_2 786-M1A_3 HK2_1 HK2_2 HK2_3 HMDB KEGG.ID KEGGCompound Pathway
2-aminoadipic acid 0.1529816 0.2378483 -756331.9 7515755 7794629 7241957 5801816 7322390 7159140 HMDB0302754 NA NA Not assigned
2-hydroxyglutarate 0.9315226 0.0000645 -202115036.9 424350094 432815728 417484370 188417805 228825446 251061831 HMDB0059655 C02630 2-Hydroxyglutarate Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)
2-ketoglutarate 1.3512535 0.0000070 -596239369.8 959154968 979152171 1003428045 326367919 366703618 459945537 HMDB0000208 C00026 2-Oxoglutarate Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)
2/3-phosphoglycerate 0.6993448 0.0009461 -19337537.4 56869710 48343621 45802902 30931592 32564867 29507162 HMDB0060180 C00197 3-Phospho-D-glycerate Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
4-guanidinobutanoate -1.1541552 0.0001710 2371361.7 1919685 1885079 2000096 4418820 4133883 4366242 HMDB0003464 C01035 4-Guanidinobutanoate Arginine and proline metabolism
4-hydroxyphenyllactate -0.9161702 0.0000001 1905691.0 2200691 2038710 2205282 3963104 3971958 4226693 HMDB0000755 C03672 3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)lactate Not assigned
5-aminolevulinic acid -0.1777271 0.4915165 525130.3 3774613 3938304 4303746 4028435 4373207 5190412 HMDB0001149 C00430 5-Aminolevulinate Not assigned

2. Results from Pathway Enrichment Analysis (PEA): Score (e.g. NES score) and stats
Input_data for MetaProViz::VizVolcano() are for example pathway enrichment results from MetaProViz::DM_ORA().
GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue Count Metabolites_in_Pathway Percentage_of_Pathway_detected
12/25 32/129 0.0043514 0.2210152 0.2035666 12 130 9.23
8/25 18/129 0.0078934 0.2210152 0.2035666 8 69 11.59
4/25 6/129 0.0129138 0.2410577 0.2220268 4 47 8.51
6/25 14/129 0.0295646 0.3613164 0.3327915 6 27 22.22

Here we will first look into the results from the differential analysis (see section DMA above) for the comparison of 786-M1A_vs_HK2:

# Run with default parameter --> only need to provide Input_data and the title we like
Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results.

Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results.

If you seek to plot the metabolite names you can change the paramter SelectLab from its default (SelectLab="") to NULL and the metabolite names will be plotted randomly.

# Run with default parameter --> only need to provide Input_data and the title we like
                       SelectLab = NULL)
Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results.

Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results.

With the parameter SelectLab you can also pass a vector with Metabolite names that should be labeled:

# Run with default parameter --> only need to provide Input_data and the title we like
                       SelectLab = c("N-acetylaspartylglutamate", "cystathionine", "orotidine"))
Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results.

Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results.

Next we may be interested to understand which metabolite clusters based on our MCA the metabolites of the plot correspond to. In order to do this we can provide a Plot_SettingsFile with this additional information and use this information to color code and/or to shape the dots on the volcano plot. In order to choose the right column we need to provide a vector Plot_SettingsInfo with this information.

#Now we need to add our Plot_SettingsFile and the Plot_SettingsInfo:
                       SettingsInfo= c(color="RG2_Significant"),
                       SettingsFile_Metab= MetaData_Metab,
                       PlotName= "786M1A versus HK2",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA. Colour coded for metabolic clusters" )
Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results colour coded/shaped for metabolic clusters from MCA results.

Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results colour coded/shaped for metabolic clusters from MCA results.

#If we want to use the shape instead of the colour for the cluster info, we can just change our Plot_SettingsInfo
                       SettingsInfo= c(shape="RG2_Significant"),
                       SettingsFile= MetaData_Metab,
                       PlotName= "786M1A versus HK2",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA. Shape for metabolic clusters, color for significance." )
Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results colour coded/shaped for metabolic clusters from MCA results.

Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results colour coded/shaped for metabolic clusters from MCA results.

#Of course, we can also adapt both, color and shape for the same parameter:
                       SettingsInfo= c(shape="RG2_Significant", color="RG2_Significant"),
                       SettingsFile= MetaData_Metab,
                       PlotName= "786M1A versus HK2",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA. Shape and color for metabolic clusters." )
Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results colour coded/shaped for metabolic clusters from MCA results.

Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results colour coded/shaped for metabolic clusters from MCA results.

Given that we also know, which metabolic pathway the metabolites correspond to, we can add this information into the plot. This is also a good example to showcase the flexibility of the visualisation function: Either you use the parameter Plot_SettingsFile= MetaData_Metab as above, but as we have the column “Pathway” also in our Input_data you can also pass Plot_SettingsFile= DMA_786-M1A_vs_HK2 or simply use the default Plot_SettingsFile=NULL, in which case the Plot_SettingsInfo information (here color) will be used from Input_data.

#Now we can use color for the pathways and shape for the metabolite clusters:
                       SettingsInfo= c(color="Pathway"),
                       SettingsFile_Metab= MappingInfo,
                       PlotName= "786M1A versus HK2 Results of DMA. Colour for metabolic pathways.",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA. Colour for metabolic pathways." )
Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results colour coded for metabolic pathways and shaped for metabolic clusters from MCA results.

Figure: Standard figure displaying DMA results colour coded for metabolic pathways and shaped for metabolic clusters from MCA results.

We immediately see that there are many pathways displayed on the plot, which can make it difficult to interpret. Hence, we will change our plot settings in order to get individual plots for each of the pathways:

#Now we can generate a plot for each pathway and color for the metabolite clusters:
                       SettingsInfo= c(color="RG2_Significant", individual="Pathway"),
                       SettingsFile_Metab= MetaData_Metab,
                       PlotName= "786M1A versus HK2",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA. Colour for metabolic pathways." )

                       InputData2= DMA_Annova[["DMA"]][["786-O_vs_HK2"]]%>%tibble::column_to_rownames("Metabolite"),
                       ComparisonName= c(InputData="786M1A_vs_HK", InputData2= "786-O_vs_HK2"),
                       PlotName= "786M1A vs HK2 compared to 7860 vs HK2",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA" )
Figure: Comparison.

Figure: Comparison.

Now we do individual plots again:

                       SettingsInfo= c(individual="Pathway"),
                       SettingsFile_Metab= MappingInfo,
                       InputData2= DMA_Annova[["DMA"]][["786-O_vs_HK2"]]%>%tibble::column_to_rownames("Metabolite"),
                       PlotName= "786M1A vs HK2 compared to 7860 vs HK2",
                       Subtitle= "Results of DMA" )


If you have performed Pathway Enrichment Analysis (PEA) such as ORA or GSEA, we can also plot the results and add the information into the Figure legends.
For this we need to prepare the correct input data including the pathways used to run the pathway analysis, the differential metabolite data used as input for the pathway analysis and the results of the pathway analysis:

#Prepare the Input:
#1. InputData=Pathway analysis input: Must have features as column names. Those feature names need to match features in the pathway analysis file SettingsFile_Metab.
InputPEA <- DMA_786M1A_vs_HK2 %>%
  filter(! %>%

#2. InputData2=Pathway analysis output: Must have same column names as SettingsFile_Metab for Pathway name
InputPEA2 <- DM_ORA_786M1A_vs_HK2 %>%

#3. SettingsFile_Metab= Pathways used for pathway analysis: Must have same column names as SettingsFile_Metab for Pathway name and feature names need to match features in the InputData. PEA_Feature passes this column name!

Now we can produce the plots:

                       SettingsInfo= c(PEA_Pathway="term",# Needs to be the same in both, SettingsFile_Metab and InputData2.
                                       PEA_stat="p.adjust",#Column InputData2
                                       PEA_score="GeneRatio",#Column InputData2
                                       PEA_Feature="Metabolite"),# Column SettingsFile_Metab (needs to be the same as row names in InputData)
                       SettingsFile_Metab= KEGG_Pathways,#Must be the pathways used for pathway analysis
                       InputData= InputPEA, #Must be the data you have used as an input for the pathway analysis
                       InputData2= InputPEA2, #Must be the results of the pathway analysis
                       PlotName= "KEGG",
                       Subtitle= "PEA" ,
                       SelectLab = NULL)

Session information

#> R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
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#> Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
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